Fiche cheval firefoot

R2C6 du

plathandicap 7864sha tin (hong kong)1400M136527graduate school alumni handicap14 partantsdépart à 07:40
13voyage samuraiH52p1pleung k.c./101:23
28war of courageH84p9p4p6pchan k.h./11 l 1/4
310top top teaH60p0p9p0p0pchung y.l./11 l 3/4
41sixth generationH65p9p0p7phewitson l./1cte tete
512chilli babaH57p3p4p9phamelin a./11 l 3/4
614noble winH66p0p5p6pthompson b./1nez
75golden darciH53p7p5p7pbowman h./13/4 l
811patch of timeH55p3p5p(23)9pteetan k./1cte tete
99river viewsH60p2p6p(23)3pchau c.l./11 l
106jumbo fortuneH60p0p0p3p7pavdulla b./12 l
112verbierH48pbentley h./11 l
124forever charmH50p0p0p(23)6pbadel a./11/2 l
1313youth powerH49p6p9p0p9pyeung m.l./1cte tete
147firefootH40pde melo k./13 l 1/2

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