Pronostics R2C5 du
R2C5plathandicap 63712happy valley1200M136527€the hong kong institute of surveyors 40th anniversary cup - section 112 partantsdépart à 12:40
Course | Arrivee | Cheval | Presse | Cl.Cotes | S/A | Corde | Poids | Mus | Drivers | Entraineurs | Cote |
2024-11-13R5C9happy valley1200M217043€ | |||||||||||
2024-11-13R5C8happy valley1650M239215€ | |||||||||||
2024-11-13R5C7happy valley1200M136527€ | |||||||||||
2024-11-13R5C6happy valley1200M136527€ | 71011 | circuit duffytop timeyoung horizon | 71011 | NCNCNC | H4H3H6 | 1109 | 57.557.555 | 6p7p2p1p4p | purton melo k.yeung m.l. | lor w.y.hayes d.a. | /1/1/1 |
2024-11-13R5C5happy valley1200M136527€ | 751 | street conquerormasterofmyuniversebowser | 751 | NCNCNC | H5H3H4 | 164 | 585861 | 9p9p9pInédit5p2p4p | ferraris l.purton z.leung k.c. | newnham m.size j.yiu p.f. | /1/1/1 |
2024-11-13R5C4happy valley1000M136527€ | 1021 | champion methodlean masterma comet | 1021 | NCNCNC | H4H4H5 | 514 | 55.559.560.5 | 5p9p0p3p8p5p9p0p3p | atzeni a.wong e.c.w.purton z. | shum c.s.yip c.h.richards j. | /1/1/1 |
2024-11-13R5C3happy valley1650M136527€ | 478 | happy dailylucky bannersuper baby | 478 | NCNCNC | H7H5H6 | 645 | 5755.554.5 | 6p7p1p2p3p2p0p5p4p | ho c.y.wong e.c.w.ferraris l. | yip c.h.fownes c.newnham m. | /1/1/1 |
Type | Values | |||
Numeros | ||||
Cotes | ||||
Presse |
Course | Arrivee | Cheval | Presse | Cl.Cotes | S/A | Corde | Poids | Mus | Drivers | Entraineurs | Cote |
2024-11-18R6C7valparaiso1200M2153€ | 1281159 | gran verracoarrancate pairinoall rounderrubio alocadoviva magenta | 1281159 | NCNCNCNCNC | H6M5M5M6F4 | 1281159 | 5657575556 | 3p5p1p5p1p9p4p1p8p5p3p1p0p7p6p | jaime fabian medinaignacio isaias valdiviamoises abraham donosoignacio martinezcarlos alejandro ortega tapia | gabriel rodrigo reyes iriartegabriel rodrigo reyes iriarteosvaldo alfonso urbina hernandezjorge mauricio araneda mancillawilliam andres ara | /1/1/1/1/1 |
2024-11-17R8C11maronas1200M6248€ | 19235 | ovaovafuerte apachescott di jobreason honestlyendiablado | 19235 | NCNCNCNCNC | M4M4M4M4M4 | 19235 | 5758585357 | 2p5p5p7p9p9p3p2p1p6p6p4p7p6p7p | juan martin diazjorge luis pirizeric acostanicolas alarconluis alberto caceres | washington raul bonaccifredy gaston gonzalezpablo german gonzalezdomingo stengonepablo danielo golarte | /1/1/1/1/1 |
2024-11-17R7C7geraldton australie1200M76314€ | 725 | bayezidfalcon traderdefending | 725 | NCNCNC | H5H5H6 | 591 | 5558.556 | 0p4p5p8p2p3p6p0p4p | madi derrickaustin galatims k yuill | tiarnna noskebrett poped & b pearce | /1/1/1 |
2024-11-17R7C6geraldton australie1200M24420€ | 621073 | safe hustlesure no somethingfine linespirit manwell played | 621073 | NCNCNCNCNC | H4H6F4H5F5 | 275106 | 57.559.55556.559.5 | 2p1p2p1p3p3p6p4p4p4p8p5p4p1p4p | kristy bennettc johnston-porternatasha faithfulllucy fioreaustin galati | ms j martinr k cowlg b spowartms j martina l bowtell | /1/1/1/1/1 |
