Fiche cheval justhandy

R7C7plathandicap 65113geraldton australie1213M14652friday december 27th walkaway cup handicap (1213 metres)13 partantsdépart à 09:00
Non-partants : 7
19justhandyF77p7p1p8p7pnatasha faithfull/1
Il ne faut surtout pas la condamner trop hâtivement.
210spirit manH58p9p4p4p8pkristy bennett/1
Bien placé dans les stalles, il va tenter de surprendre.
35enticingH75p2p6p3p4pt turner/1
Il est capable de s'illustrer pour son premier essai sous son nouvel entraînement.
1oregon hikerH50p2p0p1p1paustin galati/1
Il souffle le chaud et le froid mais il est redoutable quand il est décidé.
2be seatedH75p4p7p8p0pjason brown/1
Il rentre mais demeure difficile à écarter totalement.
3pink caratsH77p0p8p8pjoseph see/1
4make mine superH54p8p8p9p1pp farrell/1
6cousin nicciF53p9p9p0p1pc nicoll/1
Elle a réalisé une course de rentrée très prometteuse.
7life of brianH59p9p(23)7p0plisa staples/1
Il devrait progresser après une course de rentrée nécessaire.
8first contactF57p5p5p2p1pkeshaw dhurun/1
11raging beautyF63p1p0p7p3pmadi derrick/1
12sanabeauF69p6p2p0p4pchanel cooper/1
13finance legendH47p9p6p0p0plisa staples/1

R7C6plathandicap 63557geraldton australie1200M24420regional championship heat-the road to ascot (1200 metres)12 partantsdépart à 08:25
Non-partants : 8
16safe hustleH42p1p2p4p0pkristy bennett/1
Il est dans une forme étincelante depuis le mois d'octobre.
22sure no somethingH61p3p3p(23)6pc johnston-porter/12 l
Il s'est imposé au terme d'une belle fin de course en dernier lieu.
310fine lineF46p4p4p3p8pnatasha faithfull/11 l 1/2
47spirit manH54p8p5p9p3plucy fiore/11 l 3/4
Il a couru en progrès lors de son ultime sortie.
53well playedF54p1p4p5p4paustin galati/11/2 l
Elle est toujours redoutable sur cette piste de Geraldton.
612mystic loveF85p4p7p4p7pluke campbell/13/4 l
Sa marge de manoeuvre est réduite à ce niveau mais une place demeure à sa portée.
79alternoH89p6p8p8p8pmadi derrick/11/4 l
81hammarmillF68p5p3p2p1pt turner/13/4 l
Elle avait réalisé de belles performances avant son break estival.
911glass offF75p7p6p0p5pchanel cooper/12 l
104heritage sashH94p6p0p5p6pj see/11 l
115oristanoH89p6p7p2p1pms s altieri/13 l
8justhandyF77p7p1p8p7pms k yuill/1

R7C7plathandicap 7488geraldton australie1400M30526iron jack abrolhos plate (1400 metres)10 partantsdépart à 08:25
12bleecker streetH53p8p1p3p1pc johnston-porter/101:25
25platinum shotF43p2p2p1p4palan kennedy/1tete
33madame magicF54p5p5p2p2pchris parnham/13/4 l
49justhandyF78p9p8p1p5pjade mc naught/1encolure
51shaka zuluH52p0p0p2pzephen johnston-porter/11/4 l
66soraisH51p3p3p(23)1pnatasha faithfull/1nez
74be seatedH78p0p4p4p6pms l staples/13/4 l
87the slapH53p6p0p1pt turner/12 l
910saturday sunH84p5p4p0pcassey martinan/11 l 3/4
108miff muffered moofF53p0p1p1p4paustin galati/1encolure

