Fiche cheval archimedes

R5C7plathandicap 51953newcastle1400M7238handicap (class 6) (div i)12 partantsdépart à 19:00
18zenzeroH36p1p5p0p3pluke morris/101:25
26eyesF32p6p3p2p3plewis edmunds/11/2 l
35hostelryF40p4p6p3p3pjoanna mason/11 l 1/4
42lincoln gambleH45p0p5p2p4pbilly garritty/11 l 1/2
53mighty fineF37p0p9p0p9pkevin stott/11/2 l
67favourite nieceF36p8p6p2p4prowan scott/13/4 l
74tom's reign beauH30p9p3p5p3pduran fentiman/11 l 1/4
812rose of lancashireF37p5p0p9p6pfaye mcmanoman/11 l
910perfect soldierH73p7p8p7p6pandrew mullen/17 l 1/2
109beechwood emilyF35p7p4p0p4pandrew breslin/15 l
1111archimedesH80p0p0p8p0pmollie phillips/11 l 1/4
1visions of gloryH31p6p5p8p4pcallum shepherd/1

R5C6plathandicap 53510newcastle1600M7210cazoo handicap (class 6)13 partantsdépart à 18:30
112plastic paddyH33p6p0p4p6plewis edmunds/101:39
22musahabaH41p2p0p3p2pdavid nolan/11 l 1/2
310abnaaH43p6p5p6p7pcam hardie/13/4 l
46lexington warfareH41p0p8p4p2pjack garritty/13/4 l
53fennaanH64p5p0p9p0prowan scott/1encolure
69visions of gloryH35p8p4pcallum shepherd/11/2 l
78willing to pleaseF41p3p0p7p7pben curtis/11 l
84travellerH79p5p6p8p9pangus villiers/1encolure
91wild hopeH57p9p0p7p4ptom eaves/11 l 1/2
105motarajelH40p1p6p3p8pduran fentiman/11 l 3/4
1111donizettiH36p0p4p1p0psam james/11 l 3/4
127ralphy boy twoH45p9p4p8p2pp. j. mcdonald/16 l
1313archimedesH80p0p8p0p7plaura pearson/114 l

R5C3plathandicap 53866wolverhampton1200M7210handicap (class 6)13 partantsdépart à 17:30
111another dawnF34p4p(20)3pben curtis3.2/101:13
25another angelH77p7p7p5p2pcam hardie36/11 l
310champagne supanovaH47p5p1p3pangus villiers21/11/2 l
46portelet bayH36p1p1p6p3psean levey9.6/13/4 l
52freedom flyerH47p6p5p8p9ptom eaves9.1/1tete
67storm melodyH81p2p2p5p4probert havlin8.3/1encolure
73jackstarH59p8p6p4p6pstefano cherchi9.1/1encolure
84iconic knightH61p3p8p7p9pray dawson6.9/1nez
99tomshalfbrotherH59p2p5p(20)1pgrace mcentee17/13/4 l
101good earthH46p8p4p5p4psaffie osborne9.7/11 l 1/2
118zamjarH73p4p0p5p4pbarry mchugh11/11 l 1/2
1212axel jacklinH50p0p0p0p2pjoey haynes58/11/2 l
1313archimedesH80p8p0p7p5pluke morris82/18 l 1/2

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