Fiche cheval ahorsewithnoname

R7C5plata reclamer 7303gulfstream park1200M22812maiden claiming12 partantsdépart à 19:21
Non-partants : 6 - 10
17modern laneM36p4p2p(23)8ps leon/101:12
28siouxM3Inédite zayas/11 l 3/4
35fifty one fiftyH42p5p(23)6p3pp lopez/11 l 1/2
44kohakuH43p6p4p(23)6pl reyes/110 l
512intransigentM36p4pl panici/1tete
63ahorsewithnonameM30p0p7pr martinez/11 l 1/2
79fuji fireM34p6pe jaramillo/15 l 1/2
92federal highwayH37p4p5pe gonzalez/14 l 1/2
101leave it blankH36pe perez/17 l
6blue sky's sylM35pj morelos/1
10bolkinH36p7p(23)6pm vasquez/1
811max forward speedH35p0pa thomas/19 l 1/2

R6C9plata reclamer 12298gulfstream park1100M29328maiden claiming9 partantsdépart à 21:09
Non-partants : 4 - 8
19roanH3(23)9p5pp lopez/101:03
26eastbostonbennyH3(23)5p7pj ruiz/1
33adios nowM3(23)3p3p5pj ortiz/1
45wembyM3(23)5pe perez/1
52curlins cruzinM3(23)7p8p3pe zayas/1
1ahorsewithnonameM3Inéditj rivera/1
4flashoverM3(23)4pi ortiz, jr./1
7first shot firedM3(23)2pj rios/1
8yasurH3Inéditc gil/1

R6C9plathandicap 19021singapour1600M33887super easy 2013 stakes class 418 partantsdépart à 08:02
Non-partants : 9 - 16 - 17 - 18
12energy babyH53p1p5p3p2pb pinheiro/101:35
215lim's puncak jayaH64p6p8p5p3pl. beuzelin/1cte tete
310rockyH51p3p5p7p0pn zyrul/11 l 1/2
44super bowlH43p3p7p7pph seow/11/2 l
58savvy commandH72p5p8p6p3pd moor/11/2 l
65pacific starH45p4p1p6p1pv duric/1encolure
76amazing breezeH64p6p8p0p5pr woodworth/11 l 1/4
81elite incredibleM80p7p3p4p4ph bowman/1nez
97winning strideH51p2p5p9p2pcc wong/11 l 1/4
1011darcyH41p3p0p4p8pwh kok/11 l
113preditorH114p6p3p9p3pr stewart/11/2 l
9great warriorH32p4p4p4pm nunes/1
1213global kidH88p2p6p3p2pi saifudin/11 l 1/2
1312gemilangH58p0p9p1p3pk a'isisuhairi/11/2 l
1414luck of masterH96p6p6p6p5pk faiz/11 l
16ahorsewithnonameF50p8p0p3p7preserviste 2/1
17see yahH90p2p2p1p1preserviste 3/1
18big green hatH59p6p0p5p8preserviste 4/1

R7C11platgroupe i 20577singapour1800M279104singapore derby group 111 partantsdépart à 09:05
12golden monkeyH51p2p2p1p9ph bowman/101:47
24cavalryH51pv duric/13/4 l
31super saluteH52p1p1p1p1pm nunes/11 l 3/4
43invincible tycoonH53p3p1p1p3pm lerner/1nez
56saint tropezH55p7p1p4p0pcc wong/1tete
65dream allianceH54p5p6p2p3pd moor/11/2 l
710istatabaF56p4p2p6pwh kok/13/4 l
88elite legendH46p1p3pht mo/1encolure
99sousuiH54p1p2p3p1pt krisna/11/2 l
1011ahorsewithnonameF58p0p3p7p6pm zaki/13 l 1/2
117city gold wonderH59pb pinheiro/1loin

R8C11platgroupe ii 21482singapour1600M104664stewards' cup group 210 partantsdépart à 09:00
12golden monkeyH52p2p1p9pc schofield/101:34
21super saluteH51p1p1p1p1pm nunes/12 l
33invincible tycoonH53p1p1p3p2pm lerner/11/2 l
45dream allianceH55p6p2p3p2pd moor/1nez
54saint tropezH57p1p4p0p9pr stewart/11 l
69istatabaF54p2p6p(22)1pwh kok/11 l 1/4
78montana flashH52p5p6p(22)3pl beuzelin/11/2 l
810ahorsewithnonameF50p3p7p6p1pk a'isisuhairi/1tete
96city gold wonderH5Inéditb pinheiro/12 l
107flaming miglioreH55pt krisna/11 l 1/4

R5C5plathandicap 22084ascot4000M113647ascot stakes - world pool20 partantsdépart à 16:00
Non-partants : 16
16ahorsewithnonameF81h0h(22)Ah5pwilliam buick/104:32
22calling the windH76p4p(22)0p7pbilly loughnane/11 l 1/2
31tritonicH60p4h5h8h9hrossa ryan/13/4 l
417law of the seaH52p4p0p0pdavid egan/1nez
57westonH48p(22)4p1p1pcolin keane/1tete
611zoffeeH72p(22)4p3p7pben curtis/11/2 l
715novel legendH42p1p1p(22)2pdaniel muscutt/13/4 l
88the grand visirH99p(22)9p6prichard kingscote/11 l
99solent gatewayH51p6p7p4p3pjames doyle/11 l 3/4
1014throne hallH64hAh(22)4h1hhollie doyle/1encolure
1113prince imperialH69p8h4h3hrob hornby/1cte tete
1218themaxwecanH73p9p(22)7p1pjamie spencer/11 l 1/2
135bring on the nightH6(22)2p5h4h1hryan moore/11 l 1/2
144urban artistF86p4p(22)8p2poisin murphy/1nez
1512irish lullabyF40p2p(22)0p2pr. p. whelan/11 l 1/2
1620zinc whiteH51p(21)Ah1p1pjim crowley/1encolure
1710pleasant manH53p2h2h2h3htom marquand/16 l
1819achnamaraH47h6h(22)5h1psaffie osborne/115 l
193fleurmanH52p2p1p1pkevin stott/130 l
16east asiaH88p5p(22)8p0ppat dobbs/1

R8C8plathandicap 22521singapour1600M34888ato 2012 stakes class 412 partantsdépart à 07:30
14elite legendH43pm nunes/101:34
29king of sixty-oneH42p2p5p6pd moor/12 l
31shanghai starH67p1p1p4pr woodworth/11 l
47sousuiH51p2p3p1pb pinheiro/13/4 l
53axelH84p8p6p6p1pm lerner/1tete
610song of natureH51p1p6p(22)8pn zyrul/11 l 1/2
72super bowlH4Inéditr stewart/11 l
811khao maneeH65p4p1p2p3pk a'isisuhairi/1nez
912red dragonH55p6p5p7p6pt krisna/1tete
108ahorsewithnonameF53p7p6p1p0pl beuzelin/1nez
116iron rulerH74p5p9p5p1pm ibrahim/11 l 1/2
125gold legendH56p0pwh kok/13 l 1/2

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