Fiche cheval goemon

- R5C1

plathandicap 12286meydan (e.a.u)2000M74865zabeel turf13 partantsdépart à 13:30
Non-partants : 8
16local dynastyH4(23)6p4p3p3pwilliam buick/102:00
27ursa minorH7(23)7p0p8p0pconnor beasley/13 l
312franz kafkaH8(23)6p2p8p0psam hitchcott/11 l 1/4
43track of timeH4(23)1p2p6p1pmickael barzalona/11/2 l
59king of timeH5(22)0p1p1p1prichard mullen/1encolure
61passion and gloryH8(23)0p1p9pcristian demuro/13/4 l
711aeonianH5(23)6p0p0p6pbernardo pinheiro/1encolure
82goemonM5(23)6p1p3p8ppatrick cosgrave/13/4 l
94go soldier goM4(23)6p5p5p1padrie de vries/13 l 1/2
1010legend of cannesH4(23)0p3p8p4pandrew slattery/11/2 l
125shafaafM6(23)9p(22)5pjim crowley/11/2 l
8count rostovH7(23)7p1p0p5ptadhg o'shea/1
1113tamaammH6(21)1p2p3poscar chavez/12 l

- R6C6

platgroupe ii 12818meydan (e.a.u)1800M212118al rashidiya11 partantsdépart à 16:25
111measured timeM32p1p1p1pwilliam buick/101:46
23erzindjanH59p4p8p5p4pconnor beasley/13 l
32ottoman fleetH43p1p1p3p3ppatrick dobbs/13/4 l
41alfareeqH67p1p2p2pjim crowley/12 l
59real worldH64p7p9p0pcristian demuro/12 l 1/2
64goemonM41p3p8p1p6pkieran shoemark/1encolure
76laneqashH51p0p(22)8p1ptadhg o'shea/12 l
85highland avenueH50p1p4p4p2prichard mullen/11 l 1/4
98maydannyH70p3p0p(22)7ppatrick cosgrave/17 l
107marshall planM57p6p5p9p0pantonio fresu/111 l
1110wirkoH50p0p(22)0p0pomar isaac hernandez salas/12 l

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