Fiche cheval kaheall

R6C9plathandicap 9880meydan (e.a.u)1600M43481longines spirit zulu time18 partantsdépart à 18:10
Non-partants : 15 - 16 - 17 - 18
16maplewoodH58p2p7p(23)0pqais al busaidi/101:37
24eye on the prizeH52p7p9p(23)8pjose da silva/13/4 l
312silver jubileeH55p0p(23)0p0ppatrick dobbs/1encolure
414drink dryM36p9p(23)2p3pandrew slattery/11 l 1/4
51mostawaaH80p7p5p(23)2pjim crowley/11 l 1/2
65garethH66p0p(23)2p2pconnor beasley/11 l 1/2
72rancheroH63p5p0p(23)5ptadhg o'shea/1tete
89daahesH42p0p6p(23)5poscar chavez/1encolure
98chef de partieH55p3p(23)7p9prichard mullen/11 l
1010shake handH40p0p(23)0p3padrie de vries/13/4 l
1111kaheallH69p(23)9p2p6pben coen/11 l 1/2
1213maqtalH70p(23)5p(22)luciano emanuel cabrera/14 l
133barq al emaratH59p(23)0p(22)patrick cosgrave/12 l
147thunder powerH68p(21)1p3p4pbernardo pinheiro/13 l
15miami joyH67p(23)3p5p2preserviste 1/1
16benzemaH54p3p6p0preserviste 2/1
17fall of romeH52p4p(23)5p5preserviste 3/1
18magnificent mccoolM8(23)0p0p(20)reserviste 4/1

R6C4platcourse a conditions 10579meydan (e.a.u)1600M43481dubai trade20 partantsdépart à 15:15
Non-partants : 2 - 5 - 6 - 17
81aswanH53p0p(23)9p1poscar chavez/1encolure
2legend of cannesH40p0p(23)0p3padrie de vries/1
110mountbattenH55p(23)1p1p4pmickael barzalona/101:35
216wild tigerH5(22)1phector crouch/11/2 l
38hawa biladyM65p(23)0p6p0pomar isaac hernandez salas/15 l 1/2
47gioia ciecaH60p(23)8p7p1padrie de vries/13/4 l
519silver jubileeH50p(23)0p0p8psam hitchcott/11/2 l
611perfect balanceH6(23)1p7p3p1pandrew slattery/1encolure
79mostawaaH85p(23)2p4p4pben coen/1tete
918kaheallH6(23)9p2p6p7proyston ffrench/1encolure
104silent defenseM49p8p5p(23)0pjules mobian/11 l
1112alhezabrH6(21)5p1p2p3ppatrick dobbs/12 l
1220branwellH60p3p(23)8p4psaif al balushi/12 l
1315shake handH40p(23)0p3p7pcallum shepherd/12 l
1413al maroomF63p(23)2p5p5ptadhg o'shea/11 l 1/2
1514jewel genie lampF59p(23)4p9pmarcelino rodrigues/14 l 1/2
163perfect loveH6(23)0p9p0p2pconnor beasley/1cte tete
5almorebH105p(23)3p4p4pjim crowley/1
6beautiful secretF54p(22)8p3p4pnon partant/1
17barq al emaratH59p(23)0p(22)non partant/1

R5C4plathandicap 11627meydan (e.a.u)1900M47207dubai trade presented by dp world18 partantsdépart à 15:15
Non-partants : 17 - 18
11franz kafkaH83p(23)6p2p8psaif al balushi/101:55
210laser guidedH4(23)1p3p1p2pwilliam buick/13/4 l
37keffaafH5(23)4p1p5p5ptom marquand/11 l
44return to dubaiM5(23)3p1p(22)hector crouch/1encolure
59mostawaaH8(23)2p4p4p7pjim crowley/13/4 l
615law of natureH6(23)1p8p4p3pqais al busaidi/11/2 l
713eye on the prizeH59p(23)8p8p7pjose da silva/1tete
85sari dubaiM54p(23)2p1p1ppatrick dobbs/11/2 l
914homespinH7(21)0p2p7p3pmickael barzalona/11/2 l
1016waqetH61p(23)2p5p2psandro paiva/1tete
1112one worldH4(23)0p0p(22)tadhg o'shea/11 l 1/4
122aeonianH57p(23)6p0p0poscar chavez/11/2 l
133castlebarH6(23)0p0p0p0pgabriele malune/11/2 l
146legend of cannesH40p(23)0p3p8padrie de vries/12 l
158garethH6(23)2p2p4p6pconnor beasley/11 l 1/4
1611flamingo girlH7(23)9p0p0p0psam hitchcott/16 l 1/2
17kaheallH6(23)9p2p6p7preserviste 1/1
18saqqara kingH72p(23)9p0p0preserviste 2/1

