Fiche cheval acrion

R2C1 du

plathandicap 31320mons (ghlin)950M5000prix du bam12 partantsdépart à 10:35
19royal diplomatH71p7p0p0p5phellyn stephen6.6/100:51
21blazedH81p3p1p6p4pstappaerts sascha mlle4.6/13 l
311black isle boyH83p5p5p0p0pmarien jente11/13/4 l
47monsieur melH83p0p7p5p6pclijmans koen10/12 l
53acrionH40p7p0p0p1pweber robin14/1tete
610snoozy siouxF81p0p1p2p4pmongil william4.8/1nez
74me nextF35p0p5p6p4pv d troost anna35/11 l
88nouvelle belleF30p6p0p5p7pbalcaen seppe60/11 l
96cap rocatH97p7p0p5p5ptison sophie22/1encolure
105royal emertherH34p4p1p4p3pbreux stephane6.6/1tete
112iseultF41p5p7p4p4pdehens christophe11/14 l
1212sneakyF50p7p0p(20)1ppecheur maxim27/14 l

R2C4 du

platcourse a conditions 33608mons (ghlin)1500M16000open de mons14 partantsdépart à 12:15
14scoreH51p4p6p7p4pclijmans koen12/101:33
210blue tangoM70p0p0p0p2pmarien jente51/13/4 l
36burning sunF51p7p0p7p0plefebvre fabien15/14 l
49la pentolaF54p1p6p6p5pvermeersch sara39/11 l
52greybychoiceH63p3p0p1p0pv d troost anna8.9/11/2 l
67baron maysonH62p5p2p(21)4pganbat bayarsaikhan2.6/1tete
75stone the crowsM72p7p6p0p4phellyn stephen6.3/1cte enc.
813desert marathonF41p5p2p(21)6pdehens christophe27/1cte tete
98beryl the perilF45p1p4p6p0phaedens robin38/11 l 1/2
1014imperial eightF40p0p5p(21)6pvanderbeke kobe61/16 l
111acrionH47p0p0p1p1pbreux stephane11/13/4 l
123latinoH62p0p6p0p2ppecheur maxim20/11 l 1/2
1312brigantineF60p5p3p5p2pseidl martin27/115 l
1411bow mintF31p1p3p(21)7pjacobs felice11/11/2 l

R2C1 du

plathandicap 34383mons (ghlin)950M5000prix hidalgo12 partantsdépart à 09:10
12blazedH83p1p6p4p6pstappaerts sascha mlle5.7/100:53
21latinoH60p6p0p2p0psnijders gijs80/11/2 l
34shining forthF54p3p4p6p1phaedens robin4.9/1tete
47royal emertherH33p3p1p0p0pbreux stephane4.8/13/4 l
55cap rocatH95p4p3p5p3ptison sophie13/1cte enc.
69tiny danserF46p4p2p(21)0pv d troost anna9.1/11 l
73acrionH40p0p1p1ppecheur maxim8.9/13/4 l
812houndstoothM80p6p3p(21)3pvanderbeke kobe43/1tete
96monsieur melH87p5p6p3p6pclijmans koen14/13/4 l
1011o deeH100p0p(21)0p0pmarien jente24/1encolure
118spot liteH75p3p2p3p2ppietsch alexander8.3/12 l
1210eddy mayF35p6p4p6p5pdieltjens karen35/11 l

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