Fiche cheval ebury

R5C4platcourse a conditions 10751southwell1400M11149classified stakes (class 6)12 partantsdépart à 18:00
Non-partants : 1 - 10
1twistalineF51p8p3p1pbilly loughnane1.1/1
15hawajesH42p8p(23)0p9pjack doughty8.4/101:28
29sumacH43p4p(23)8p0pbilly garritty12/1encolure
311van zantH55p8p(23)1p3pluke morris9.7/11 l
412wrath of hectorH76p(23)4p6p5pben sanderson14/11 l 1/2
56kanangaH48p(23)3p0p9pwilliam pyle11/1tete
63copper mountainF51p6p(23)5p2pjoanna mason2.1/11 l 1/4
74eburyH88p3p5p4p6pandrea pinna30/11/2 l
88royal marinerH46p7p7p(23)0pmorgan cole36/1encolure
92atrafanH105p2p3p6prowan scott8/1cte tete
107qaabilH84p6p6p(23)0ptom eaves16/11 l 1/4
10thoughtful giftF52p(23)5p3pkieran shoemark/1

R5C7plathandicap 12506wolverhampton1900M6974find more big deals at betuk handicap (class 6)10 partantsdépart à 18:45
14shaheen saqaarH36p3p7p6p9pjack mitchell3.5/101:59
23crafterH51p0p3p6p4pbilly loughnane2.8/11 l 3/4
36carey streetH75p9p2p4p5pmarco ghiani8.7/14 l
45havana goldrushH47p3p9p5p6ptaylor fisher5.9/1encolure
51zambezi magicH60p8p0p(22)7hjordan williams27/11 l 1/2
67rebecca westF33h4h7h3p3pkieran shoemark12/11 l 3/4
72art of romanceH33p0p9p6p7paiden brookes27/1encolure
89eburyH75p0p5p9p9pkieran o'neill20/11 l 1/2
910techno ladyF38p9p4p7p8pcam hardie23/11 l 1/2
108madam machoF39p9pAp(22)9pandrew mullen51/114 l

R5C2plathandicap 34533wolverhampton1440M8817handicap (class 6) (div i)11 partantsdépart à 16:30
15crystal dawnF63p1p7p0p8pbenoit de la sayette3.3/101:27
26say graceF37p6p0p4p3prhys clutterbuck22/1encolure
31eye of the waterH66p3p5p2p4pfranny norton10/13/4 l
310ower starlightM42p3p8p9pcallum shepherd7.1/1ex-aequo
53eburyH64p9p6p4p6pkieran o'neill3.7/11 l 1/2
67vintage fashionF39p5p7p6p2pfrederick larson54/11 l 1/2
74danah starF30p5p2p8p9pray dawson15/1encolure
89pensa teF39p3p8psaffie osborne35/11 l
92kenstoneH98p5p2p8p5ptyler heard11/1tete
1011giant stepsH56p0p9p3p2pamie waugh44/13/4 l
118harbour stormH73p3p9p6p2pluke morris8.7/116 l

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