Fiche cheval vintager

R8C5 du

platcourse a conditions 47341meydan (e.a.u)2000M85318zabeel turf presented by the valley by emaar18 partantsdépart à 16:20
Non-partants : 15 - 16 - 17 - 18
11star safariH62p(21)4p7p3pwilliam buick/102:02
24marie's diamondM60p(21)0p7p3pdaniel tudhope/11/2 l
32erzindjanH47p(21)0p7p4pray dawson/11/2 l
47dubai mirageH52p(21)8p4p4ppatrick cosgrave/11/2 l
55integrantM4(21)1p5p4p8padrie de vries/1encolure
63el patriotaM53p(21)8p3p1pvagner leal/11 l
78gabrH7(21)3p7p2p7pdane o'neill/11 l 1/4
814saqqara kingH5(21)7p0p6prichard mullen/13/4 l
910recordmanH73p(21)2p6p4ptadhg o'shea/13/4 l
1011vintagerH74p(21)8p3p1pandrea atzeni/1cte tete
1113dubai horizonH8(20)7p0p0p3pgabriele malune/13/4 l
129mordinH89p6p(21)5p5pmickael barzalona/110 l
136wirkoH40p(21)4p1pjames doyle/14 l
1412ya hayatiH5(21)5p1p(20)antonio fresu/15 l 1/2
15marching armyH4(21)1p1p4p8preserviste 1/1
16brilliant lightH54p(21)4p0p0preserviste 2/1
17freescapeH7(21)5p1p1p2preserviste 3/1
18enemyH5(21)2p7p4p2preserviste 4/1

R8C7 du

platcourse a conditions 48380meydan (e.a.u)1600M27877zabeel trophy presented by al safa library18 partantsdépart à 16:55
Non-partants : 15 - 16 - 17 - 18
14path of thunderH5(21)0p1p2p2prichard mullen/101:35
28moqtarrebH6(21)1p7p9p2padrie de vries/12 l 1/2
32la barrosaH4(21)0p6p2pjames doyle/13/4 l
414vintagerH7(21)8p3p1p6ppatrick cosgrave/1encolure
51alfareeqH5(21)1p1p2p8pdane o neill/1cte tete
63one rulerH4(21)4p3p7p6pwilliam buick/11 l 1/2
77mailshotH8(21)7p1p9p0pmickael barzalona/12 l
85zainhomH8(21)7p7p6p0pantonio fresu/13/4 l
96hakeemH8(21)0p1p4p6ppatrick dobbs/1nez
1013light and darkH6(21)0p(20)1plouis steward/11 l 1/4
119nordic lightsH7(19)6p1p2ptadhg o shea/11/2 l
1212latest generationH4(21)3p0p4p2pandrea atzeni/11 l 3/4
1311turjomaanH6(20)3p0p(19)sam hitchcott/14 l 1/2
1410quipH7(21)6p4p9p6proyston ffrench/12 l 1/2
15telemaqueH5(21)4p2p(20)reserviste 1/1
16ajwadM9(21)5p8p5p0preserviste 2/1
17ya hayatiH5(21)5p1p(20)reserviste 3/1
18saqqara kingH5(21)7p0p6preserviste 4/1

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