Fiche cheval invincible soldier

R5C6plathandicap 42104bath2000M6100racing supporting mental health awareness week handicap (class 6)12 partantsdépart à 19:00
Non-partants : 9
17sisterandbrotherH4(21)5p5p4p2ppat dobbs/102:08
25blue heroH44p(21)3p1p1ptyler heard/1tete
33invincible soldierH40p3p(21)3p6pliam keniry/13/4 l
41persuasive powersF4(21)5p6p3p5pcharles bishop/11 l 1/2
56plansinaF72p6p6p(21)1pdavid probert/11 l
68retrouvaillesF45p(21)0p0p6pgeorge wood/11 l
710gertchaH58p6p0p5p6pwilliam cox/1tete
82spirit warningH6(21)4p4p6p4ppat cosgrave/13 l 1/2
94doonbeg farmerH48p2p5p1p9prhys clutterbuck/13 l
9uther pendragonH73p2p3p3p4pjohn egan/1
912rakish paddyH49h6p0p(21)5pgeorge rooke/1ex-aequo
1111joyful songF57p6p(21)0p0pkieran o'neill/18 l 1/2

R5C6plathandicap 53126wolverhampton2450M7238cazoo handicap (class 6)10 partantsdépart à 18:30
11on the right trackH41p4p1p7p5pjoey haynes/102:38
27pride of nepalH38p2p6p0pcallum shepherd/11 l 1/4
39gustave aitchH59p3p(20)4hross coakley/11 l 1/4
45crystal guardM39p3p3p4p2pkieran shoemark/13/4 l
54invincible soldierH31p3p4p1p2ptrevor whelan/1encolure
63fleursalsF55h5hTh5heoin walsh/11 l 3/4
76sundayinmayF31p6p1p3p8phayley turner/17 l 1/2
82city escapeF46h4h9p5p3pwilliam humphrey/13/4 l
98candlemasF40p6p(20)4p9pdavid probert/14 l 1/2
1010avior starH36p9p4p5p9pjamie gormley/110 l

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