Fiche cheval gerardjoseph

R8C7plathandicap 22176kalgoorlie australie1600M13859tee off at the golf course handicap (1600 metres)12 partantsdépart à 08:15
17vinylF52p0p0p1p1pmichael poy/101:38
21gluten freeH86p1p7p8p3pc johnston-porter/11 l
35recapitulateH103p2p3p0p4pcassey martinan/11 l
42stratocreedH98p6p4p6p7pms l staples/11/2 l
59deel redH88p6p6p2p2pbrandon louis/11/2 l
610gerardjosephH59p6p(22)7p2pnatasha faithfull/1tete
73bill the beeH81p3p2p4p5pjordan turner/11 l 1/4
86lincoln's lawH64p1p5p4p9plaqdar ramoly/11 l 3/4
94shoot ur shotH68p4p0p0p0paustin galati/1tete
108baileysH79p0p0p2prosie mahony/1tete
1111city starH90p0p8p(22)2pbrayden gaerth/11 l 3/4
1212sassationalF86p8p5p7p4pkristy bennett/1encolure

R7C7plathandicap 22520kalgoorlie australie1400M13859hahn super dry handicap (1400 metres)11 partantsdépart à 08:20
Non-partants : 9
13californicationH41p2pms l staples/101:24
22who be whateeH44p1p2p2p9pnatasha faithfull/1cte tete
34makin prophetsH45p1p2p3pchris parnham/13/4 l
45send 'emH54p4p1p2p7pjordan turner/1nez
58vancouver ladH69p9p5p3p5pbrandon louis/11/2 l
66free soloH66p6p4p3p0plaqdar ramoly/1tete
87chang manH59p0p2p0pkeshaw dhurun/11/2 l
91gerardjosephH56p(22)7p2p1pcassey martinan/12 l 1/2
9bye feliciaF60p7p(22)7p7pbrayden gaerth/1
711tempest missF68p(22)6p9p7pkristy bennett/1encolure
1010deliberationH67p0p(22)8p3pvictoria corver/11 l 1/2

R8C7plathandicap 23540kalgoorlie australie1200M13859gill smash repairs handicap (1200 metres)13 partantsdépart à 08:25
Non-partants : 3
41boozerooH42p3p3p1p2paustin galati/11/2 l
62gerardjosephH5(22)7p2p1p8plaqdar ramoly/11 l
3dalhousieF5(22)8p0p2p5pcassey martinan/1
111maidmy wayF44p5p3p4pmichael poy/101:10
29hidden rubyF41p(22)5p4p2pnatasha faithfull/11 l
34honest legendH50p(22)3p1p3pjordan turner/11 l
57princess chunkF41p1p6pbrayden gaerth/11/2 l
75talkaboutyouH56p5p6p1p9pkeshaw dhurun/1ex-aequo
712rockport missF59p8p9p8p6pluke campbell/13/4 l
98double rushH63p4p2p4pbrandon louis/11/2 l
1013deliberationH6(22)8p3p7p0pkristy bennett/13/4 l
116fiendishH66p(22)0p4p1pms l staples/11/4 l
1210dawn enigmaH70p5p0p0prosie mahony/13/4 l

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