Fiche cheval patrocity

R7C5plathandicap 23908albany australie1100M13859hygain strike rate trainer of the year handicap (1100 metres)10 partantsdépart à 07:20
Non-partants : 1
1trevelloH94p8p3p2p4pzephen johnston-porter/1
17gifted warriorH92p7p8p(22)0paustin galati/101:07
23god's momentF73p2p5p1p1pbrayden gaerth/1cte enc.
34vrumH75p2p8p1p8pb banovic-edwards/12 l 1/2
42morgs freemanH86p9p3p7p6pj brown/11/2 l
59back in blueF50p(22)0p5p1pcassey martinan/11/2 l
610long knife brotherH93p7p3p6prosie mahony/11/2 l
75lokiH94p4p3p5p0pkristy bennett/12 l
86star sopranoH54p5p1p8p2pjarrad noske/11 l 1/2
98patrocityH93p5p6p0p3pnatasha faithfull/12 l 1/2

R7C5plathandicap 24994albany australie1100M13859handicap (1100 metres)10 partantsdépart à 08:15
13athlone castleH113p0p7p4p0pkristy bennett/101:06
27my boy chrisH51p4p9p2p3pms k yuill/11/2 l
36patrocityH95p6p0p3p7pms l staples/1encolure
45millivoyH55p2p(21)3p1pnatasha faithfull/11 l
54star sopranoH51p8p2p2p4pjarrad noske/1nez
62oxbridgeH71p4p1p3p4palan kennedy/13/4 l
710long knife brotherH93p6p(22)9p0pzephen johnston-porter/13 l 1/2
88danehill stormH9(22)7p6p8p1pb banovic-edwards/1tete
91morgs freemanH83p7p6p5p9pc nicoll/11 l
109cold as coldH94p9p8p8p6pluke campbell/13/4 l

R7C5plathandicap 25744albany australie1230M17324w&r great sponsor of local sporting clubs handicap (1230 metres)10 partantsdépart à 07:50
18star sopranoH58p2p2p4p5pms k yuill/101:15
26the witch doctorF84p1p3p7p0pc johnston-porter/11 l 3/4
310long knife brotherH96p(22)9p0p8prosie mahony/11 l 3/4
44lokiH94p3p5p0pholly watson/12 l
55patrocityH96p0p3p7pandrew castle/1encolure
63mini winnieH78p9p5p8p0pbrayden gaerth/13/4 l
79fuel the friarF74p7p(22)2p2pkristy bennett/1encolure
81trevelloH93p2p4p3p6pzephen johnston-porter/1tete
92popcorn tenderH6(22)6p1p1p1palan kennedy/1cte tete
107st johnH50p3p(22)4p1pnatasha faithfull/13 l 1/2

R7C9plathandicap 27583esperance australie1400M11654farm & general eopp handicap (1400 metres)12 partantsdépart à 09:30
110the witch doctorF83p7p0p(22)1plucy warwick/101:24
24westernizeH79p7p(22)1p3pw pike/11/2 l
31counter driveH81p4p2p5p5pbrayden gaerth/11 l
43fair justiceF71p1p3p4pjarrad noske/11/2 l
56king of planetsH83p5p0p(22)3pandrew castle/11/4 l
65patrocityH90p3p7p(21)7pms l staples/11/2 l
79irritable rodneeH72p5p4p(22)4pbrandon louis/1encolure
812sassationalF80p0p6p(22)7pvictoria corver/11 l 3/4
92nicklausH89p2p6p(22)4palan kennedy/13/4 l
1011oh sophiaF56p5p(22)5p6pjoseph azzopardi/12 l
118divulgeH68p(22)7p1p8pt turner/11 l 1/2
127another demonH96p6p7p2pms j valenti/13/4 l

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