Pronostics R1C4 du
Q+ - R1C4
atteleeuropeenne 27623vincennes2700M65000€prix de montsoreau14 partantsdépart à 14:15
top 7
Historiques Quinte+
Course | Arrivee | Cheval | S/A | Distance | Deff | Mus | Drivers | Entraineurs | Cote |
2023-03-02R1C1vincennes2700M75000€ | 9171211 | fakir de maheybilo jepsongaspar de brionfalco d'havarochegamay de l'iton | M8H6H7H8M7 | 27002700270027002700 | D4D4D4D4D4 | 0a7a(23a9a(21a7a1a8a3a6a2a0a(2 | m. mottiera. abrivardm. abrivardg. gelorminif. lagadeuc | m. mottiervitale ciotolam. abrivardj.m. baudouinhughes levesque | 13/16.1/13.3/111/16.6/1 |
2023-02-28R1C1vincennes2100M57000€ | 14111159 | gazoline du seuxzinko topgeisha speedhavbergs knightdrop de colleville | F7M8F7M10H10 | 21002100210021002100 | DAPPD4D4D4DP | 3a2aDa6a0a(27a2a(27a(22)2a0a(2 | m. abrivardf. ouvriea. barrierb. rochards. olivier | c. travertf. monclinj. niskanenph. daugeard | 6.9/118/15/131/178/1 |
2023-02-26R1C4vincennes4150M400000€ | 1111358 | ampia mede smharlem de bucyhooker berryhussard du landrethoney mearas | F7M6M6M6F6 | 41504150415041504150 | D4D4D4D4D4 | 1a2a3a1a1a(27a1a4a7a0a0a9a(22) | f. nivarda. abrivardj.m. bazireb. robinb. goop | f. souloych. ecalardj.m. bazireb. robindaniel reden | 4.4/119/14.6/19/126/1 |
2023-02-24R1C7vincennes2850M44000€ | 14215712 | is magic hauforivanjica de louillawaraice quickin love with chenu | F5F5F5F5F5 | 28502850285028502850 | D4PADPD4PADPPADP | 1aDa(25a5a(23a9a(26a4a8a0aDa(2 | d. bonnea. abrivardb. rochardg. gelorminip. pellerot | ch. abrivarde. lelievrep.j. cordeaup. pellerot | 3.6/15.5/15.9/128/123/1 |
2023-02-23R1C1vincennes2100M44000€ | 1193124 | historia kathahicha girlhygie hauforhera santignygotida | F6F6F6F6F7 | 21002100210021002100 | PADPD4D4D4DAPP | Dm8a(28a2a(25aDa(2Da2a(21a3m(2 | th. levesquey. dreuxch. bigeona. abrivardm. mottier | th. levesquey. dreuxch. abrivardm. mottier | 34/19.5/15.2/15.5/14.1/1 |
2023-02-21R1C1vincennes2850M75000€ | 108723 | go on boygoeland d'hauforespoir du noyerfanfaronneurgreat of madrik | M7H7H9H8M7 | 28752875285028502850 | -D4PADPPADPD4 | Da2aDa4aDa(2Da2a(22a6a8a3a(22) | r. derieuxch. bigeonb. rochardm. mottierm. abrivard | r. derieuxch. bigeonj.l. bigeonh. le becs. guarato | 6.3/17.6/123/114/16.4/1 |
2023-02-20R1C1vincennes2850M44000€ | 12155916 | heradamesgraal du tresorhowdy quickhurricane riverhove pont vautier | M6H7M6H8M6 | 28502850285028502850 | D4D4D4D4DP | 6a4a2a3a1a(22a(22)4a5a(2Da4a(2 | d. thomainm. mottiera. abrivardf. ouvrieb. rochard | cl. thomainm. abrivardch. erikssonf. souloy | 18/16.7/14.1/139/119/1 |
