Pronostics R4C7 du
- R4C7
platcourse a conditions 5424vichy1600M13000€prix de la grande chartreuse9 partantsdépart à 17:28
Non-partants : 4 - 5
Course | Arrivee | Cheval | S/A | Corde | Poids | Mus | Drivers | Entraineurs | Cote |
2023-09-26R3C8vichy3000M14000€ | 495711 | monfrerealmazoralamalinkisabelapatna dream | H10F8F6F5F7 | 1211439 | 605359.55951.5 | 6p0p4p2p2p4p1p1p5p0p3p8p2p0p2p | a.monnierf.valle skarn.m..lopes duarteg.meurya.mekouche | m.cesandri (s)b.goudot (s)c.provotm.delcher sanchezmme al.guildoux | 17/15.3/111/119/137/1 |
2023-09-26R3C7vichy1000M20000€ | 118101513 | monsieur beaulieuking robbeexcaliburbig freezevanille bleue | H5H6H6H5F4 | 1371539 | 5657.5575255 | 8p7p5p9p8p8p1p3p2p0p4p2p5p1p2p | a.oranil.gallof.valle skarl.boisseaum.germain | np.littmodenm.boutin (s)mme s.lanslotsm.boutin (s)f.boualem | 21/115/15.1/111/120/1 |
2023-09-26R3C6vichy1000M16000€ | 27138 | magic swordexplorarglicourtsnooze buttonasturias road | H5H6H9H8H7 | 151411109 | 60536057.552 | 5p2pDp4p8p3p7p5p2p5p3p6p8p6p2p | a.lemaitrem.barzalonah.boutina.madametl.boisseau | mme s.lanslotsm.planardm.boutin (s)s.lannoomlle v.dissaux | 4.6/19.3/16/123/19.5/1 |
2023-09-26R3C5vichy1000M23000€ | 24569 | descartesbellaelogodakabottoms upma mome | M2F2F2F2F2 | 109847 | 5856.556.556.556.5 | 3p2p7p3p9p7p3p4p8p2p4p5p1p | c.lecoeuvret.picconer.mangioneh.boutinm.velon | hf.devin (s)c.escuderg.hernon (s)m.boutin (s)ch.plisson (s) | 5/19.9/144/141/16.8/1 |
2023-09-26R3C4vichy1400M20000€ | 121016414 | segeraadelaakenatorsanka chopel professor chop | F3F3H3H3H3 | 415131417 | 55.5565258.553.5 | 3p5p1p4p1p5p7p4p7p0p7p2p0p5p0p | f.verona.mekouchem.romaryf.foresip.cheyer | a.watrigant (s)c.pautierch.plisson (s)f.foresij.parize | 10/110/160/138/158/1 |
2023-09-26R3C3vichy1600M16000€ | 43826 | indie brightangel in the skymy own waymarkerbest looking | F2F2M2M2F2 | 2111065 | 56.556.5565856.5 | 3p8pInédit5p5p7p | a.pouchinc.lecoeuvres.ruisg.guedj-gayh.boutin | s.wattel (s)g.barbedetten.perret (s)x.thomas-demeaulte (s)a.suborics | 2.1/127/117/14.9/16.9/1 |
2023-09-26R3C2vichy2400M15000€ | 43521 | mirabadvirtusgold mountaincoppermystic | H4H4H4H4H4 | 56341 | 6668666868 | 4p(22)0p4p3p4p(22)1p5p2p2p4p1p | h.barbej.plassardp.lotoutf.guyg.bertrand | m.delzanglesm.cesandri (s)hf.devin (s)a.sanglardp.chevigny de | 1.5/122/14.9/15.5/19.6/1 |
N* | driver | Reussite | Cote | |
9 | f.veron | 50.00% | 1/2 | 19 |
6 | a.orani | 33.33% | 1/3 | 1.7 |
