Fiche cheval earl

R2C4 du

plathandicap 38305munich-riem2000M11000konrad werner wille-memorial9 partantsdépart à 10:20
18louisH80p7p6p(21)4pleon wolff18/102:06
25prince oliverH55p7p4p7plilli-marie engels14/12 l
39special appealF66p5p3p0p7pmartin seidl39/1encolure
46wonderful starletF43p8p2p0pgavin ashton8.5/1encolure
52new wizardH44p1p0p3p4pmichal abik5.4/11/2 l
63donna florentinaF45p(21)9p2p0padrie de vries8.1/13 l
77earlH75p1p6p3pmarco casamento13/11/2 l
84flying rocketH51p5p(21)1p1pwladimir panov2/11 l 1/4
91siouxH74p5p6p0padriana muehlgasser17/11/2 l

R2C4 du

platcourse a conditions 46098vaal2000M5700racing240 for racing. for you middle stakes10 partantsdépart à 11:35
Non-partants : 5
13the kopH53p8p(21)7p4pk matsunyane14/102:02
24earlH55p(21)1p7p5pg lerena6.2/13/4 l
38duke of rainH42p1p(21)2p4pk a brewer6.8/13 l
46apollo robbinsH65p7p(21)6p6pd schwarz22/12 l 1/2
59ideal wolffH62p4p2p(21)3pm v rensburg7.3/11/2 l
61august leavesH68p(21)7p4p2pr munger24/13/4 l
82run as oneH46p1p(21)3p2pw kennedy4.6/11/4 l
5king's crusadeH51p0p(21)3p8pj mariba8.2/1
77time spiritH55p(21)9p3p9ps khumalo13/11/4 l
910cheringomaF41p(21)1p2p4pp mxoli3.4/11 l 3/4

R2C4 du

plathandicap 48888vaal1500M4845play soccer mr 80 handicap11 partantsdépart à 11:35
Non-partants : 1 - 8
1earlH41p7p5p7p1pk a brewer/1
12nordic rebelH85p5p5p6p3pg lerena4.8/101:32
23bey suyayH44p2p2p5p2pr munger4.3/11 l
36leading ladH53p6p5p3p2pw kennedy8/11/4 l
49power rangerM49p5p8p1p2pm yeni7/13/4 l
511quattro passiH50p5p9p6p4pn klink40/12 l 1/2
67tamboraH58p8p6p3p5pc zackey14/11 l 3/4
75dance lessonF43p2p2p1p3ps brown4.2/11/4 l
84banha bridgeH53p3p3p1p7ps khumalo6.5/11/2 l
8riccardoH45p4p3p6p1pf herholdt/1
910river jordanH64p6p5p7p6pc maujean14/11 l 1/2

R2C4 du

plathandicap 49300vaal1600M4845mr 80 handicap8 partantsdépart à 11:47
Non-partants : 1
1category fourH64p5p5p6p6pk a brewer/1
14earlH47p5p7p1p3pg lerena9.8/101:37
27dawn of a new eraH42p3p6p8p2pp mxoli3.8/11/2 l
32flying bullH42p2p2p5p1pw kennedy2.6/11 l 1/4
45bey suyayH42p2p5p2p3pm yeni3.3/11 l 1/2
53fifth of julyH50p9p1p0p4pc zackey20/15 l
68willo'thewispH55p0p2p2p6pk matsunyane24/14 l
76top wesseltonH31p1p4p2p0pc habib7.8/116 l

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