Fiche cheval asarka

R3C8plathandicap 9706pinjarra australie2200M18315pinjarra cup early bird sales now open handicap (2200 metres)14 partantsdépart à 09:00
Non-partants : 14
13fat roy slimH68p4p5p(23)5pmadi derrick6/102:18
21silver back jackH52p1p6p(23)3pbrayden gaerth4.1/12 l 1/2
35blue cardH69p7p(23)1p4pms l staples11/12 l
42duchees demeritH72p4p3p(23)7pvictoria corver4.6/11/2 l
56audio boyH41p4p2p(23)2pc johnston-porter10/11/2 l
610verry timelyF41p4p3p(23)3pholly watson17/11 l 1/2
79melarabH81p0p9p(23)0pt turner11/11/2 l
88bergamoF54p2p5p3plucy fiore10/13 l
97melwood coastH83p6p3p(23)7plaqdar ramoly28/11/4 l
104olajuwonH51p3p5p(23)7ps parnham28/13/4 l
1111asarkaH77p5p8p7paustin galati58/11/4 l
1212galarianH66p8p0p(23)2pms s altieri42/11 l
1313nitro ladH76p0p9p(23)4pb banovic-edwards103/16 l
14valbaniF70p0p8p(23)6pnon partant/1

R3C7plathandicap 10427pinjarra australie2200M18315state wide turf services handicap (2200 metres)10 partantsdépart à 09:45
17melarabH80p9p(23)0p0ptroy turner12/102:19
21duchees demeritH74p3p(23)7p4pvictoria corver3.1/1encolure
32melwood coastH86p3p(23)7p1plaqdar ramoly14/12 l
44bergamoF52p5p3p(23)1pchanel cooper3.7/11 l 1/4
58jolly laceF77p7p0p(23)0pkeshaw dhurun12/1tete
69bella eveF62p5p(23)6p3pholly watson7.3/1encolure
75asarkaH75p8p7p(23)6pbrad parnham17/1cte enc.
86float our boatH85p(23)7p2p4pbrayden gaerth10/12 l
93alnaudH67p2p(23)8p5pjordan turner17/16 l 1/2
1010velvet roomH8(23)7p7p0p7pkristo sardelic57/19 l

R7C5plathandicap 13383bunbury australie1410M18322silverado bunbury handicap10 partantsdépart à 07:45
Non-partants : 2
71asarkaH69p1p2p3p6pzephen johnston-porter/11/2 l
2our nemesisH49p1p2p4p2pnon partant/1
13rocking the casbahH46p1p6p2p2pmichael poy/101:26
25playing questH31p6p5pchris parnham/11/4 l
39got yaF63p5p2p4p5pcassey martinan/11 l
44guard the greekH40p0p0p1p8plucy fiore/11 l 1/2
510vitai lampadaH78p7p6p3p0pnatasha faithfull/11 l
67knight friarH67p0p8pj whiting/11 l 1/2
88dancing jalapenoF50p0p7p6pms s altieri/1cte enc.
96classadoH47p3p8p2p1paustin galati/12 l 1/2

R7C4platcourse a conditions 26446pinjarra australie1800M14174wa's big butcher maiden (1800 metres)16 partantsdépart à 07:25
Non-partants : 2 - 15
41prince imortallH58p4p3p9pms l staples/11 l 1/2
2asarkaH68p(22)5p6p0pp knuckey/1
116pin maherF47p0p0p(22)3pw pike/101:50
23manitobaH45p3p6p4pchris parnham/11 l
312social impactF50p(22)6p6p0pc johnston-porter/14 l
514baracapF54p9p(22)7p6pjoseph azzopardi/1cte enc.
610big bellF62p6p9p3pc nicoll/1tete
713on guard m'ladyF58p9p0p(22)4pt turner/11 l
86dance lordH49p7p9p(22)0pjade mc naught/11/2 l
94yes of courseH46p7p4p(22)4pluke campbell/13 l 1/2
109whaitiriF63p4p5p5pholly watson/13/4 l
1111hot rhumbaF52p0p2p5ps mc gruddy/11 l 1/4
127mucho beneH45p0pb parnham/14 l
135pride of tuscanyH46p3p8p(22)8pc haddon/11/2 l
148fast thinkingH4(22)App harvey/11 l 3/4
15i love your smileF42p4p(22)6p4plucy fiore/1

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