Fiche cheval red titan

- R2C6

plathandicap 28942sha tin (hong kong)1200M130788tai hing handicap14 partantsdépart à 07:35
11supreme luckyH51p(22)5p5ppoon m.f./101:09
22brave dreamsH52p3p(22)2p6ppurton z./11 l 3/4
37moduleconstructionH4Inéditho c.y./13/4 l
43excellent fighterH54p(22)1pde sousa s./11 l
58multidarlingH4Inéditchau c.l./11/2 l
612king of the courtH69p(22)0p2p0pteetan k./1cte tete
74faribaultH64p1p(22)1p2pchung y.l./11 l 1/4
86m unicornH57pbentley h./1encolure
95red titanH50p(22)0p3p0pcurrie l./1nez
1014speedstarH52p(22)0p0p9pbadel a./11 l
1111super magicH50p(22)0p0phewitson l./11 l 1/4
129herculesH88p0p(22)7p6pborges v./1tete
1313kowloon east starH60p7p(22)0p4pyeung m.l./12 l 1/2
1410perfect rockH5(22)0p0plai h.w./1encolure

- R3C6

plathandicap 32211sha tin (hong kong)1400M136314chevalier e & m engineering handicap14 partantsdépart à 07:45
19super red dragonH75p3p5p7p2ppurton z./101:21
22one voiceH41p2p2pho c.y./11 l 1/4
34millennium falconH66p9p6p3p8pbowman h./1cte tete
45chingH42p5pcurrie l./11/2 l
57singapore spiritH43p1p7p7p4pferraris l./13/4 l
63proud dragonH59p8p2p8p0pchung y.l./13/4 l
710speed fay fayH63p3p8p8p5pchau c.l./1cte tete
811gallant heroH46p4p8p3p5phewitson l./1encolure
96lean heroM35p3p9pmcneil j./1encolure
101red titanH45p4p3p4p4pborges v./1encolure
1114el jefeH71p7p5p7p0phamelin a./12 l
128super aceH48ppoon m.f./11 l 3/4
1313win win charityH40p9p7p9pmaia r./13 l
1412shining redH46p0p0p(21)8pyeung m.l./15 l

- R2C9

plathandicap 34976sha tin (hong kong)1400M217724spoonbill handicap14 partantsdépart à 09:10
113erimoH48p6p2p1p3ppurton z.4.1/101:21
22winner methodH56p7p0p6p7phewitson l.9.6/11 l 3/4
34decryptH62p7p3p9p1phamelin a.5.2/1cte tete
414red titanH43p4p4p5p3pborges v.13/1encolure
53kilindiniH60p3p9p4p5pde sousa s.33/13/4 l
68quadruple doubleH71p2p4p8p0pchung y.l.12/1encolure
75kasa papaH52p0p0p7pchau c.l.13/1cte tete
812beauty champH58p5p3p7p8pmaia r.13/1encolure
97sky foreverH58p9p5p1p2ppoon m.f.24/11 l 1/2
101master montaroH60p8p0p0p4pleung k.c.34/1cte tete
6dragon fortuneH50p0p1p6p4pferraris l.41/11 l
9circuit nineH31p1pchadwick m.5.4/1tete
10nothing impossibleH45p9p1p0p0pcurrie l.29/112 l
11super babyH40p9pho c.y.64/1cte tete

- R2C7

plathandicap 40899sha tin (hong kong)1200M189389the apprentice jockeys' school 50th anniversary cup (handicap)10 partantsdépart à 08:10
17ace oneH51p7p7p0p6pmaia r.7.2/101:08
210war weaponH55p4p9p0p4ppoon m.f.17/11 l 1/2
31super fortuneH51p8p1p2p2pteetan k.6.45/11/2 l
43reve parisienH62p1p6p0p9ppurton z.2.7/11/2 l
55red titanH43p(21)8p8pmoreira j.7.55/1cte tete
68adiosH42pleung k.c.6.3/1cte tete
72wind n grassH69p6p7p3p0pho c.y.42/11 l
86regency bo boH93p8p0p5p6pcurrie l.51/12 l
99victory scholarsH52p2p(21)7p8pbadel a.7.3/11/2 l
104texas moonH48p0p7p1pbentley h.50/11 l 1/2

- R7C8

plathandicap 61682sha tin (hong kong)1200M163860hap mun bay handicap12 partantsdépart à 08:05
19master eightH41pmoreira j./101:08
27the golden sceneryH4Inéditho c.y./13/4 l
310fearless fireH77p7p1p1p7pyeung m.l./12 l 1/2
43quadruple doubleH67p9p0p(20)0ppoon m.f./1tete
52mister snowdonH4Inéditchau c.l./11 l 3/4
68chicken danceH69p4p8p(20)0pleung k.c./1encolure
75perfect gloryH70p5p(20)2p4pcallan n./11/2 l
86red titanH38pshinn b./11/2 l
94super dobbinH59p4p4p(20)2pteetan k./1cte tete
1012wood on fireH66p4p3p5p1pchadwick m./11 l 1/4
111regency bo boH85p1p1p2p6ppurton z./11 l 1/2
1211super win dragonH40p7p5pbentley h./11 l

- R6C9

plathandicap 62542happy valley1200M163860marble handicap12 partantsdépart à 14:50
12sparkling dragonH73p0p2p(20)3phamelin a./101:09
21loving a boomH62p3p2p(20)4pbadel a./1encolure
312exuberantH41p8p3p0pteetan k./1encolure
43equaletta blitzH52p0p1p4ppurton z./1encolure
510sky showH55p5p2p2p3pchadwick m./13/4 l
611wood on fireH64p3p5p1p6pleung k.c./11/2 l
77noble steedH80p6p4p9p0pyeung m.l./1encolure
86red titanH3Inéditshinn b./1encolure
99triple tripleH78p4p0p1p2ppoon m.f./1cte tete
108smart leaderH79p0p0p8p5plai h.w./12 l
114majestic starH41p6p5pmoreira j./13/4 l
125wine and wineH56p1p9p8pmaia r./1nez

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