2 | c.lecoeuvre | 25.00% | 1/4 | 10 |
3 | a.pouchin | 0.00% | 0/2 | 5 |
1 | e.hardouin | 0.00% | 0/1 | 8.5 |
N* | entraineur | Reussite | Cote | |
6 | j.reynier (s) | 0.00% | 0/2 | 1.7 |
9 | s.labate (s) | 0.00% | 0/1 | 19 |
N* | Reussite | Cote | |
7 | 40.00% | 2/5 | 7 |
9 | 40.00% | 2/5 | 19 |
8 | 33.33% | 2/6 | 47 |
2 | 28.57% | 2/7 | 10 |
1 | 16.67% | 1/6 | 8.5 |
6 | 16.67% | 1/6 | 1.7 |
3 | 14.29% | 1/7 | 5 |
Course | Arrivee | Cheval | S/A | Corde | Poids | Mus | Drivers | Entraineurs | Cote |
2024-05-14R5C6waregem1600M5000€ | 73162 | princess tkhan du niltex d.a.kerora de bozoulsporcini p | F4H4H7F4M5 | 65871 | 566061.55660.5 | 3p3p(21p0p2p3p4p5p4p5p5p7p(23) | vanderbeke kobelaurent stephaneclijmans koenbreux stephanesantangelo concetto | zoetelief g.t.aeschbacher franziskaverstrepen j.gernay gaelledeckers peter | 6.5/11.7/16.8/16.9/114/1 |
2024-05-14R5C5waregem1600M4000€ | 81546 | parmeel picarocinquaincalecocoach party | F5H6F8F6H8 | 71534 | 6162596161 | 3p0p(20p(23)5p6p0p6p7p0p5p0p(2 | vanderbeke kobedehens christophedehens morganbreux stephaneclijmans koen | lannoo lucdelariviere bertvandeputte elslanslots peterlanslots peter | 2.8/15.7/18.8/113/16.2/1 |
2024-05-14R5C4waregem1600M5000€ | 65384 | cleostormfifty days firekatubaspanish timeshabs | F8H8F5H7H5 | 106128 | 5860585861 | (23)0p0p(23)2p7p0p2p1p0p0p5p(2 | vermeersch saraclijmans koenvanderschueren lauradieteren lize h.wstappaerts sascha mlle | luyckx yannickdejaeger patrickvan vlaenderen stefanfloryn angeloverheyen mme n. | 11/114/13.2/14.1/131/1 |
2024-05-14R5C3waregem1600M6000€ | 1011471 | family smileburning sunjojodom duartelethal touch | H5F7F8H4F5 | 7910811 | 57.557616061.5 | 3p4p3p5p0p0p4p5p6p6p0p5p0p(23) | vanderbeke kobelaurent stephanelefebvre fabiendieteren lize h.wtevels morgane | de vlaminck th.schouteet andyvermeulen nancyfloryn angelogernay gaelle | 5.1/119/15.1/146/17.3/1 |
2024-05-14R1C7saint-cloud1600M27000€ | 9163710 | calasmarloweafrican greylaurentmax verst | H4H4H7H5H5 | 18131212 | 59.5576059.559 | 0p0p9p1p4p6p0p2p0p1p0p(24p8p0p | j.moisant.trullierf.veronb.mariem.barzalona | p&j.brandt (s)m.boutin (s)j.piednoell.gadbin (s)r.fradet (s) | 16/116/114/18.3/15.2/1 |
2024-05-14R1C6saint-cloud1600M19000€ | 49278 | sesto elementohonky tonk womanle justicierda vincirun for home | M3F3H3H3H3 | 35462 | 57.5565957.556 | 8p2p9p6p1p3p9p1p3p0p(25p7p4p | t.bachelotm.velont.picconed.provostc.demuro | s.wattel (s)jul .phelipponha.pantall (s)m.brasme (s)m.rulec (s) | 3.6/17.6/14.5/19.6/118/1 |