R7C6plathandicap 25378geraldton australie1400M37797iron jack abrolhos plate (1400 metres)13 partantsdépart à 08:20
18shaka zuluH41p1pjoseph azzopardi/101:25
23jag the jokerF87p7p(22)3p5pt turner/13/4 l
312patchworkF53p3p1p0pp knuckey/11 l 3/4
411justhandyF61p8p(22)6p9paustin galati/1nez
55westoziH42p1p1p1p2pc nicoll/1encolure
613mistinguetteF78p5p3p3p5pw pike/11/2 l
710justa lil faithF41p2p3p9p3pms l staples/11/2 l
81eliminateF67p1p2p2p3pjade mc naught/1encolure
92chix chatterH64p1p9p(22)4pandrew castle/1nez
106dark peakF66p7p5p2p1pkeshaw dhurun/11/2 l
119mocha dreamH43p1p4p1pbrayden gaerth/1encolure
127highest regardH84p2p4p(22)0pkate witten/11 l 1/2
134piloteH70p(22)5p8pjerry noske/11 l 1/4

R7C7plathandicap 26805geraldton australie1200M13859geraldton cup just a month away handicap (1200 metres)12 partantsdépart à 09:35
Non-partants : 4
16significant heroH75p3p2p4p6pms l staples/101:12
29superloveF72p3p(22)4p0pjerry noske/11 l 1/4
38patchworkF53p1p0p(22)1pp knuckey/11/2 l
42be seatedH60p2p1p(22)2pt turner/11/2 l
53jeanellaF42p1p1p2p1pzephen johnston-porter/11 l 1/2
611demeritiseF83p5p4p5pc nicoll/1tete
91heritage sashH81p6p(22)2p3pcassey martinan/13/4 l
4my baby blue jeanF59p4p3p(22)4pbrayden gaerth/1
710admiral hussonH94p5p(22)5p0pms p edwards/11 l
812justhandyF6(22)6p9p0p3pkate witten/1cte enc.
107delago deheroH87p3p5p(22)4pms k cross/11/2 l
115oristanoH71p3p(22)2p2pms r forrest/1tete

R6C7plathandicap 31193geraldton australie1618M14810walkaway cup here december 27th handicap (1618 metres)13 partantsdépart à 09:30
Non-partants : 11 - 12 - 13
15billy jackH63p3p1p2p3pms l staples/100:36
24proxyH116p7p6p8p0pms s altieri/11/2 l
38art admirerH64p5p5p8p5pt turner/11 l
46bush iconF60p0p6p7p1pkate witten/13/4 l
53ebony magiH77p8p3p7p2pjerry noske/1cte enc.
61arabian richesH72p3p2p6p4pp knuckey/11 l 1/4
79aurman zouH74p6p6p9p4pnatasha faithfull/11/2 l
87al mahaloH67p0p5p7p8pcassey martinan/11/2 l
910justhandyF50p3p0p0p8pms r forrest/12 l
102a steamy affairF78p4p4p1p9pms p edwards/11 l 3/4
11mass effectH90p8p0p0p5preserviste 1/1
12alluringH78p0p0p6p0preserviste 2/1
13trace seaF89p7p9p1p3preserviste 3/1

R8C5plathandicap 44061pinjarra australie1400M25000darling view thoroughbreds handicap (1400 metres)10 partantsdépart à 07:10
Non-partants : 6
11blow me outF54p2p6p(21)8plucy warwick/101:24
25pennys afieldF51p3p1p2p3pchris parnham/11/4 l
38sparkling jewelF53p7p6p(21)5pp carbery/13/4 l
47blonde warriorF63p3p2p2pb parnham/1nez
510verdandiF76p8p(21)6p7pj whiting/11 l 1/4
62dee keepaF74p(21)9p6p3pjoseph azzopardi/11 l 1/4
74justhandyF50p4p0p(21)8paustin galati/11/2 l
83pambellaF6(21)3p2p7p1pjade mc naught/1tete
6the thunderessF61p(21)5p8p9pnon partant/1
99barging tessF50p7p8p4p8plaqdar ramoly/12 l 1/2

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