Fiche cheval party everyday

R2C5plathandicap 41186sha tin (hong kong)1800M189389piper' s hill handicap14 partantsdépart à 07:10
17romantic comboH52p4p5p9p1pmoreira j/101:46
210amazing teensH51p9p3p9p5pcurrie l/11 l 1/2
33so we joyH73p1p7p0pho c y/1encolure
45king's capitalH67p9p1p4p2pchau c l/12 l 1/2
52delightful laosH56p7p0p(21)0pteetan k/13/4 l
64rocket spadeM57p5p0p9p0pshinn b/11/2 l
711skyey supremeH79p5p0p0p1pwong c/11/2 l
814emergingH45p0pbadel a/1encolure
913exceptional niceH70p8p5p4p3pborges v/11 l 1/2
101chancheng princeH58p0p3p(21)9ppurton z/13/4 l
116party everydayH75p6p1p6p5pchadwick m/11/2 l
1212darci joyH57p9p4p1p1phewitson l/15 l 1/2
139function patchH58p0p9p(21)0pbentley h/19 l
148infinite powerH70p8p7p3ppoon m f/17 l

R6C7plathandicap 44270sha tin (hong kong)1800M183329kiu tsui handicap14 partantsdépart à 14:15
112party everydayH76p5p(21)2p7pmoreira j./101:46
27bear slamH78p3p(21)0p0pshinn b./1tete
38apache passH60p1p1p(21)8pleung k.c./1encolure
42tianchi monsterH87p5p8p2pho c.y./11 l 1/4
59romantic comboH59p1p7p(21)0pteetan k./1cte tete
63ultra expressH63p(21)7p2p1phewitson l./1cte tete
76so we joyH70p(21)0p2p0pchadwick m./11 l 1/4
84leap of faithH66p6p4p1ppurton z./11 l 1/4
95king's capitalH61p4p2p(21)3phamelin a./13/4 l
1011king tourbillonH50p7p0p(21)6pborges v./1cte tete
1110skyey supremeH70p1p0p(21)5pbentley h./1encolure
1213god of dragonH84p9p5p0ppoon m.f./13/4 l
1314baron zeeH40p0pyeung m.l./13 l
141everyone's delightH62p5p2p6pbadel a./130 l

R2C9plathandicap 45844sha tin (hong kong)1400M172041mei lam handicap14 partantsdépart à 09:10
13sauvestreH52p(21)0p2p3ppurton z.5/101:22
29compassion spiritH66p8p(21)4p1pchadwick m.63/13/4 l
311california skyH58p4pteetan k.9.8/1encolure
41seattle choiceH79p8p(21)0p0phamelin a.46/1cte tete
56running gloryH51p1p(21)3p0pmoreira j.2.15/1cte tete
613party everydayH75p(21)2p7p4ppoon m.f.25/11 l 1/4
712palace palH58pyeung m.l.32/11/2 l
88seasons blissH52p(21)6p1p1pho c.y.11/1encolure
94powerful wingsH4Inéditbentley h.86/11 l
105racing fighterH88p9p(21)0p9pferraris l.109/1encolure
2regency bo boH95p6p(21)0p9pmaia r.20/11 l 1/4
7the crownH66p0p0p8pmoor d.67/14 l
10harmony win winH65p7p(21)7p1pchan k.h.6.45/1cte tete
14angels hunterH59p6phewitson l.87/14 l 1/2

R2C7plathandicap 47881sha tin (hong kong)1800M172041nam shan handicap13 partantsdépart à 08:05
111romantic comboH57p(21)0p3p1pteetan k/101:46
28king's capitalH6(21)3p9p8p2phamelin a/1encolure
33chancheng princeH5(21)9p8p5p1ppurton z/1cte tete
47exceptional niceH7(21)2p5p2p2pho c y/11/2 l
510party everydayH7(21)2p7p4p1pchadwick m/1cte tete
69righteous doctrineH7(21)8p3p7p6pyeung m l/13/4 l
72all for st paul'sH6(21)4p5p1p4ppoon m f/1encolure
86crossfordH41p(21)9p4p0pborges v/11 l 1/2
94turin redstarH8(21)1p4p9p5pbentley h/11 l 1/4
105magnificentH7(21)6p7p7p9pmo h t/13 l
1112right honourableH8(21)0p0p0p4pwong c/12 l 1/2
1213skyey supremeH7(21)5p6p9p3pmoreira j/1encolure
131enjoyingH7(21)2p0p5p8pbadel a/13/4 l

R6C9plathandicap 49778sha tin (hong kong)1650M172041peridot handicap14 partantsdépart à 09:10
112infinite powerH61p4p1p9p5ppoon m.f./101:37
21ultra expressH51p2p1p1p2pmoreira j./13/4 l
32elite patchH62p4p0p5p0pr maia/13/4 l
47crossfordH30p5p0ppurton z./13/4 l
514super win dragonH43p4p4p7p5pborges v./11/2 l
64ready player oneH4Inéditbadel a./1cte tete
710party everydayH64p1p4p3p7pchadwick m./1encolure
88gameplayer timesH65p7p1p6p7pbentley h./11/2 l
96king's capitalH58p2p5p1p7pho c.y./11/2 l
103royal prideH48p6p0p4p0pferraris l./11 l
1113gold cometH58p7p6p0p6phamelin a./12 l
125green laserH50p0p0p0p0phewitson l./12 l 1/2
1311star of yuen longH60p0p7p4p0pleung k.c./12 l 1/2
149farshadH78p8p7p0p8pwong h.n./1cte tete

R6C5plathandicap 51864sha tin (hong kong)1800M113963tiu yue yung handicap13 partantsdépart à 13:15
13party everydayH64p3p7p0p2pchadwick m./101:49
27victorious seekerH67p9p4p5p0pschofield c./11 l 1/4
31double takeH50p2p1p4p3pchan k.h./12 l 1/2
42super fastH52p6p5p1p2ppurton z./13/4 l
54unite spiritH60p7p0p3p1pshinn b./11/2 l
65flash famousH77p0p0p0p0pchau c.l./13/4 l
712london luckystarH52p3p9p4p5pteetan k./12 l
86smart folksH46p9p0p8p9phamelin a./13/4 l
910sure win winH56p8p1p1p3pho c.y./1tete
109dionysus collinH63p0p8p0p7pwong h.n./11 l 1/4
1113oh bravoH54p7p2p0p6pbadel a./11 l 3/4
1211yes we canH65p9p6p2p5pleung k.c./11 l 1/2
138telecom cheetahH50p8p0p0p0pferraris l./12 l

R6C7plathandicap 52787sha tin (hong kong)1650M172041tsuen fu handicap13 partantsdépart à 08:05
16chancheng princeH40p6p0p3p0pmaia r./101:39
23ultra expressH51p1p2p3p1pmoreira j./12 l 1/2
35true legendH51p0p5p4p2ppoon m.f./1tete
413party everydayH63p7p0p2p5pchadwick m./13 l
54skyey supremeH60p7p0p1p8pwong h.n./1encolure
69gold cometH50p6p1p2p0pschofield c./11/2 l
78gameplayer timesH61p6p7p4p3pchau c.l./1nez
810invincible missileH68p8p7p4p0pferraris l./11 l 1/4
92righteous doctrineH60p4p8p5p7pteetan k./11 l
107elonH41p9p7p6p7pborges v./1encolure
111elite patchH65p0p0p0p2pleung k.c./114 l
1211right honourableH74p5p1p1p2pbadel a./14 l 1/2
1312splendid livingH40p9p3p9phamelin a./16 l

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