Fiche cheval looks

R7C8plathandicap 64351pinjarra australie1500M24420alcoa pinjarra grandstand cup (1500 metres)20 partantsdépart à 08:56
Non-partants : 13 - 18 - 19 - 20
15atlantis beachH74p9p0p4p3ps o'donnell/1
Associé à bon jockey pour cette rentrée, il peut surprendre.
23harbinH69p2p9p7p4pluke campbell/1
Sa partenaire bénéficie d'une décharge de trois kilos.
32noteworthyF50p9p4p5p4pc johnston-porter/1
Elle tarde à refaire parler d'elle mais est très chuchotée sur place.
1rejuva kingH58p(23)0p(22)jarrad noske/1
4pro latteF67p0p1p0p1pjoseph azzopardi/1
6dreamtime jeanH41p0p4p6p9pp carbery/1
Il reste sur un succès plein d'autorité sur la piste de Bunbury.
7my jimmyH40p8p1p3p3pb parnham/1
Il s'est très bien préparé en vue de cette reprise de contact.
8ton of gruntH42p4p2p8p1pt turner/1
Il est assez régulier à ce niveau de compétition.
9keloraH66p1p1p2p3pjade mc naught/1
Sa marge de manoeuvre est réduite, mais il demeure difficile à ignorer.
10king's paradeH45p8p8p0p6plucy fiore/1
11manhattan stripH52p8p2p3p7pchris parnham/1
Il possède de très belles statistiques sur cette piste.
12tiff's ladH69p9p7p8p0pmadi derrick/1
13belta of a songF61p1p1p3p2pw pike/1
14cangguH42p5p1p3p1ps parnham/1
15jay deeF90p7p1p4p4pj whiting/1
16oceanzaraF86p3p7p4p3pvictoria corver/1
17looksH56p2p6p2p3pb. louis/1
18fleur delacourF50p0p8p4p1preserviste 2/1
19royal gapH69p5p7p1p4preserviste 3/1
20lucky heartH82p2p0p3p5preserviste 4/1

R10C7plathandicap 4859kalgoorlie australie1200M14652rmw property group handicap (1200 metres)10 partantsdépart à 08:30
13hidden rubyF53p1p2p(23)4pnatasha faithfull/101:11
29kelly's li za luF54p1p2p3plucy fiore/11 l 1/4
310lucky foo fooF60p0p9p(23)6pmadi derrick/11 l 1/2
48hole in oneH64p5p(23)8p5pjade mc naught/11 l 1/2
54honest legendH67p6p(23)8p6pchanel cooper/11/2 l
65looksH54p8p8p(23)5pbrandon louis/1nez
72town hallH78p9p(23)9p7pms l staples/1encolure
87no more dustF69p0p8p8p2pkristy bennett/13/4 l
96total lockdownH63p7p7p6p7pp carbery/1nez
101kakaduH93p8p(23)5p0pkeshaw dhurun/13/4 l

R7C6plathandicap 14501albany australie1230M24429regional championship the road to ascot (1230 metres)10 partantsdépart à 08:55
17cable boyH66p5p3p9p1pnatasha faithfull/101:14
29starauthoressH75p(22)6p3p3pj whiting/1encolure
38looksH43p7p1p1p1palan kennedy/11 l
42elite fighterH50p2p7p1p5pms k yuill/1encolure
54trevelloH99p4p8p3p2pzephen johnston-porter/13 l
610rocapozzeneF47p8p0p6p1paustin galati/12 l 1/2
75god's momentF74p0p2p3p2pmadi derrick/13/4 l
81sneaky foxH69p0p1p1p2pc nicoll/11 l 1/4
93highfriarH88p9p9p8p1pjade mc naught/11/2 l
106squillionareF50p1p1p3p3pcassey martinan/15 l

R7C7plathandicap 15284albany australie1100M14658congratulations rod kemp spirit of racing handicap (1100 metres)10 partantsdépart à 09:35
15oxbridgeH76p5p6p1p4prosie mahony/101:04
29frantic warH47p6p3p2p1pjade mc naught/15 l
34looksH47p1p1p1p2palan kennedy/12 l
410vonsnipF44p1p2p0p3pnatasha faithfull/1encolure
57starauthoressH7(22)6p3p3p2pj whiting/13/4 l
68does he knowH48p(22)5p7p1pvictoria corver/1encolure
73blue lineH58p7p7p1p5pava catarino/1encolure
82highfriarH89p9p8p1p7pzephen johnston-porter/11/2 l
96westernizeH76p2p9p7paustin galati/13 l
101debit creditH81p1p5p2p1pms k yuill/17 l

R7C7plathandicap 23910albany australie1230M13859arc wish to thank all club staff season 2022-23 handicap (1230 metres)12 partantsdépart à 08:20
13looksH41p1p2p2p4palan kennedy/101:17
27aramatF66p1p2p6p3prosie mahony/12 l 1/2
36pinball playerH61p9p6p(22)5pbrayden gaerth/11 l 1/4
410do da dittyF55p5p4p6p2pkristy bennett/11 l 1/4
51getyourmoneyandrunH59p7p(22)5p4pcassey martinan/11/2 l
62look upH62p2p6p5p7paustin galati/1tete
712silver boF66p8p0p7p5pzephen johnston-porter/11 l
85st johnH50p0p0p3pms k yuill/14 l
94pennedH46p5p1p1p2pjarrad noske/11 l 1/4
109candijayF72p5p3p3p3pj brown/13/4 l
1111shecky redH96p9p9p9p7pb banovic-edwards/11 l 1/2
128evidenceF50p7p7p0pnatasha faithfull/116 l

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