Fiche cheval imperialism

R9C4plathandicap 40593kalgoorlie australie1400M13315goldfields football league umpire s appreciation handicap (1400 m.)10 partantsdépart à 06:35
Non-partants : 2 - 4
21meet joe blackH51p0p3p2pms l staples/13/4 l
2image keeperH67p8p3p6pb rawiller/1
33another demonH86p5p7p7p5pms k yuill/11/2 l
4deel redH76p5p5p0p2pjade mc naught/1
17bill the beeH72p8p4p7p9pkeshaw dhurun/101:24
45gluten freeH77p2p4p4p5pholly watson/1encolure
58kentucky loveF66p3p6p(21)0pkate witten/12 l
610shadow boomF52p1p5p5p1pnatasha faithfull/11 l
76imperialismH62p(20)9p1p2ptaj dyson/15 l
89regal dividendF55p9p(21)5p1pbrandon louis/15 l

R9C11plathandicap 41223kalgoorlie australie1100M13315adroit mining services handicap (1100 metres)10 partantsdépart à 08:20
Non-partants : 7
13total lockdownH44p1p6p2p3plaqdar ramoly/101:05
21imperialismH6(20)9p1p2p2ptaj dyson/11 l
39petite la femmeF69p4p0p5p1pholly watson/11 l 3/4
42zangiefH5(21)6p5p0p7pb rawiller/1cte tete
54andrietteF52p3p5p(21)9pkeshaw dhurun/11/4 l
68vranyoF41p4p4p0p3pnatasha faithfull/11 l
710universal starF76p(21)9p0pbrandon louis/11/2 l
86joyrizeF6(21)7p3p4p9pkristy bennett/11/4 l
95gidget the midgetF48p(21)8p1p0pjade mc naught/12 l
7spinalong timeF41p6p4p5pms l staples/1

R7C7plathandicap 41568kalgoorlie australie1100M20000perth children's hospital foundation handicap (1100 metres)9 partantsdépart à 08:20
1bright glowH64p(21)9p1p1pb rawiller/1
2altaniF75p3p(21)6p7pms l staples/1
3hiltonH48p1p(21)5p0plaqdar ramoly/1
4whim creekH68p2p2p6p4pcassey martinan/1
5herron sandF72p(21)0p8p9pjade mc naught/1
6imperialismH6(20)9p1p2p2ptaj dyson/1
7snippiranhaF66p6p4p1p4pms k yuill/1
8jackpot legendH57p4p(21)1p7pbrandon louis/1
9scotty too hottyH107p5p7p8pvictoria corver/1

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