Fiche cheval onemoreforleo

R7C8plathandicap 54906kalgoorlie australie1600M15263willweld handicap (1600 metres)13 partantsdépart à 09:00
17secret attractionF52p7p0p6p5pw pike/101:37
Elle a montré un beau regain de forme en dernier lieu.
22no whisperingH53p2p1p4p7plucy fiore/11 l 1/2
Il possède de solides références sur cette piste.
39soldiers campH55p4p5p9p6pt turner/1encolure
44onemoreforleoH65p3p6p3p2pc johnston-porter/12 l 1/2
Sa forme est sûre, mais il a tiré un numéro de corde peu avantageux.
56more than enuffH42p1p5p4p7plaqdar ramoly/1
Il a échoué de peu pour son nouveau mentor dernièrement.
58passion princeH69p0p5p3p6pkeshaw dhurun/1ex-aequo
71it's a lanceH73p1p3p5p8pzephen johnston-porter/11 l 1/2
Il reste sur une belle série de performances sur cette piste.
85prince tikeaH57p1p1p7p3pbrandon louis/13/4 l
Sa dernière sortie en terrain lourd est à effacer.
913dawn enigmaH80p8p5p6p7pms l staples/1encolure
103floppyH60p7p7p1p1pbrayden gaerth/13/4 l
1111yes of courseH54p4p4p8p1pvictoria corver/1cte enc.
Il a effectué une course de rentrée encourageante.
1212chang manH60p9p6p6p7pchloe azzopardi/11 l 1/4
1310deel redH94p0p5p6p4pc nicoll/12 l

R9C4plathandicap 4170kalgoorlie australie1400M14652paddy byrne cup (1400 metres)9 partantsdépart à 06:50
14captain rogersH52p1p5p5pjordan turner/101:27
22onemoreforleoH61p1p3p5p5plucy fiore/11/4 l
31dance of thunderH70p5p1p(23)2pchanel cooper/13/4 l
43ryewoodF56p(23)1p2p2pjoseph azzopardi/11 l
56dawn enigmaH86p7p3p(23)8pvictoria corver/12 l 1/2
65honest legendH65p7p6p(23)8pcassey martinan/13/4 l
77no more dustF68p9p0p8p8pkristy bennett/1cte tete
88shoot ur shotH77p4p8p8p7pmadi derrick/13/4 l
99chang manH66p6p7p5pkeshaw dhurun/11 l 1/4

R7C6plathandicap 5236kalgoorlie australie1623M14652gannon's sportswear & trophies handicap (1623 metres)10 partantsdépart à 07:45
16onemoreforleoH61p3p5p5plucy fiore/101:39
28captain rogersH51p5p5p(23)3pkristo sardelic/1cte enc.
34kallarooH72p5p9p4p3pms l staples/11 l 1/2
45so likableH69p5p7p(23)0pnatasha faithfull/1cte enc.
51magic will reignH80p4p(23)2p5pkeshaw dhurun/11/2 l
63dancing jackH99p6p7p(23)8pava catarino/11 l
710shoot ur shotH74p8p8p7p9pp carbery/13/4 l
82it's a lanceH71p1p3p(23)1pjade mc naught/1encolure
99deel redH94p3p3p0p0pcassey martinan/11 l
107all on blackH81p7p4p5pkristy bennett/11/2 l

R8C4plathandicap 5579kalgoorlie australie1400M14652kalgoorlie feed barn handicap (1400 metres)10 partantsdépart à 06:30
17onemoreforleoH63p5p5p(23)8plucy fiore/101:24
19all on blackH87p4p5p(23)9pkristy bennett/1ex-aequo01:24
33red cadillacF72p2p(23)8p1pjade mc naught/13/4 l
48shoot ur shotH78p8p7p9p5pms l staples/13/4 l
52dance of thunderH71p(23)2p1p4pnatasha faithfull/1cte enc.
610chang manH66p7p5p(23)1pkeshaw dhurun/13/4 l
76dawn enigmaH83p(23)8p9p2pvictoria corver/11/4 l
81counter driveH94p1p3p2p7pava catarino/13/4 l
94so likableH65p7p(23)0p2pchanel cooper/13/4 l
105stratocreedH108p(23)9p4p5pkristo sardelic/13 l

R7C5plathandicap 17610kalgoorlie australie1300M18322city of kalgoorlie boulder handicap15 partantsdépart à 07:45
110the big oneH57p8p2p1p2pcassey martinan a 2kg/101:18
211twelve bellsH55p6p0p5p4pnatasha faithfull/1cte tete
312witch streetF41p5p4p5p5plaqdar ramoly/1tete
41onemoreforleoH53p2p2p1p7pzephen johnston-porter a 3kg/1encolure
59princess chunkF45p4p0p5p1pwilliam pike/1cte enc.
64hidden rubyF40p2p1p5p2pclintjohnston-porter/1tete
77captain rogersH48p3p1p6p4pbrandon louis a/11/2 l
83duke iamH49p7p2p1p3ps o'donnell/1encolure
95aidan's choiceH54p0p1p2p7ppeter knuckey/1encolure
108got luckyH60p2p9p1p2pmadi derrick a/11 l 1/4
1113no more dustF50p8p0p4p4pkristy bennett/11 l 1/4
1215fiendishH60p7p7p8p4pms l staples/11/2 l
132baalbekH45p0p(22)9p1pmichael poy/11/2 l
146set for stardomH51p0p3p2pbrayden gaerth a/12 l 1/2
1514runyooH70p6p0p9pkeshaw dhurun a/112 l

R8C5plathandicap 23538kalgoorlie australie1608M13859double line drafting handicap (1608 metres)12 partantsdépart à 07:25
17it's a lanceH62p9p(22)3p5pbrayden gaerth/101:38
21filthy habitsH41p5p2p2p1paustin galati/11/2 l
39grece lightningH46p3p4p8p4pnatasha faithfull/12 l
43send 'emH51p2p7p3pluke campbell/11/2 l
56dancing jackH83p7p7p7p6pms l staples/13/4 l
65free soloH64p3p0p0p2plaqdar ramoly/11/2 l
72onemoreforleoH55p4p1p2p0pmichael poy/1cte enc.
88no more dustF50p4p4p1p1pkristy bennett/13 l
94chang manH50p2p0p(22)5pkeshaw dhurun/1encolure
1012all in a dayF76p7p(22)8p3prosie mahony/11/2 l
1110keep your feetH67p5p5p(22)0pjordan turner/12 l
1211silver flyerH68p9p0p7p7pbrandon louis/13/4 l

R9C4plathandicap 24277kalgoorlie australie1600M13859express yourself printing handicap (1600 metres)12 partantsdépart à 06:37
14filthy habitsH45p2p2p1pc johnston-porter/101:38
211it's a lanceH69p(22)3p5p6pbrayden gaerth/11/4 l
38dancing jackH87p7p7p6pms l staples/1encolure
46free soloH63p0p0p2p5pcassey martinan/13/4 l
53onemoreforleoH54p1p2p0p4pluke campbell/11 l 1/4
612all in a dayF77p(22)8p3p7prosie mahony/11 l
710keep your feetH65p5p(22)0p4pkeshaw dhurun/1tete
87let the dust flyF67p8p1p2p0pkristy bennett/11/2 l
92mr kohanaH61p3p5p2p2paustin galati/11/2 l
101chang manH52p0p(22)5p1pms k yuill/11/2 l
115thehuntsmenH75p5p4p(22)7pangela johnston/13/4 l
129divulgeH68p0p8p(22)7pbrandon louis/1encolure

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