Fiche cheval chokslam

R7C8plathandicap 33456york australie1920M47123york cup (1920 metres)13 partantsdépart à 08:55
Non-partants : 4 - 12 - 13
19all manH81p3p4p8p2pt turner/101:56
28crescent cityH52p2p4p2p2ps mc gruddy/11 l 3/4
311chokslamF76p2p1p2p4pp knuckey/1nez
43billy rayH54p5p6p1p1pc johnston-porter/1tete
510butterlea ladH79p0p1p6p1pc nicoll/13 l
62divine shadowH70p7p6p5p0pjarrad noske/1cte tete
77he's a parkerH80p8p3p0p6plaqdar ramoly/11/4 l
85pym's royaleH89p9p0p7p6pholly watson/11 l 3/4
101bella's idolH90p6p0p6p0pb rawiller/1cte tete
4that's funny azH65p0p6p9p9ptaj dyson/1
96native chimesF69p3p1p1p1pms k yuill/14 l
12time stands stillF80p1p8p1preserviste 1/1
13o'so temptingH98p7p1p5p3preserviste 2/1

R7C7plathandicap 40926pinjarra australie1413M16644consolidated limestone handicap (1413 metres)12 partantsdépart à 07:55
12stylaxH54p1p(21)6p2pt turner/101:26
29oxbridgeH62p2p3p1p9ptaj dyson/1cte tete
36main engineF51p(21)6p3p3pnatasha faithfull/11 l 1/4
45gorgeous gossipF47p6p1p9p5pms l staples/13/4 l
58chokslamF74p(21)0p1p5pc johnston porter/11/4 l
612fire antF82p8p7p(21)2pb parnham/13/4 l
71pick your battlesH88p0p5p(21)2pj whiting/11/2 l
810the last breezeH7(21)9p3p9p0plucy warwick/11/4 l
94midnight mysteryF52p1p1p(21)3pp carbery/13/4 l
107stumbleH66p5p4p2p5pchris graham/11/4 l
113green and shadyH42p5p6p(21)6pholly watson/11/2 l
1211frosty belleF74p1p4p7p6pjade mc naught/11/4 l

R6C7plathandicap 51230york australie1920M9295james makara handicap (1920 metres)10 partantsdépart à 08:25
Non-partants : 2
51praying with godF52p5p7p8p0pt turner/1cte tete
2chokslamF60p1p5p0p5pryan hill/1
19hard too ceeH90p6p4p0p9pjade mc naught/101:17
28wild galahH66p3p0p3p7pc johnston-porter/1nez
310uber moverH65p6p5p5p0pchloe azzopardi/1tete
47fairdeliciousF67p5p5p0p8pp carbery/11 l
65shecky's mateH89p2p2p8p1pholly watson/12 l
74blaiszen cazahH68p2p5p4p0pjoseph azzopardi/1tete
86danish gemF99p7p4p4p0pb banovic-edwards/12 l
93vital boomH84p4p5p1p5pmitchell pateman/1encolure

R7C8plathandicap 54297york australie1920M9535megan britza handicap (1920 metres)14 partantsdépart à 08:55
Non-partants : 11 - 13 - 14
19chokslamF65p0p5p3p4pryan hill/101:59
25upward othersH70p6p7p4p7pms k yuill/11 l 3/4
32all manH75p4p4p8p2pj whiting/11 l
44celebrity witnessF42p3p1p0p0pjoseph azzopardi/11 l
510arno the foxH86p4p9p(20)0plucy warwick/1cte tete
68rodomonteF59p0p6p(20)0pjordan turner/12 l
712taxiH68p8p9p3p5pvictoria corver/1nez
86night sessionF59p7p8p6p2pp knuckey/1cte enc.
93san crispinoF77p8p6p3p8phannah fitzgerald/1cte enc.
107bryce roadH75p9p9p9p0plaqdar ramoly/1encolure
111unbreakableH98p3p0p2p7pangela johnston/13 l
11time stands stillF72p8p0p8p0pjade mc naught/1
13lincoln's lawH49p2p7p1p2preserviste 2/1
14uber moverH69p0p0p6p0preserviste 3/1

R8C6plathandicap 61987pinjarra australie1300M16171happy 70th mal gray handicap (1300 metres)11 partantsdépart à 06:45
Non-partants : 10
13astro warriorH40p6p1p4p4pholly watson/101:18
21ginger bakerH45p2p(20)1p4pryan hill/11/2 l
32speed dreamH44p(20)5p3p1pj whiting/1tete
411yankee limaH53p8p3p1pms l staples/11 l 1/2
54spookwoodH79p(20)4p1p3palan kennedy/11 l 1/2
67reguardlessF44p4p4p5pw pike/1encolure
79see ya champF59p7p7p(20)6pmitchell pateman/1tete
85chokslamF64p4p7p1pp harvey/1cte enc.
96ginger senoritaF49p6p1p4p5pms k yuill/11 l 1/4
108marliniF58p(20)9p5p1pkristy bennett/17 l
10verdandiF65p3p6p2pb banovic-edwards/1

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