Pronostics R13C7 du
R13C7attelecherbourg2625M16500€prix mc donald's la glacerie18 partantsdépart à 14:40
Non-partants : 15
Course | Arrivee | Cheval | Presse | Cl.Cotes | S/A | Distance | Deff | Mus | Drivers | Entraineurs | Cote |
2024-11-01R11C8cherbourg2625M5500€ | 1491538 | hors cadreharabicaizijalin the summertimeiton des landes | NCNCNCNCNC | 13796 | H7H7H6M6H6 | 26502625265026252625 | DAD4PADP-PADP | 4a2a2a2a4a4a3aDa4aDa0a5a3a0a0a | f. chapdelainea. lairmme h. laurentf. robinm. durand | m. charuelj.f. popotb. barassinph.j. poissons. hardy | 3.9/15/117/123/117/1 |
2024-11-01R11C7cherbourg2625M19000€ | 28456 | incognito faciaselmaicone pont vautierhappeningimpecc blue | NCNCNCNCNC | 231354 | H6F6F6H7H6 | 26252625262526252625 | D4PAD4PADPD4 | 6a1a2a2a1aDa3a7aDa4a2a4a2aDaDa | r. huej. gosseling. lessieub. barassiny. lebourgeois | s. guaratoj. gosseling. lessieub. barassinch.a. mary | 5.6/16.9/165/110/18.4/1 |
2024-11-01R11C6cherbourg2625M13500€ | 1387310 | lancelot suedoislet's go becolegolas roudouroulover des racqueslooping de caponet | NCNCNCNCNC | 311581 | H3H3M3M3M3 | 26502625262526252625 | PAPPAP--- | 9aDaDa7a0aDa4aDaInédit3a | y. lebourgeoisd. heona. lamych. criadoanthony dollion | c. godardchristophe marief. combotf. criadoanthony dollion | 8.3/126/111/118/13.8/1 |
2024-11-01R11C5cherbourg2625M13500€ | 6118110 | le beau ciellucky carnoislike you madrikle petit jeulobaye | NCNCNCNCNC | 651292 | H3H3M3H3H3 | 26252650262526252625 | --PAP-- | Da5aDa3a8aDmDmDaInédit3aDa | a. collettealexandre bodini. krouchim. lendersj.w. hallais | jean grimaultm. krouchim. lendersj.w. hallais | 11/18.1/190/138/14.1/1 |
2024-11-01R11C4cherbourg2625M12000€ | 121167 | madrid hauformafaldamirabelle de larremeet and greetmeknes | NCNCNCNCNC | 251014 | F2F2F2F2F2 | 26252625262526252625 | ----- | InéditInéditInéditInéditInédit | f. boudetl. baudrona. collettey. lebourgeoisr. bouvier | ch. bigeonl. baudrons. rogerd. locqueneuxrobin bouvier | 4.9/112/126/13.3/110/1 |
2024-11-01R11C3cherbourg2625M14500€ | 912108 | karat deffkiwi du bissonkansas du ribkid d'echalkadeos si | NCNCNCNCNC | 482112 | H4H4H4H4M4 | 26252625262526252625 | -D4D4DP- | DaDa6a6aDa9aDa1aDa1a9aDa0a8a7a | d. thomains. baudey. lebourgeoiss. ernaultmlle noemie hardy | cl. thomainf. lindrecy. lebourgeoise.m. fourniers. hardy | 7.3/130/14.7/14.2/179/1 |
2024-11-01R11C2cherbourg2625M14500€ | 28111312 | karting du vivierkenjy lucaxelokonrad de cordaykolmi des epineskrall de corday | NCNCNCNCNC | 15783 | H4H4H4H4H4 | 26252625262526252625 | PAD4DPD4- | Da1a1a1a4a4a0aDa1a9a4m0mDa3a7a | s. ernaultf. delanoer. huea.g. maillardd. heon | s. ernaultf. delanoes. guaratoa.g. maillardd. heon | 3.8/18.5/120/133/15.9/1 |
N* | driver | Reussite | Cote | |
12 | y. lebourgeois | 50.00% | 3/6 | 4.7 |
18 | s. baude | 0.00% | 0/4 | 22 |
N* | entraineur | Reussite | Cote | |
9 | s. hardy | 100.00% | 1/1 | 48 |
14 | s. hardy | 100.00% | 1/1 | 15 |
