Fiche cheval mayhem

R6C7plathandicap 7724sha tin (hong kong)1650M136527stonecutters island handicap14 partantsdépart à 14:15
112forever folksH67p0p0p3pthompson b./101:39
22galvanicH56p1p5p0pApwong e.c.w./11 l
39triumphant warriorH46p3p8p5ppurton z./1encolure
43viva hunterH70p0p3p0ppoon m.f./11 l 1/4
511starship eightyH54p0p3p1p7pavdulla b./11/2 l
66panda legendH69p1p6p(23)6pde melo k./11/2 l
77cordyceps oneH72p1p6p1pchung y.l./1encolure
88fast victoryH55p5p8p(23)0pbowman h./1cte tete
913sun of makfiH81p(23)0p3p5pbadel a./1cte tete
1010mayhemH59p2p4p(23)4pyeung m.l./11 l 1/4
115mission bravoH77p2p(23)0p1pferraris l./13/4 l
121hakka radianceH40p0p0p0phewitson l./11 l
1314the concentrationH40p9p8p(23)9pmo h.t./18 l 1/2
144i keep winningH50p0p0p0pchan k.h./130 l

R2C7plathandicap 8827happy valley1650M198373ma wan handicap12 partantsdépart à 13:45
13show respectH46p6p9p(23)5pbentley h./101:40
212keen unityH59p9p(23)9p2pyeung m.l./11 l 1/2
35joy of springH53p0p5p(23)7pavdulla b./11/2 l
49brave witnessH50p2p6p0p7pde melo k./11/2 l
56mr aladdinH56p0p2p(23)5pteetan k./1cte tete
68atomic beautyH53p3p3p3pchung y.l./1tete
74sturdy rubyH52p2p5p(23)3ppurton z./13/4 l
810gold tackH66p0p4p(23)3pbadel a./11 l
97mayhemH52p4p(23)4p8patzeni a./11 l 3/4
1011the concentrationH49p8p(23)9p8ppoon m.f./14 l 1/2
112not a fewH46p0p0p(23)0pferraris l./12 l 1/2
121i keep winningH50p0p0p(23)0pchau c.l./19 l

R2C6plathandicap 11327sha tin (hong kong)1200M136527kestrel handicap - section 112 partantsdépart à 13:45
112strive for gloryH7(23)6p7p1p4pde melo k./101:08
28speedy smartieH5(23)2p5p0p8phewitson l./11 l
35solid shalaaH57p(23)4p5p0pteetan k./11 l 3/4
47mayhemH5(23)4p8p6p9patzeni a./11/2 l
511valiant eleganceH87p0p(23)4p8phamelin a./1tete
61jolly companionH5(23)6p9p6pwong e.c.w./11 l 1/4
79joyful lifeH59p(23)7p5pleung k.c./1cte tete
810nishikadoH56p(23)6p4p9pyeung m.l./1cte tete
94judy's greatH4(23)5p1p9pho c.y./13/4 l
103top top teaH60p(23)4p9p5pbowman h./11/2 l
112magic supremeH99p(23)2p0p1pchadwick m./15 l 1/2
126diamond flareH62p(23)1p5p1pferraris l./12 l 1/2

R2C4plathandicap 15492happy valley1200M136832the chinese general chamber of commerce cup (handicap) section 212 partantsdépart à 12:10
12zoom boomH59p(22)5p2p8pchung y.l.14/101:10
23sight heroH63p6p5p0p2pteetan k.13/1nez
312speedstarH55p4p4p5p0pde melo k.3.2/11/2 l
41act of faithH52p5p8p7p8pavdulla b.5.25/1tete
55hero starH84p9p6p0p0ppoon m.f.10/13/4 l
69super eagleH59p3p2p2p9pferraris l.14/1cte tete
710wind speederH65p9p2p5p8phewitson l.7.25/1tete
86mayhemH46p9p6p9p9pchadwick m.8.8/11 l 1/4
98harmony n homeH77p4p9p5p2ppurton z.11/11/2 l
107happy feelingH4Inéditleung k.c.42/12 l
114super bonusH30p6p3p1p5phamelin a.57/1encolure
1211herculesH88p0p9p8p3pbadel a.52/11 l 3/4

R6C6plathandicap 17472happy valley1200M136832melbourne cup tour handicap - section 112 partantsdépart à 13:15
13lucky gorH56p8p9p4pbowman h./101:09
27awesome treasureH64p7p4p5p2phewitson l./1cte tete
310super eagleH52p2p9p7p0pferraris l./12 l
49oversubscribedH85p2p7p6p3pbadel a./11 l 1/2
51act of faithH58p7p8p2p3pavdulla b./11/2 l
66mayhemH49p6p9p9p0ppurton z./1tete
72telecom speedH60p9p0p1p4pteetan k./1cte tete
85happy fat catH50p0p0p1p7pchung y.l./11 l
94mega bonusH61p4p8p2p6patzeni a./13 l 1/2
108sea sapphireH4Inéditleung k.c./12 l
1112vanquisherH48p4p0p0p9pde melo k./12 l 1/2
1211bayview starH40p0p0ppoon m.f./1cte tete

R5C7plathandicap 24478happy valley1200M208898the st george's challenge cup (handicap) - sec 112 partantsdépart à 13:45
17hossH52p1p1p3ppurton z./101:09
29party warriorH65p4p0p6pho c.y./1encolure
34wings of warH48p9p0pbentley h./11 l 1/4
412victory scholarsH61p3p2p2p5pchan k.h./1encolure
510compassion spiritH78p4p4p9p9pleung k.c./13/4 l
611namjong singsH89p0p6p8p9ppoon m.f./11 l
71beauty tycoonH54p4p6p3p5pteetan k./1cte tete
86humble starH50p4p0p8p5pbadel a./11/2 l
98mayhemH40pchadwick m./1encolure
103you'remyeverythingH60p7p3p(22)8pchung y.l./13 l
112o'linerH50pchau c.l./1encolure
125jolly rulerH54p1p(22)9p0pde sousa s./14 l

R2C6plathandicap 25713sha tin (hong kong)1000M208898the hong kong lions cup (handicap)13 partantsdépart à 07:05
12we are heroH61p1p4p(22)1pbowman h./100:57
26california deeplyH45p3p2p(22)1pho c.y./11 l 3/4
38metro warriorH73p5p4p5p7phewitson l./11 l
45special mH57p9p1p4p6pbadel a./1tete
513northern beachesH4Inéditteetan k./11/2 l
69equaletta blitzH70p4p0p0pmaia r./1encolure
74run run coolH66p1p3p7p8pleung k.c./11 l 1/2
83atomic forceH41p(22)9p0p8pbentley h./1cte tete
97star briteH63p0p6p7pde sousa s./11/2 l
1012mayhemH4Inéditchadwick m./11/2 l
111sunny boyH9(22)0p0p0p1pchau c.l./11/2 l
1210happy sharingH60p(22)0p0p4pborges v./13 l
1311gallant crownH70p0p0p0p0pmo h.t./11 l

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