Fiche cheval musahaba

R5C6plathandicap 51952newcastle1600M8405awc handicap (class 5)11 partantsdépart à 18:30
17award dancerH36p7p6p5pkevin stott/101:40
21end zoneH48p7p7p4p0pcallum rodriguez/1encolure
310mc'tedH34p6p6p6probert tart/13/4 l
42glengarryH89p8p4p1p6pandrew mullen/11 l 1/2
55elixsoftF61p6p0p8p4pgemma tutty/1cte tete
63musahabaH43p2p1p2p0pdavid nolan/1encolure
78havana partyH39p6p4p4p1pharrison shaw/11/2 l
89bronze riverH41p2p0p5p6pcieren fallon/1encolure
94xcelenteH40p6p4p3p0pduran fentiman/11 l
106harry georgeH77p8p9p7pben robinson/16 l 1/2
1111duchess roseF38p7p6p6pbilly garritty/114 l

R5C6plathandicap 53510newcastle1600M7210cazoo handicap (class 6)13 partantsdépart à 18:30
112plastic paddyH33p6p0p4p6plewis edmunds/101:39
22musahabaH41p2p0p3p2pdavid nolan/11 l 1/2
310abnaaH43p6p5p6p7pcam hardie/13/4 l
46lexington warfareH41p0p8p4p2pjack garritty/13/4 l
53fennaanH64p5p0p9p0prowan scott/1encolure
69visions of gloryH35p8p4pcallum shepherd/11/2 l
78willing to pleaseF41p3p0p7p7pben curtis/11 l
84travellerH79p5p6p8p9pangus villiers/1encolure
91wild hopeH57p9p0p7p4ptom eaves/11 l 1/2
105motarajelH40p1p6p3p8pduran fentiman/11 l 3/4
1111donizettiH36p0p4p1p0psam james/11 l 3/4
127ralphy boy twoH45p9p4p8p2pp. j. mcdonald/16 l
1313archimedesH80p0p8p0p7plaura pearson/114 l

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