N* | nom | Reussite | Cote | |
4 | crack atout | 0.00% | 0/1 | 15 |
8 | espoir du noyer | 0.00% | 0/1 | 6.9 |
N* | driver | Reussite | Cote | |
2 | d. bonne | 100.00% | 1/1 | 66 |
9 | a. abrivard | 66.67% | 4/6 | 11 |
11 | m. abrivard | 66.67% | 2/3 | 9.8 |
5 | g. gelormini | 50.00% | 2/4 | 9.9 |
8 | b. rochard | 50.00% | 2/4 | 6.9 |
14 | f. lagadeuc | 33.33% | 1/3 | 7.7 |
10 | f. ouvrie | 20.00% | 1/5 | 3.7 |
4 | d. locqueneux | 0.00% | 0/1 | 15 |
N* | entraineur | Reussite | Cote | |
10 | j. niskanen | 100.00% | 1/1 | 3.7 |
2 | j.m. bazire | 50.00% | 1/2 | 66 |
9 | abrivard | 50.00% | 2/4 | 11 |
4 | t. malmqvist | 0.00% | 0/2 | 15 |
5 | mme a.f. donati marcillac | 0.00% | 0/1 | 9.9 |
8 | j.l. bigeon | 0.00% | 0/1 | 6.9 |
12 | st. meunier | 0.00% | 0/1 | 125 |
N* | Reussite | Cote | |
11 | 66.67% | 4/6 | 9.8 |
1 | 60.00% | 3/5 | 88 |
9 | 60.00% | 3/5 | 11 |
12 | 42.86% | 3/7 | 125 |
7 | 40.00% | 2/5 | 18 |
14 | 40.00% | 2/5 | 7.7 |
4 | 25.00% | 1/4 | 15 |
8 | 25.00% | 1/4 | 6.9 |
2 | 20.00% | 1/5 | 66 |
5 | 20.00% | 1/5 | 9.9 |
13 | 20.00% | 1/5 | 54 |
3 | 16.67% | 1/6 | 78 |
10 | 0.00% | 0/5 | 3.7 |
6 | 0.00% | 0/4 | 5.9 |
Course | Arrivee | Cheval | S/A | Distance | Deff | Mus | Drivers | Entraineurs | Cote |
2023-03-02R1C1vincennes2700M75000€ | 9171211 | fakir de maheybilo jepsongaspar de brionfalco d'havarochegamay de l'iton | M8H6H7H8M7 | 27002700270027002700 | D4D4D4D4D4 | 0a7a(23a9a(21a7a1a8a3a6a2a0a(2 | m. mottiera. abrivardm. abrivardg. gelorminif. lagadeuc | m. mottiervitale ciotolam. abrivardj.m. baudouinhughes levesque | 13/16.1/13.3/111/16.6/1 |
2023-02-19R1C4vincennes2700M57000€ | 3781511 | gendreenghalie du goutiergreat tigressenjoy the gamedivallo | H7F7F7M7H10 | 27002700270027002700 | D4D4D4D4D4 | 3a2a(24a1a(2DaDa(28a(22)4a8a(2 | a. abrivardtheo duvaldestinb. robing. gelorminia. barrier | abrivardth. duvaldestinj.l. bigeonh.e. bondom. varin | 2.9/16.1/122/16.3/174/1 |
2023-02-16R1C1vincennes2700M75000€ | 119618 | gaspar de brionoracle tileesteban jielcyrano de b.eric the eel | H7M7H9H7M7 | 27002700270027002700 | D4DPD4D4D4 | 7a1a(21a(22)0a3a7a0aDa(26a4a(2 | m. abrivardth. duvaldestinf. lagadeucf. ouvriea. lamy | m. abrivardth. duvaldestinj.l. dersoirj. niskanent. malmqvist | 8.3/11.6/150/126/112/1 |