2024-11-17R5C1la cepiere1200M23000€ | 634112 | valmaccafrench chunkymarquesjealous skypic pen | 24175 | 24175 | F2M2F2F2M2 | 321168 | 56.55856.556.558 | 3p2p5p7p4p3p3p3p9p6p5p6p2p9p | h.besniere.hardouinjb.eyquema.gutierrez vala.crastus | p.cottierk.tavares (s)jc.rouget (s)mme j.soubagneb.montzey (s) | 4.1/19.5/12.5/119/19.8/1 |
2024-11-17R2C11sha tin (hong kong)1200M217043€ | 6131498 | young superstarvictory skylifeline expresspatch of cosmothunder prince | 564312 | 564312 | H4H4H4H3H4 | 41141011 | 56.553.552.55455 | 0p5p9p7p2p6p3p1p1p5p7p | chung y.l.leung k.c.badel a.ferraris l.ho c.y. | cruz a.s.yiu p.f.size w.y. | 17/122/116/112/1111/1 |
2024-11-17R2C7sha tin (hong kong)1200M624292€ | 479103 | ka ying risinghowdeepisyourlovehelios expressbeauty wavesinvincible sage | 479103 | NCNCNCNCNC | H4H5H5H4H5 | 1056311 | 55.555.555.555.558 | 1p1p1p7p3p5p2p8p1p4p1p2p0p6p8p | purton z.mcdonald j.bowman h.badel a.ferraris l. | hayes d.a.size j.size p.c.hall d.j. | /1/1/1/1/1 |
N* | driver | Reussite | Cote | |
1 | purton z. | 0.00% | 0/1 | |
2 | mcdonald j. | 0.00% | 0/1 | |
5 | chung y.l. | 0.00% | 0/1 | |
10 | ferraris l. | 0.00% | 0/1 |
N* | entraineur | Reussite | Cote | |
4 | shum c.s. | 0.00% | 0/1 | |
7 | man k.l. | 0.00% | 0/1 | |
10 | yiu p.f. | 0.00% | 0/1 |
N* | Reussite | Cote | |
2 | 400.00% | 4/1 | |
3 | 300.00% | 3/1 | |
5 | 300.00% | 3/1 | |
11 | 200.00% | 2/1 | |
4 | 100.00% | 1/1 | |
6 | 100.00% | 2/2 | |
9 | 100.00% | 2/2 | |
10 | 100.00% | 1/1 | |
12 | 100.00% | 1/1 | |
1 | 50.00% | 1/2 |
Type | Values | |||
Numeros | 100.00% 567 | 100.00% 564 | 85.71% 354 | 85.71% 978 |
Cotes | ||||
Presse | [5 - 6 - 7] 100.00% 567 | [5 - 6 - 4] 100.00% 564 | [3 - 5 - 4] 85.71% 354 | [9 - 7 - 8] 85.71% 978 |
Course | Arrivee | Cheval | Presse | Cl.Cotes | S/A | Corde | Poids | Mus | Drivers | Entraineurs | Cote |
2024-11-13R5C9happy valley1200M217043€ | |||||||||||
2024-11-13R5C7happy valley1200M136527€ | |||||||||||
2024-11-13R5C6happy valley1200M136527€ | 71011 | circuit duffytop timeyoung horizon | 71011 | NCNCNC | H4H3H6 | 1109 | 57.557.555 | 6p7p2p1p4p | purton melo k.yeung m.l. | lor w.y.hayes d.a. | /1/1/1 |
2024-11-13R5C5happy valley1200M136527€ | 751 | street conquerormasterofmyuniversebowser | 751 | NCNCNC | H5H3H4 | 164 | 585861 | 9p9p9pInédit5p2p4p | ferraris l.purton z.leung k.c. | newnham m.size j.yiu p.f. | /1/1/1 |
2024-11-06R6C8happy valley1200M217043€ | 2111 | brave stargoko winfull credit | 2111 | NCNCNC | H6H6H4 | 621 | 60.55361 | 1p1p9p8p5p4p0p1p1p | ho c.y.chadwick m.hewitson l. | lui k.w.whyte d.j.newnham m. | /1/1/1 |
2024-11-06R6C6happy valley1200M136527€ | 58213 | giant leapyee cheong spiritprime mortargallant valourexcellent peers | 58213 | NCNCNCNCNC | H4H5H6H4H7 | 41567 | 59.55760.56159.5 | 9p9p1p3p2p0p0p2p2p1p4p2p9p7p9p | atzeni a.ho c.y.chung y.l.bowman h.chadwick m. | yiu p.f.shum c.s.cruz a.s.richards j.lor f.c. | /1/1/1/1/1 |
2024-11-06R6C5happy valley1200M136527€ | 843 | beauty destinystorming dragonlean master | 843 | NCNCNC | H5H4H4 | 1024 | 575959.5 | 3p6p0p2p3p2p8p5p2p | atzeni a.purton z.wong e.c.w. | lor f.c.richards j.yip c.h. | /1/1/1 |
Type | Values | |||
Numeros | ||||
Cotes | ||||
Presse |