2024-05-14R1C1saint-cloud1600M53000€ | 1573112 | pandia selenetumblerptit pedroopalus roadcosmo beau | F4H5M5H5M4 | 436101 | 5557.558.56055.5 | 3p0p(28p8p7p0p(23)3p(23)5p(23) | t.picconet.trullierh.leboucm.barzalonag.mosse | ha.pantall (s)n.caulleryj.boisnard (s)jm.beguignes.cerulis | 13/115/126/13.5/17.3/1 |
N* | driver | Reussite | Cote | |
9 | f.veron | 100.00% | 1/1 | 19 |
8 | t.trullier | 50.00% | 1/2 | 47 |
1 | e.hardouin | 0.00% | 0/2 | 8.5 |
2 | c.lecoeuvre | 0.00% | 0/1 | 10 |
N* | entraineur | Reussite | Cote | |
8 | m.rulec (s) | 0.00% | 0/1 | 47 |
9 | s.labate (s) | 0.00% | 0/1 | 19 |
N* | Reussite | Cote | |
7 | 60.00% | 3/5 | 7 |
6 | 50.00% | 3/6 | 1.7 |
1 | 42.86% | 3/7 | 8.5 |
3 | 42.86% | 3/7 | 5 |
8 | 28.57% | 2/7 | 47 |
9 | 20.00% | 1/5 | 19 |
2 | 14.29% | 1/7 | 10 |
Course | Arrivee | Cheval | S/A | Corde | Poids | Mus | Drivers | Entraineurs | Cote |
2023-09-26R3C3vichy1600M16000€ | 43826 | indie brightangel in the skymy own waymarkerbest looking | F2F2M2M2F2 | 2111065 | 56.556.5565856.5 | 3p8pInédit5p5p7p | a.pouchinc.lecoeuvres.ruisg.guedj-gayh.boutin | s.wattel (s)g.barbedetten.perret (s)x.thomas-demeaulte (s)a.suborics | 2.1/127/117/14.9/16.9/1 |
2023-09-25R3C8vichy1600M18000€ | 83675 | rouanitashootermake a wishgrand giomar kodikind of star | F2M2F2H2M2 | 62583 | 54585655.557.5 | 8p3p2p3p4p2p8p4p7p0p4p7p2p4p6p | a.molinsc.demuroc.banzr.mangionem.forest | n.clement (s)jc.rouget (s)c.escuderg.bietolinimme | 4.3/13.8/151/143/16/1 |
2023-09-25R3C7vichy1600M15000€ | 21456 | kynadapurple rainsiyouchkaopianapas radine | F3H3F3F3F3 | 24671 | 58.56056.554.554.5 | 1p1p1p2p0p2p6p6p1p6p1p7p5p4p8p | a.oranim.velont.picconec.raimbaultm.barzalona | j.reynier (s)f.monnier (s)ha.pantall (s)l.gadbin (s)j.reynier (s) | 2.5/17.4/14.8/116/13.3/1 |
2023-08-23R3C7vichy1600M20000€ | 75394 | flexibilitydivine chrisnatmr dreamerfortune goldpas radine | F3F3M3M3F3 | 115197 | 5858.5605760 | 5p3p6p4p6p1p7p9p1p4p5p1p4p8p6p | m.grandinr.pehua.gutierrez vala.molinsa.orani | mlle n.mure-ravaudch.plisson (s)z.semenkamlle i.janackova koplikovaj.reynier (s) | 11/115/117/120/16.9/1 |
2023-08-23R3C6vichy1600M19000€ | 18327 | oxalistoutelusivelarnokenzalhoolong | H6F5H9H5H5 | 73591 | 6252.56161.554.5 | 5p1p0p1p2p5p2p1p0p7p0p9p0p0p3p | a.molinst.trullierf.valle skara.mosseb.marie | j.resimontm.planardb.goudot (s)f.foresil.proietti | 8.5/14/13.3/14.2/19.8/1 |
