Fiche cheval special hedge

R2C5 du

plathandicap 5206sha tin (hong kong)1800M136527the hilltop in the valley 1800m handicap14 partantsdépart à 07:10
Non-partants : 1
1young brilliantH50p0p(23)7p7pwong e.c.w./1
18satirical gloryH69p5p5p2p4ppurton z./101:47
24joy of springH53p2p3p3p0pho c.y./11 l 1/2
33flying mojitoH65p5p2p0p4pavdulla b./11 l 1/4
411special hedgeH55p0p8p7p6pchau c.l./11 l
514kingly demeanorH49p0p0p0p0pyeung m.l./13/4 l
613little fairyH50p0p5p1p7pleung k.c./1cte tete
79chateau le pecheH40p3p0p6p0patzeni a./1cte tete
86call me supremeH46p4pbowman h./1cte tete
910me timeH48p9p8p0phewitson l./13/4 l
105winning stepsH60p1p3p9p6ppoon m.f./11/2 l
112romantic fantasyH42p7p5p1p3pchung y.l./12 l
1212pakistan friendH104p0p0p0pteetan k./14 l 1/2
137ping hai cometH54p0p0pbadel a./11/2 l

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