16 | s. roger | 100.00% | 1/1 | 43 |
6 | ch.a. mallet | 0.00% | 0/1 | 16 |
N* | Reussite | Cote | |
8 | 80.00% | 4/5 | 15 |
6 | 60.00% | 3/5 | 16 |
14 | 50.00% | 1/2 | 15 |
3 | 40.00% | 2/5 | 43 |
7 | 40.00% | 2/5 | 5 |
11 | 40.00% | 2/5 | 72 |
1 | 33.33% | 2/6 | 218 |
10 | 33.33% | 2/6 | 20 |
2 | 28.57% | 2/7 | 18 |
5 | 25.00% | 1/4 | 54 |
4 | 20.00% | 1/5 | 218 |
9 | 20.00% | 1/5 | 48 |
13 | 16.67% | 1/6 | 48 |
12 | 0.00% | 0/6 | 4.7 |
16 | 0.00% | 0/1 | 43 |
18 | 0.00% | 0/1 | 22 |
Type | Values | |||
Numeros | 100.00% 867 | 100.00% 879 | 100.00% 213 | 85.71% 8109 |
Cotes | [1 - 2 - 3] 100.00% 17127 | [5 - 3 - 4] 100.00% 1478 | [2 - 3 - 4] 100.00% 1278 | [5 - 4 - 6] 100.00% 1486 |
Presse |
Course | Arrivee | Cheval | Presse | Cl.Cotes | S/A | Distance | Deff | Mus | Drivers | Entraineurs | Cote |
2024-11-17R9C9agen la garenne2625M5500€ | 385144 | ivre de joiehumour williamsivy de benacfleur d'acadieines de tess | NCNCNCNCNC | 85479 | F6H7H6F9F6 | 26252625262526502625 | -D4PADPD4 | 5aDa0a8a4a0a3a5a5aDa9a5a0aDa7a | g. beaudouins. charriauddidier prioun. delormeth. martin | f. cloziercl. pasqualinip.m. manceaub. sabourdymme juliette leduc | 23/116/17.9/119/126/1 |
2024-11-10R8C9paray le monial2625M19000€ | 714111015 | isa de touchyvoniliano des plainesineskahiant du valgranit paco | 3161113 | 3161113 | F6H6F6H7H8 | 26252650265026502650 | D4D4D4D4- | 2a2a9a9a0a0a1a7a2a7a0a6a6a0aDa | th. briands. peltierq. chauve-laffaya. tintillieralexis lerenard | g. tourone. bouyerh. chauve-laffaya. tintillierp. callier | 7.1/14.8/111/129/152/1 |
2024-11-09R3C5chatelaillon2625M26000€ | 624173 | justice brickelljero de phyt'sjalisca des ambresjasmine de vaujairo de guoz | 1310711 | 1310711 | F5H5F5F5M5 | 26252625262526502625 | D4D4PADP-- | 2aDa4aDaDa3a5a0a2a6a7a2a1a4a2a | l. koubichea. barrierr. jolyg. abrivard | l. koubichem. varinr. jolych. dreuxm. abrivard | 3.1/15.2/160/127/172/1 |
2024-11-09R3C4chatelaillon2625M26000€ | 5793 | le dollar mackerlucky josselynle poete bourbonl'ami de lancour | 1427 | 1427 | M3M3M3H3 | 2625262526502625 | PA--- | 1a3a1a9a2a2a6a6aDa4a0a3a | g. gelorminia. monclinb. vanacker | s. monclinb. vanacker | 1.7/17.9/15.3/169/1 |
2024-11-09R3C2chatelaillon2625M20000€ | 102416 | kassandra windkingstonkingdom de chenukatinka gemakanelle castelets | 38642 | 38642 | F4H4H4F4F4 | 26502625262526252625 | D4DPPADPPAPPADP | 9a7a5aDa7m9aDaDaDaDa0a2a6a3a1a | monclino. raffinp. pellerota. gendrota. barrier | moncline. prudhonp. pellerotm. raffegeau | 5.8/132/113/17.4/15/1 |
2024-11-05R4C7saint galmier2625M30000€ | 91034 | lizzy de joudeslinada bellal'ambassadeurlucky cynasoso | 5743 | 3621 | F3F3M3M3 | 2625265026252625 | ---- | 2a0a9a5a1a5aDa4a4a2a1a2a | th. briandm. gergouill. garciad. bekaert | g. laurentj. foinl. garciaa. bonnefoy | 4.3/111/13.9/13/1 |