R6C8plathandicap 13533meydan (e.a.u)1600M43671azizi reve stakes12 partantsdépart à 17:35
11al jaddafH41p2p(22)9p5pconnor beasley/101:39
22al maroomF55p5p6p2pandrew slattery/16 l 1/2
36lion's maneH40p9p(22)0p1psaif al balushi/11/2 l
48mayaadeenH84p7p0p6p2pjim crowley/11/2 l
55golden archH46p1p6p7ppatrick cosgrave/15 l 1/2
63hawa biladyM50p8p9p0padrie de vries/13/4 l
710wild hurricaneH57p4p8p6p2pcristian demuro/1nez
87maputoH45p1p6p5p0ptadhg o'shea/15 l
94kaheallH52p6p7p8pben coen/1encolure
109solar scienceH46p6p(22)1p3plucas van rensburg/12 l
1111kingdom of dreamsH30p6p(22)4p6psam hitchcott/1encolure
1212magnificent mccoolM70p(20)9p7p0pomar isaac hernandez salas/13 l

R6C6platcourse a conditions 30952meydan (e.a.u)2000M32374nad al sheba classic presented by ministry of economy12 partantsdépart à 16:55
Non-partants : 5
13electrical stormH50p3p3p1ppatrick cosgrave/102:01
24rastrelliH75p4p(21)3p0pqais al busaidi/11 l 3/4
39franz kafkaH68p9p7p(20)2psaif al balushi/13/4 l
46valyrian steelH50p6p(21)7p1padrie de vries/12 l
512poster paintH34p4p4p1p6prichard mullen/12 l
67franz straussM39p2p0p3p4ptadhg o'shea/12 l
71maydannyH68p(21)1p5p7pdane o'neill/1encolure
92tamborradaH46p(21)5p1p1pray dawson/13/4 l
5turjomaanH68p5p0p(20)3ppatrick dobbs/1
810kaheallH45p5p0p5p1pjean van overmeire/14 l 1/2
108night of luxuryH30p7p1p1p4pgabriele malune/11 l 1/2
1111saqqara kingH57p5p0p7p7pantonio fresu/116 l

R6C7platcourse a conditions 31689meydan (e.a.u)2000M25629jebel ali free zone11 partantsdépart à 17:30
11ajuste fiscalH63p7p8p0pjose da silva/102:05
24verbotenH51p2p0p(21)3ppatrick dobbs/17 l
32tell me thunderM52p7p(20)1p3psaif al balushi/1cte tete
48american dancerH65p8p2p4p3poscar chavez/12 l
53kaheallH45p0p5p1proyston ffrench/15 l 1/2
611anizzahH72p1p3p6p2pray dawson/1encolure
75saqqara kingH55p0p7p7p8pconnor planas/12 l 1/2
87tapitutionM54p1p2p2p7ptadhg o'shea/1cte tete
99scots pineH54p8p4p0p5pantonio fresu/111 l
1010ebnzaidoonH47p1p(21)8p3psam hitchcott/11 l 3/4
116trumpet manH50p4p0p(21)5pxavier ziani/130 l

R8C6plathandicap 46364meydan (e.a.u)1600M68254presented by mina rashid20 partantsdépart à 16:55
Non-partants : 17 - 18 - 19 - 20
17valiant princeH41p(21)1p2p2pwilliam buick/101:34
212dubai mirageH54p2p(21)8p4ppatrick cosgrave/13 l 1/2
311bless himH86p0p2p(21)7pjamie spencer/13/4 l
43moqtarrebH65p2p(21)1p7pdane o neill/13 l 1/2
58dubai loveF53p(21)7p7p4planfranco dettori/12 l 1/2
61king davidM77p(21)2p3p1ppatrick dobbs/11 l 1/4
715ajwadM93p9p0p(21)5pbernardo pinheiro/1cte tete
89ascot brassF52p(21)2p1p1padrie de vries/11/2 l
916highland dressH60p0p(21)4p9ptadhg o shea/11 l
106light of darknessF4(21)5p1p7p1pozcan yildirim/1encolure
114marie's diamondM62p0p(21)0p7prowan scott/13/4 l
1210light and darkH60p(21)0p(20)louis steward/11 l 1/4
1314motawaajedH4(21)6p4p1p1pmickael barzalona/12 l 1/2
142pensiero d'amoreM6(21)0p4p2p1prichard mullen/12 l 1/2
155alkaamelH60p1p(21)9p4pantonio fresu/12 l
1613garrulousH50p0p(21)8p7pronald woodworth/110 l
17pierre lapinH50p9p(21)0p4preserviste 1/1
18iron butterflyF4(21)1p2p1p1preserviste 2/1
19al maysanH5(21)5p6p(20)reserviste 3/1
20kaheallH41p(21)5p1preserviste 4/1

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