Fiche cheval buddies

R3C10 du

plathandicap 32215sha tin (hong kong)1400M333212chevalier healthcare investment handicap14 partantsdépart à 09:55
110packing treadmillH41p5p1p3p1ppurton z.2.35/101:21
29king landH51p7p6p0p0pchau c.l.14/11 l
32winning methodH67p6p1p6p1pcurrie l.36/1cte tete
414snafflesH30pyeung m.l.159/13/4 l
58shining gemH70p9p9p5p1pchung y.l.38/1cte tete
65beauty liveH53p1p7p1p2ppoon m.f.11/11 l 3/4
711sight spiritH55p3p2p9p4phamelin a.4.9/1encolure
812czarsonH63p3p3p5p6pmcneil j.24/1encolure
913atomic beautyH3Inéditchadwick m.31/11 l
107jumbo fortuneH46p4p4p6p2pho c.y.6.3/1tete
114chancheng princeH51p2p0p0p3pmaia r.27/1tete
121silver expressH69p0p0p9p4pbowman h.22/11 l
136find my loveH3Inéditleung k.c.102/13/4 l
143buddiesH79p0p0p0p0phewitson l.22/11 l 1/4

R2C9 du

plathandicap 33827happy valley1200M333212guangzhou handicap12 partantsdépart à 09:15
19rewarding togetherH60p2p5p2p1pchadwick m.3.05/101:09
211family folksH64p1p2p9p4phamelin a.15/13/4 l
312ping hai galaxyH71p0p4p1p4pbadel a.7.45/11 l 1/2
43majestic starH51p5p7p5p1pbentley h.5.15/1encolure
55grateful heartH63p0p7p0p7pchau c.l.17/11/2 l
610astrologerH46p1p0p4p2phewitson l.8.2/1cte tete
77the rockH61p4p0p(21)6pho c.y.17/1cte tete
82harmony and richH67p7p0p(21)0pmo h.t.15/1tete
98buddiesH70p0p0p0p0pwong c.50/12 l 1/2
104keep you warmH56p0p0p1p6pferraris l.20/11 l 1/4
111campioneH34p2p0p1p9ppoon m.f.9.45/1encolure
126silver figH87p3p0p2p0pleung k.c.50/11/2 l

R6C9 du

plathandicap 42479sha tin (hong kong)1650M280248yuen long handicap12 partantsdépart à 14:50
19berlin tangoH54p4p6p(21)4pteetan k/101:36
21kings shieldH75p7p(21)7p0pho c y/11 l 1/2
34money catcherH53p3p3p5p0pleung k c/1nez
45the rockH60p(21)6p0p5pmoreira j/12 l
53telecom fightersH64p4p2p3ppurton z/1encolure
611delightful laosH57p0p(21)0p8pmo h t/1encolure
76czarsonH66p0p2p(21)2pchadwick m/11 l 1/2
812chancheng princeH50p3p(21)9p8ppoon m f/13/4 l
97red desertH69p4p2p4p6pborges v/11/2 l
108beauty fitH63p6p4p1p8pbentley h/1cte tete
1110highly proactiveH78p8p0p0p0plai h w/11/2 l
122buddiesH70p0p0p7pferraris l/112 l

R2C8 du

plathandicap 46059happy valley1650M262992shan kwong handicap12 partantsdépart à 14:15
12cheerful daysH61p1p(21)7p1pbadel a/101:38
24telecom fightersH63p(21)4p0p2pleung k c/11/2 l
33beauty joyH61p2p(21)1p0ppurton z/1encolure
45savaquinH62p(21)8p8p2pteetan k/13/4 l
510everyone's delightH62p6p(21)6p9pchadwick m/11 l 1/4
611roman turboH59p3p0p(21)0pborges v/11/2 l
76sunny starM56p2p(21)7p1pho c y/11 l 1/2
812setantaH57p2p3pyeung m l/11 l 3/4
99ignitingH68p0p2p(21)1pmo h t/1encolure
108tsarH53p8p0p(21)9pmoor d/13 l 1/2
111buddiesH70p7p(21)0p0pchau c l/12 l 1/2
127solar wai waiH75p(21)5p6p3ppoon m f/1cte tete

R6C7 du

plathandicap 50114sha tin (hong kong)1600M345177the chevalier cup (handicap)12 partantsdépart à 08:10
111silver expressH56p3p9p1p2pborges v./101:33
26excellent proposalH55p4p4p1p0pmoreira j./11 l 1/4
32butterfieldH67p7p7p4p1pshinn b./11 l 1/4
48not usual talentH78p4p8p9p3pleung k.c./11 l 1/4
59the rockH59p2p8p4p3pho c.y./11 l 1/4
64lucky expressH51p7p2p0p8ppurton z./11 l 3/4
75fast most furiousH82p5p3p5p4ppoon m.f./12 l
810helene leadingstarH70p6p0p3p0pchau c.l./12 l
912circuit threeH70p0p9p8p1pmo h.t./13 l
107voyage warriorH67p8p8p4p8pmaia r./13 l
111buddiesH60p0p1p0p0pchadwick m./18 l 1/2
123kings shieldH61p0p5p6p9pyeung m.l./117 l

R6C6 du

plathandicap 52383sha tin (hong kong)1200M520505the premier bowl (handicap)12 partantsdépart à 07:35
15lucky patchH53p2p1p4p4ppurton z./101:07
27super wealthyH61p1p4p2p5pschofield c./1encolure
32strongerM54p2p2p7p2pho c.y./13/4 l
48duke waiH64p3p4p5p1pborges v./12 l
56courier wonderH41p1p1p1pmoreira j./1encolure
610wishful thinkerH89p7p6p9p5pleung k.c./13/4 l
73computer patchH50p5p5p2p6pteetan k./11/2 l
89voyage warriorH68p4p8p6p4pmaia r./1cte tete
912naboo attackH52p1p0p1pbadel a./11/2 l
101sky fieldH52p1p3p3p9pshinn b./12 l
114buddiesH61p0p0p6p0pwong h.n./13 l
1211harmony and richH51p0p1p1p9pchadwick m./14 l 1/2

R6C7 du

platgroupe iii 53565sha tin (hong kong)1400M399378the celebration cup (handicap)9 partantsdépart à 08:05
17buddiesH60p0p6p0p7pchadwick m./101:20
28tourbillon diamondH56p9p4p2p7pbadel a./13/4 l
33sky darciH52p1p1p7p6pmoreira j./11/2 l
45duke waiH63p4p5p1p2pborges v./13/4 l
54champion's wayH62p3p4p4p3pteetan k./11 l 3/4
61southern legendH91p3p2p2p2ppurton z./1encolure
76russian emperorH46p7p2p2p9pchau c.l./13/4 l
89decryptH50p0p(20)3p3pyeung m.l./12 l 1/2
92mighty giantH67p6p1p3p8ppoon m.f./16 l 1/2

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