2024-11-05R4C6saint galmier2625M30000€ | 1052133 | keen on mekado des molleskiss boykill bill piyakalisko | 29816 | 29816 | H4H4H4H4H4 | 26502625262526502625 | PAD4PADPPADP- | 1a4a7aDaDa5aDa7a0a1a5a2a3a6a3a | sorela. tintillierb. ruetd. bekaertl. lamaziere | g.r. hugueta. tintillierm. bussetg.r. huguetl. lamaziere | 5.6/125/123/12.7/113/1 |
N* | Reussite | Cote | |
17 | 100.00% | 1/1 | 3.2 |
3 | 75.00% | 3/4 | 43 |
14 | 66.67% | 2/3 | 15 |
4 | 50.00% | 3/6 | 218 |
7 | 50.00% | 2/4 | 5 |
2 | 40.00% | 2/5 | 18 |
5 | 33.33% | 2/6 | 54 |
8 | 33.33% | 1/3 | 15 |
10 | 33.33% | 2/6 | 20 |
6 | 28.57% | 2/7 | 16 |
1 | 25.00% | 1/4 | 218 |
11 | 25.00% | 1/4 | 72 |
9 | 20.00% | 1/5 | 48 |
12 | 0.00% | 0/3 | 4.7 |
13 | 0.00% | 0/2 | 48 |
16 | 0.00% | 0/2 | 43 |
Type | Values | |||
Numeros | 85.71% 342 | 85.71% 345 | 85.71% 321 | 85.71% 456 |
Cotes | [2 - 3 - 4] 100.00% 1278 | [1 - 2 - 3] 85.71% 17127 | [6 - 7 - 8] 100.00% 6210 | [6 - 7 - 5] 100.00% 6214 |
Presse |
Course | Arrivee | Cheval | Presse | Cl.Cotes | S/A | Distance | Deff | Mus | Drivers | Entraineurs | Cote |
2024-11-01R11C4cherbourg2625M12000€ | 121167 | madrid hauformafaldamirabelle de larremeet and greetmeknes | NCNCNCNCNC | 251014 | F2F2F2F2F2 | 26252625262526252625 | ----- | InéditInéditInéditInéditInédit | f. boudetl. baudrona. collettey. lebourgeoisr. bouvier | ch. bigeonl. baudrons. rogerd. locqueneuxrobin bouvier | 4.9/112/126/13.3/110/1 |
2024-11-01R11C7cherbourg2625M19000€ | 28456 | incognito faciaselmaicone pont vautierhappeningimpecc blue | NCNCNCNCNC | 231354 | H6F6F6H7H6 | 26252625262526252625 | D4PAD4PADPD4 | 6a1a2a2a1aDa3a7aDa4a2a4a2aDaDa | r. huej. gosseling. lessieub. barassiny. lebourgeois | s. guaratoj. gosseling. lessieub. barassinch.a. mary | 5.6/16.9/165/110/18.4/1 |
2024-11-01R11C2cherbourg2625M14500€ | 28111312 | karting du vivierkenjy lucaxelokonrad de cordaykolmi des epineskrall de corday | NCNCNCNCNC | 15783 | H4H4H4H4H4 | 26252625262526252625 | PAD4DPD4- | Da1a1a1a4a4a0aDa1a9a4m0mDa3a7a | s. ernaultf. delanoer. huea.g. maillardd. heon | s. ernaultf. delanoes. guaratoa.g. maillardd. heon | 3.8/18.5/120/133/15.9/1 |
2024-11-01R11C3cherbourg2625M14500€ | 912108 | karat deffkiwi du bissonkansas du ribkid d'echalkadeos si | NCNCNCNCNC | 482112 | H4H4H4H4M4 | 26252625262526252625 | -D4D4DP- | DaDa6a6aDa9aDa1aDa1a9aDa0a8a7a | d. thomains. baudey. lebourgeoiss. ernaultmlle noemie hardy | cl. thomainf. lindrecy. lebourgeoise.m. fourniers. hardy | 7.3/130/14.7/14.2/179/1 |
2024-11-01R11C5cherbourg2625M13500€ | 6118110 | le beau ciellucky carnoislike you madrikle petit jeulobaye | NCNCNCNCNC | 651292 | H3H3M3H3H3 | 26252650262526252625 | --PAP-- | Da5aDa3a8aDmDmDaInédit3aDa | a. collettealexandre bodini. krouchim. lendersj.w. hallais | jean grimaultm. krouchim. lendersj.w. hallais | 11/18.1/190/138/14.1/1 |
2024-11-01R11C6cherbourg2625M13500€ | 1387310 | lancelot suedoislet's go becolegolas roudouroulover des racqueslooping de caponet | NCNCNCNCNC | 311581 | H3H3M3M3M3 | 26502625262526252625 | PAPPAP--- | 9aDaDa7a0aDa4aDaInédit3a | y. lebourgeoisd. heona. lamych. criadoanthony dollion | c. godardchristophe marief. combotf. criadoanthony dollion | 8.3/126/111/118/13.8/1 |