2023-02-13R1C1vincennes2700M39000€ | 9371210 | is magic hauforirlanda lovaisba besnotideale de bonnefoiivanjica de lou | F5F5F5F5F5 | 27002700270027002700 | D4DAD4D4PADP | Da(22)Da(22)0a1a(2(22)5a5a(22) | d. moncling. gelorminia. rebechea. abrivard | ch. bigeonm. abrivardn. mortagnest. abrivard | 3.1/131/124/155/16.3/1 |
2023-02-10R1C7vincennes2700M75000€ | 10141415 | grace du digeongold voiceguiness d'herfraieflaya kaloumaflower ball | F7F7F7F8F8 | 27002700270027002700 | D4D4DAD4D4 | 1a(22)5a2a(2Da(22)Da0a(20a1a(2 | f. nivardf. ouvried. thomaing.a. pou pouj.m. bazire | ch. dreuxf. souloycl. thomaing.a. pou pouetienne dubois | 2.2/138/117/153/14.9/1 |
2023-02-06R1C1vincennes2700M51000€ | 1318712 | jouvence de careljunkie (swe)miss jajadalila barjusticia smart | F4F4F4F4F4 | 27002700270027002700 | PADPD4D4DADP | 7aDa(23a2a(21a(22)4a5a(2Da4a(2 | theo duvaldestinth. levesquea. abrivardn. bazirer. congard | th. duvaldestinh.e. abrivardp. gubellinih. sionneau | 6.4/15.8/14.4/123/117/1 |
2023-01-29R1C7vincennes2700M1000000€ | 948111 | hooker berryampia mede smitaliano verohip hop hauforhohneck | M6F7M5M6M6 | 27002700270027002700 | D4D4D4D4D4 | 4a0a(23a(22)9a(22)0a(22)3a(22) | j.m. baziref. nivardd. thomainch. bigeonf. lagadeuc | j.m. baziref. souloyph. allairech. bigeonph. allaire | 8.5/135/122/133/131/1 |
N* | nom | Reussite | Cote | |
10 | cyrano de b. | 100.00% | 1/1 | 3.7 |
14 | fashion touch | 0.00% | 0/1 | 7.7 |
N* | driver | Reussite | Cote | |
2 | d. bonne | 100.00% | 1/1 | 66 |
5 | g. gelormini | 100.00% | 3/3 | 9.9 |
7 | monclin | 100.00% | 1/1 | 18 |
14 | f. lagadeuc | 66.67% | 2/3 | 7.7 |
9 | a. abrivard | 60.00% | 3/5 | 11 |
10 | f. ouvrie | 50.00% | 2/4 | 3.7 |
11 | m. abrivard | 33.33% | 2/6 | 9.8 |
8 | b. rochard | 0.00% | 0/2 | 6.9 |
4 | d. locqueneux | 0.00% | 0/1 | 15 |
6 | e. raffin | 0.00% | 0/1 | 5.9 |
N* | entraineur | Reussite | Cote | |
4 | t. malmqvist | 100.00% | 1/1 | 15 |
8 | j.l. bigeon | 100.00% | 1/1 | 6.9 |
10 | j. niskanen | 100.00% | 1/1 | 3.7 |
9 | abrivard | 66.67% | 2/3 | 11 |
1 | salvatore minopoli | 0.00% | 0/1 | 88 |
2 | j.m. bazire | 0.00% | 0/1 | 66 |
5 | mme a.f. donati marcillac | 0.00% | 0/1 | 9.9 |
14 | p.l. desaunette | 0.00% | 0/1 | 7.7 |
N* | Reussite | Cote | |
9 | 75.00% | 3/4 | 11 |
7 | 60.00% | 3/5 | 18 |
11 | 60.00% | 3/5 | 9.8 |
1 | 50.00% | 3/6 | 88 |
6 | 50.00% | 1/2 | 5.9 |
