Fiche cheval let'sdeal

R3C7plathandicap 9325esperance australie2000M61051freight lines group esperance cup (2000 metres)18 partantsdépart à 09:00
Non-partants : 9 - 17 - 18
13manavendraH50p3p1p1p6pc johnston-porter3.5/102:03
22utgard lokiH98p0p(23)8p0pmichael poy46/11/2 l
34acermetricH101p5p9p(23)6pms l staples14/11/2 l
414vevinskyH65p1p2p3pzephen johnston-porter25/11/4 l
512sluice boxH99p4p6p4plucy fiore6.7/11/4 l
613the roan rangerH94p3p(23)7p1paustin galati33/11/2 l
71let'sdealH62p0p(23)1p0palan kennedy5.6/11 l 1/2
816zackariah beauH112p1p1p7pjoseph azzopardi12/11/4 l
911ration alyF88p7p9p(23)0pc nicoll20/13/4 l
105chuck a luckH86p5p(23)0p8pvictoria corver39/11 l 1/2
116ex sport manH60p7p5p(23)0pt turner18/11/2 l
128hoist the coloursH71p6p0p(23)1pkristy bennett17/12 l
1310oldenH74p3p(23)0p2pnatasha faithfull12/11 l 1/2
147freedom squareH79p0p3p9pjessica gray47/15 l
9my boy eddyH67p6p(23)3p6pjade mc naught/1
1515wheatstack thiefH73p2p4p2p6pms s altieri29/11/4 l
17jarmanH98p9p0p5preserviste 1/1
18bentley's brotherH107p8p8p0preserviste 2/1

R7C6plathandicap 47565mount barker australie1200M12394the frock shop handicap (1200 metres)12 partantsdépart à 07:50
Non-partants : 7
12let'sdealH4(21)2p1ps mc gruddy/101:12
210spirit of prophecyF68p(21)2p6p9pc nicoll/11 l 1/2
33ginger greenH51p2p5p(20)3pnatasha faithfull/11 l 1/2
48silver boF54p8p3p6pvictoria corver/1encolure
56kelly's lassieF43p(21)1p7p6pc johnston porter/11/4 l
61count the sessionsH5(21)0p5p3p1pb rawiller/11 l 1/4
75ruby jeanF64p3p4p5pjason whiting/1tete
89art admirerH6(21)0p9p0p6pjade mc naught/13/4 l
94big swoopH5(21)7p3p1p5pangela johnston/11/2 l
7saasmitF47p(21)4p3p9plucy warwick/1
1012missallureF60p(21)4p0p2pkristy bennett/16 l
1111don't overtakeF75p(21)4p8p6pkate witten/1loin

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