2024-11-01R11C8cherbourg2625M5500€ | 1491538 | hors cadreharabicaizijalin the summertimeiton des landes | NCNCNCNCNC | 13796 | H7H7H6M6H6 | 26502625265026252625 | DAD4PADP-PADP | 4a2a2a2a4a4a3aDa4aDa0a5a3a0a0a | f. chapdelainea. lairmme h. laurentf. robinm. durand | m. charuelj.f. popotb. barassinph.j. poissons. hardy | 3.9/15/117/123/117/1 |
N* | driver | Reussite | Cote | |
12 | y. lebourgeois | 50.00% | 3/6 | 4.7 |
18 | s. baude | 25.00% | 1/4 | 22 |
N* | entraineur | Reussite | Cote | |
9 | s. hardy | 100.00% | 1/1 | 48 |
14 | s. hardy | 100.00% | 1/1 | 15 |
16 | s. roger | 100.00% | 1/1 | 43 |
6 | ch.a. mallet | 0.00% | 0/1 | 16 |
N* | Reussite | Cote | |
8 | 80.00% | 4/5 | 15 |
6 | 60.00% | 3/5 | 16 |
11 | 60.00% | 3/5 | 72 |
2 | 57.14% | 4/7 | 18 |
1 | 50.00% | 3/6 | 218 |
10 | 33.33% | 2/6 | 20 |
5 | 25.00% | 1/4 | 54 |
4 | 20.00% | 1/5 | 218 |
7 | 20.00% | 1/5 | 5 |
9 | 20.00% | 1/5 | 48 |
12 | 16.67% | 1/6 | 4.7 |
13 | 16.67% | 1/6 | 48 |
3 | 0.00% | 0/5 | 43 |
14 | 0.00% | 0/2 | 15 |
16 | 0.00% | 0/1 | 43 |
18 | 0.00% | 0/1 | 22 |
Type | Values | |||
Numeros | 100.00% 867 | 100.00% 879 | 100.00% 213 | 85.71% 8109 |
Cotes | [1 - 2 - 3] 100.00% 17127 | [5 - 3 - 4] 100.00% 1478 | [2 - 3 - 4] 100.00% 1278 | [5 - 4 - 6] 100.00% 1486 |
Presse |
Course | Arrivee | Cheval | Presse | Cl.Cotes | S/A | Distance | Deff | Mus | Drivers | Entraineurs | Cote |
2023-05-14R12C6cherbourg2625M16500€ | 125181716 | heroic des boschalafoly robsenharibo du carnoishurricane dreamhoco meslois | NCNCNCNCNC | 15236 | H6F6H6H6H6 | 26502625265026502650 | D4DPD4D4DP | 1a1a9aDa3a1a1a1a1a3a2a9a2aDa2a | theo duvaldestinf. lecanua. lamyb. rocharde. cive | th. duvaldestina. pejuse. lamym. sassierp. belloche | 3/111/14/15.2/116/1 |
2022-05-29R11C7cherbourg2625M16000€ | 11171279 | greyville somolligranit galaagolf du buissongrisbi du viviergodsend | NCNCNCNCNC | 12634 | F6H6M6H6H6 | 26252650262526252625 | D4PADAD4D4 | 3a4a(2Da6a1a7a(21)2aDaDaDaDm3a | m. dudouitb. rochardj. malinf. lagadeucp. levesque | j.p. fichauxn. catherinel. chaudetp. borodajko | 5.7/17.5/19.9/17.7/18.3/1 |
N* | driver | Reussite | Cote | |
17 | f. lagadeuc | 100.00% | 1/1 | 3.2 |
10 | dersoir | 0.00% | 0/1 | 20 |
N* | Reussite | Cote | |
7 | 100.00% | 1/1 | 5 |
11 | 100.00% | 1/1 | 72 |
12 | 100.00% | 2/2 | 4.7 |
17 | 100.00% | 2/2 | 3.2 |
18 | 100.00% | 1/1 | 22 |
5 | 50.00% | 1/2 | 54 |
9 | 50.00% | 1/2 | 48 |
16 | 50.00% | 1/2 | 43 |
3 | 0.00% | 0/2 | 43 |
13 | 0.00% | 0/2 | 48 |
2 | 0.00% | 0/1 | 18 |
4 | 0.00% | 0/1 | 218 |
6 | 0.00% | 0/1 | 16 |
Type | Values | |||
Numeros | 100.00% 171618 | 100.00% 121110 | 100.00% 121113 | 100.00% 171615 |
Cotes | [1 - 2 - 3] 100.00% 17127 | [2 - 3 - 4] 100.00% 1278 | [3 - 4 - 5] 100.00% 7814 | [6 - 4 - 5] 100.00% 6814 |
Presse |