3 | 40.00% | 2/5 | 78 |
10 | 40.00% | 2/5 | 3.7 |
12 | 40.00% | 2/5 | 125 |
8 | 33.33% | 2/6 | 6.9 |
4 | 20.00% | 1/5 | 15 |
14 | 20.00% | 1/5 | 7.7 |
13 | 0.00% | 0/6 | 54 |
5 | 0.00% | 0/3 | 9.9 |
2 | 0.00% | 0/2 | 66 |
Course | Arrivee | Cheval | S/A | Distance | Deff | Mus | Drivers | Entraineurs | Cote |
2023-03-02R1C1vincennes2700M75000€ | 9171211 | fakir de maheybilo jepsongaspar de brionfalco d'havarochegamay de l'iton | M8H6H7H8M7 | 27002700270027002700 | D4D4D4D4D4 | 0a7a(23a9a(21a7a1a8a3a6a2a0a(2 | m. mottiera. abrivardm. abrivardg. gelorminif. lagadeuc | m. mottiervitale ciotolam. abrivardj.m. baudouinhughes levesque | 13/16.1/13.3/111/16.6/1 |
2023-02-19R1C4vincennes2700M57000€ | 3781511 | gendreenghalie du goutiergreat tigressenjoy the gamedivallo | H7F7F7M7H10 | 27002700270027002700 | D4D4D4D4D4 | 3a2a(24a1a(2DaDa(28a(22)4a8a(2 | a. abrivardtheo duvaldestinb. robing. gelorminia. barrier | abrivardth. duvaldestinj.l. bigeonh.e. bondom. varin | 2.9/16.1/122/16.3/174/1 |
2023-02-16R1C1vincennes2700M75000€ | 119618 | gaspar de brionoracle tileesteban jielcyrano de b.eric the eel | H7M7H9H7M7 | 27002700270027002700 | D4DPD4D4D4 | 7a1a(21a(22)0a3a7a0aDa(26a4a(2 | m. abrivardth. duvaldestinf. lagadeucf. ouvriea. lamy | m. abrivardth. duvaldestinj.l. dersoirj. niskanent. malmqvist | 8.3/11.6/150/126/112/1 |
2023-02-13R1C1vincennes2700M39000€ | 9371210 | is magic hauforirlanda lovaisba besnotideale de bonnefoiivanjica de lou | F5F5F5F5F5 | 27002700270027002700 | D4DAD4D4PADP | Da(22)Da(22)0a1a(2(22)5a5a(22) | d. moncling. gelorminia. rebechea. abrivard | ch. bigeonm. abrivardn. mortagnest. abrivard | 3.1/131/124/155/16.3/1 |
2023-02-10R1C7vincennes2700M75000€ | 10141415 | grace du digeongold voiceguiness d'herfraieflaya kaloumaflower ball | F7F7F7F8F8 | 27002700270027002700 | D4D4DAD4D4 | 1a(22)5a2a(2Da(22)Da0a(20a1a(2 | f. nivardf. ouvried. thomaing.a. pou pouj.m. bazire | ch. dreuxf. souloycl. thomaing.a. pou pouetienne dubois | 2.2/138/117/153/14.9/1 |
2023-02-06R1C1vincennes2700M51000€ | 1318712 | jouvence de careljunkie (swe)miss jajadalila barjusticia smart | F4F4F4F4F4 | 27002700270027002700 | PADPD4D4DADP | 7aDa(23a2a(21a(22)4a5a(2Da4a(2 | theo duvaldestinth. levesquea. abrivardn. bazirer. congard | th. duvaldestinh.e. abrivardp. gubellinih. sionneau | 6.4/15.8/14.4/123/117/1 |
