Fiche cheval nishikado

R2C6plathandicap 11327sha tin (hong kong)1200M136527kestrel handicap - section 112 partantsdépart à 13:45
112strive for gloryH7(23)6p7p1p4pde melo k./101:08
28speedy smartieH5(23)2p5p0p8phewitson l./11 l
35solid shalaaH57p(23)4p5p0pteetan k./11 l 3/4
47mayhemH5(23)4p8p6p9patzeni a./11/2 l
511valiant eleganceH87p0p(23)4p8phamelin a./1tete
61jolly companionH5(23)6p9p6pwong e.c.w./11 l 1/4
79joyful lifeH59p(23)7p5pleung k.c./1cte tete
810nishikadoH56p(23)6p4p9pyeung m.l./1cte tete
94judy's greatH4(23)5p1p9pho c.y./13/4 l
103top top teaH60p(23)4p9p5pbowman h./11/2 l
112magic supremeH99p(23)2p0p1pchadwick m./15 l 1/2
126diamond flareH62p(23)1p5p1pferraris l./12 l 1/2

R2C2plathandicap 15101happy valley1200M136832chung hom kok handicap - section 212 partantsdépart à 11:10
15happy trioH52p8p4p7p3pferraris l.8.25/101:09
23exuberantH61p2p7p4p6pchau c.l.9.25/1encolure
311regent gloryH62p0p0p5p0pteetan k.4.95/1cte tete
49kasi farasiH98p4p3p5p2pavdulla b.13/11/2 l
52victory scholarsH60p7p8p5p7pchan k.h.3.15/11 l 1/4
67podiumH50p6p0p0p0pbadel a.10/11/2 l
710so awesomeH79p9p7p1p7pchadwick m.10/1tete
81shining fortuneH57p4p0p4p4ppurton z.13/1nez
94nishikadoH48p8p8p9p0pleung k.c.31/15 l
108speedy smartieH48p9p0p0p0phewitson l.21/11/2 l
1112master of allH47p0p7p0p7pyeung m.l.28/13 l 1/2
126flying on the turfH80p8p0p0p0phamelin a.59/14 l

R6C2plathandicap 16331happy valley1000M136832swifty handicap12 partantsdépart à 11:15
112diamond soarsH51p8p0p6p0ppoon m.f./100:57
25happy unitedH49p1p9p7p8pbowman h./11/2 l
32amazing aceH40p8p0pchung y.l./1nez
41a americ te specsoH58p5p6p5p1patzeni a./11 l
511telecom spiritH57p9p7p5p0phewitson l./13/4 l
64savvy delightH53p0p2p3p8pavdulla b./13/4 l
73gorgeous vitalityH54p8p8p8p7ppurton z./11/2 l
86nishikadoH48p8p9p0p0pleung k.c./1encolure
910diamond flareH50p8p5p8p0phamelin a./1encolure
108boombayahH39pchau c.l./1encolure
119ace talentH50p7p4p2p1pcurrie l./13/4 l
127golden championH4Inéditferraris l./11 l 3/4

R2C8plathandicap 23510sha tin (hong kong)1200M208898badminton 1200m handicap12 partantsdépart à 08:35
Non-partants : 2
111kimberleyM40phewitson l.194/14 l 1/2
2o'linerH50p0pchau c.l.107/1
111lucky encounterH41p2pteetan k.2.25/101:09
25reward smileH31pcurrie l.3.95/13/4 l
39northern beachesH49p5pchadwick m.86/13/4 l
410silver sonicH54p0pbentley h.28/1encolure
54shining gemH86p6p0p0p6pwong e.c.w.23/13/4 l
612compassion spiritH75p8p4p4p9pyeung m.l.40/1cte tete
73show respectH38p8p8p0pavdulla b.42/1encolure
88ready to winH72p0p7p0p6pho c.y.10/13/4 l
96prince of portyH52p1p1ppurton z.3.65/1cte tete
107nishikadoH40pleung k.c.187/12 l

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