Fiche cheval strongconstitution

R4C6platgroupe i 44485meydan (e.a.u)1200M1706360dubai golden shaheen sponsored by atlantis dubai14 partantsdépart à 14:45
Non-partants : 8
112switzerlandH86p1p(21)7p4ptadhg o shea27/101:11
210red le zeleM66p(21)1p3p2pyuga kawada7/11 l 3/4
32dr. schivelM4(21)7p2p1p1pflavien prat3.2/11/2 l
414chain of loveF53p3p(21)1p0pryusei sakai18/1tete
54eastern worldH51p8p4p9pray dawson27/12 l
611strongconstitutionH55p2p(21)4p2pchristophe lemaire28/1encolure
73drain the clockM42p(21)1p4p2pirad ortiz jr4.9/11 l 1/4
85everfastH63p3p(21)1ppatrick dobbs22/1encolure
97manjeerH62p4p5p(21)5peddy hardouin10/11 l 1/4
1013wondrwherecraigisH51p(21)1p2p1pluis saez11/13 l
111al tariqH64p3p1p(21)1psam hitchcott22/12 l 1/2
129mobaadelH41p1p1p(21)6pneil callan22/18 l
136good effortM72p3p3p(21)1pjim crowley21/15 l 1/2
8meraasH51p(21)1p8p0pantonio fresu7.1/1

R6C3platgroupe iii 45616meydan (e.a.u)1600M213295burj nahaar sponsored by emirates skycargo15 partantsdépart à 12:10
Non-partants : 1 - 3 - 5 - 14
1algiersM51p2p(21)5p3pjames doyle/1
72alkaamelH60p0p1p(21)9pjim crowley/11 l 1/4
3celtic princeH71p2p2p(21)6pfernando jara/1
14desert wisdomH49p2p2p(21)1padrie de vries/101:37
5duca di comoH76p(21)2p1p1pelione chaves/1
210mubakkerH61p(21)1p3pdane o neill/11 l 1/2
313tuzH53p(21)1p0p3pantonio fresu/13/4 l
48imperial empireH51p5p6p(21)1ptadhg o shea/1tete
512strongconstitutionH52p(21)4p2p3pwilliam buick/11 l 1/4
611royal mewsH51p5p(21)3p3planfranco dettori/12 l 1/2
87golden goalH81p(21)4p2p4ppatrick dobbs/1tete
99mouheebM44p3p(21)5p1prichard mullen/16 l
116erzindjanH40p3p7p(21)0pray dawson/15 l 1/2
14down on da bayouF53p6p1p4pmickael barzalona/1
1015soft whisperF45p0p(21)9p1ppatrick cosgrave/15 l

R7C4platgroupe iii 47043meydan (e.a.u)1600M127977firebreak stakes presented by longines conquest8 partantsdépart à 15:45
12hypotheticalM50p(21)4p2p1pmickael barzalona/101:36
26strongconstitutionH5(21)4p2p3p7pwilliam buick/13 l
37tuzH5(21)1p0p3p4ptadhg o'shea/11/2 l
45prince eijiH6(21)2p0p2pandrea atzeni/15 l
53island ruleH52p(21)2p5p1pray dawson/15 l 1/2
64kimbearM88p(21)3p4p5ppatrick cosgrave/13 l 1/2
71dessmanH6(21)8p5p(20)antonio fresu/17 l
8wrecking crewH59p(21)5p6p6ppatrick dobbs/1

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