2023-08-23R3C5vichy1600M16000€ | 782105 | black pantherthird appletwin boycheeky traou landla fille de berlin | F5F5H5F7F6 | 25314 | 555559.55456 | 4p2p0p6p0p8p3p3p2p8p7p0p7p0p8p | c.le glandf.valle skarr.pehua.molinsm.grandin | b.legros (s)f.boualemch.plisson (s)f.boualemj.resimont | 6.2/125/13.3/119/18.6/1 |
2023-08-23R3C1vichy1600M27000€ | 14532 | ne me quitte pasruby in the rocksflowerspringact of gloryfou furieux | M2F2F2H2M2 | 51423 | 5955.555.55757 | 4p1p1p1p4p3p1p1p7p4p1p1p2p1p | c.guitrauds.ruism.grandina.oranih.boutin | y.barberot (s)n.perret (s)r.fradet (s)j.resimontn.caullery | 2.9/14.3/15.6/111/12.8/1 |
N* | driver | Reussite | Cote | |
2 | c.lecoeuvre | 100.00% | 1/1 | 10 |
3 | a.pouchin | 100.00% | 1/1 | 5 |
6 | a.orani | 33.33% | 2/6 | 1.7 |
8 | t.trullier | 33.33% | 1/3 | 47 |
9 | f.veron | 0.00% | 0/1 | 19 |
N* | entraineur | Reussite | Cote | |
6 | j.reynier (s) | 100.00% | 2/2 | 1.7 |
N* | Reussite | Cote | |
7 | 75.00% | 3/4 | 7 |
6 | 60.00% | 3/5 | 1.7 |
8 | 60.00% | 3/5 | 47 |
3 | 57.14% | 4/7 | 5 |
2 | 42.86% | 3/7 | 10 |
1 | 33.33% | 2/6 | 8.5 |
9 | 20.00% | 1/5 | 19 |
Course | Arrivee | Cheval | S/A | Corde | Poids | Mus | Drivers | Entraineurs | Cote |
2023-05-17R4C2vichy1000M15000€ | 36421 | santa vanillabawe islandl'elu de saddlechapuzadabasir | F2F2M2F2M2 | 36521 | 56.554.55656.558 | 9p4p9pInédit5pInédit | a.crastuss.chuetten.m..lopes duartem.guyong.legras | c.escuderm.boutin (s)d.chenum.delcher sanchezmme m.scandella-lacaille | 6.9/14/123/12/19.3/1 |
2022-05-20R4C3vichy1000M15000€ | 51692 | go johnny go go goun plus uneolympe de gougela gokenindiamagic dariya | F2M2F2F2F2 | 38591 | 56.55856.554.556.5 | 5p6p6p9p7p3p2p8p6p4p1p8p | c.soumillonh.boutine.hardouinm.guyonf.veron | f.guyader (s)m.boutin (s)t.lemerl.gadbin (s)mme j.soubagne | 5.7/142/14.1/17.7/15.4/1 |
2021-06-20R9C6aix les bains1800M14000€ | 511128 | lady arkadinadauphine de franceshowersofblessingsynchronehe's a rock star | F5F9H5F5H5 | 864125 | 5751.56059.555.5 | 4p3p9p0p2p5p4p2p7p5p3p9p5p0p(1 | y.bonnefoya.molinsr.aurayj.marcialisa.nicco | y.bonnefoy (s)j.parizey.bonnefoy (s)c.escuderm.pitart | 14/138/14.2/17.2/125/1 |
N* | driver | Reussite | Cote | |
1 | e.hardouin | 100.00% | 1/1 | 8.5 |
9 | f.veron | 50.00% | 1/2 | 19 |
N* | Reussite | Cote | |
1 | 150.00% | 3/2 | 8.5 |
2 | 100.00% | 3/3 | 10 |
9 | 100.00% | 1/1 | 19 |
6 | 66.67% | 2/3 | 1.7 |
8 | 50.00% | 1/2 | 47 |
3 | 33.33% | 1/3 | 5 |
7 | 0.00% | 0/2 | 7 |