2023-01-29R1C7vincennes2700M1000000€ | 948111 | hooker berryampia mede smitaliano verohip hop hauforhohneck | M6F7M5M6M6 | 27002700270027002700 | D4D4D4D4D4 | 4a0a(23a(22)9a(22)0a(22)3a(22) | j.m. baziref. nivardd. thomainch. bigeonf. lagadeuc | j.m. baziref. souloyph. allairech. bigeonph. allaire | 8.5/135/122/133/131/1 |
N* | nom | Reussite | Cote | |
10 | cyrano de b. | 100.00% | 1/1 | 3.7 |
14 | fashion touch | 0.00% | 0/1 | 7.7 |
N* | driver | Reussite | Cote | |
2 | d. bonne | 100.00% | 1/1 | 66 |
5 | g. gelormini | 100.00% | 3/3 | 9.9 |
7 | monclin | 100.00% | 1/1 | 18 |
14 | f. lagadeuc | 66.67% | 2/3 | 7.7 |
9 | a. abrivard | 60.00% | 3/5 | 11 |
10 | f. ouvrie | 50.00% | 2/4 | 3.7 |
11 | m. abrivard | 33.33% | 2/6 | 9.8 |
8 | b. rochard | 0.00% | 0/2 | 6.9 |
4 | d. locqueneux | 0.00% | 0/1 | 15 |
6 | e. raffin | 0.00% | 0/1 | 5.9 |
N* | entraineur | Reussite | Cote | |
4 | t. malmqvist | 100.00% | 1/1 | 15 |
8 | j.l. bigeon | 100.00% | 1/1 | 6.9 |
10 | j. niskanen | 100.00% | 1/1 | 3.7 |
9 | abrivard | 66.67% | 2/3 | 11 |
1 | salvatore minopoli | 0.00% | 0/1 | 88 |
2 | j.m. bazire | 0.00% | 0/1 | 66 |
5 | mme a.f. donati marcillac | 0.00% | 0/1 | 9.9 |
14 | p.l. desaunette | 0.00% | 0/1 | 7.7 |
N* | Reussite | Cote | |
9 | 75.00% | 3/4 | 11 |
7 | 60.00% | 3/5 | 18 |
11 | 60.00% | 3/5 | 9.8 |
1 | 50.00% | 3/6 | 88 |
6 | 50.00% | 1/2 | 5.9 |
3 | 40.00% | 2/5 | 78 |
10 | 40.00% | 2/5 | 3.7 |
12 | 40.00% | 2/5 | 125 |
8 | 33.33% | 2/6 | 6.9 |
4 | 20.00% | 1/5 | 15 |
14 | 20.00% | 1/5 | 7.7 |
13 | 0.00% | 0/6 | 54 |
5 | 0.00% | 0/3 | 9.9 |
2 | 0.00% | 0/2 | 66 |
Course | Arrivee | Cheval | S/A | Distance | Deff | Mus | Drivers | Entraineurs | Cote |
2022-03-05R1C3vincennes2700M65000€ | 3191311 | heading referenceingoel santo hauforforum mesloisdeko de tilou | H8H7H8M7H9 | 27002700270027002700 | D4D4PADPPADPD4 | 8a9aDm6a2a(24a2aDa9a0aDa3a1a0a | n. bazirea. abrivardch.j. bigeong. gelorminich. martens | j.m. bazirech. erikssonch. bigeonp. bellochev. martens | 7/16.8/19.3/113/18.5/1 |
N* | driver | Reussite | Cote | |
5 | g. gelormini | 100.00% | 1/1 | 9.9 |
9 | a. abrivard | 100.00% | 1/1 | 11 |
N* | entraineur | Reussite | Cote | |
2 | j.m. bazire | 100.00% | 1/1 | 66 |
9 | abrivard | 0.00% | 0/1 | 11 |
N* | Reussite | Cote | |
1 | 100.00% | 1/1 | 88 |
3 | 100.00% | 1/1 | 78 |
9 | 100.00% | 1/1 | 11 |
11 | 100.00% | 1/1 | 9.8 |
13 | 100.00% | 1/1 | 54 |
5 | 0.00% | 0/1 | 9.9 |
8 | 0.00% | 0/1 | 6.9 |
10 | 0.00% | 0/1 | 3.7 |