Pronostics R6C1 du
R6C1plathandicap 6631concepcion1100M1704€gral. dir. jose bernales r9 partantsdépart à 18:45
Course | Arrivee | Cheval | Presse | Cl.Cotes | S/A | Corde | Poids | Mus | Drivers | Entraineurs | Cote |
2024-04-16R6C6concepcion1000M1604€ | 51769 | divine coltgaroebel cuoreaparatosogran kevin | NCNCNCNCNC | NCNCNCNCNC | M4F4M4M4M4 | 51769 | 5355575757 | 0p0p0p5p8p0p4p2p6p9p9p3p2p7p9p | anyelo sotosebastian gonzalezjose manuel moya sepulvedaivan carcamogustavo vera | luis g. soto e.ercira alarcon j.carlos marcelo cordova arayaraul venegas v.pedro santos l. | /1/1/1/1/1 |
2024-04-16R6C5concepcion900M1337€ | 410152 | like companymi papi pirulosenorita romanadubai soulpina cor | NCNCNCNCNC | NCNCNCNCNC | F9M5F4H5H9 | 410152 | 5656565656 | 2p8p2p7p2p2p5p8p8p7p8p5p8p9p8p | nicolas ignacio venegas ossesluis eduardo rojas arangurengustavo veraluis aros harveyjuan a. campos | carlos marcelo cordova arayaluis g. soto e.jose gerardo melo melladomario secundino galleguillos corpedro santos l. | /1/1/1/1/1 |
2024-04-16R6C4concepcion1300M1590€ | 48162 | pisanoprincipe de oroel manolorojo jamasrey irlandes | NCNCNCNCNC | NCNCNCNCNC | H4M4M4M4H6 | 48162 | 5558545955 | 4p3p1p2p1p5p3p5p2p2p4p3p7p1p1p | sebastian gonzalezluis aros harveygustavo veranicolas ignacio venegas ossescristian andres rojas espinosa | ercira alarcon j.ercira alarcon j.carlos marcelo cordova arayajose gerardo melo melladoeduardo s. gonzalez | /1/1/1/1/1 |
2024-04-16R6C3concepcion1000M1537€ | 46852 | pedrazasilver wolfdanger songking of cupsking of the night | NCNCNCNCNC | NCNCNCNCNC | M4M4F4M4H4 | 46852 | 5963556157 | 1p0p0p1p1p0p6p9p1p7p4p3p6p1p2p | jose david ayala herreragustavo verabryan gajardo alexis corderosebastian gonzalezluis eduardo rojas aranguren | julio enrique espinosa nuneznelson norambuena bravojulio enrique espinosa nunezmaria r. escobarluis g. soto e. | /1/1/1/1/1 |
2024-04-16R6C2concepcion1000M1403€ | 75842 | el catimbaescape plancomo una lobagolden candymiss olivia | NCNCNCNCNC | NCNCNCNCNC | M5H5F5F5F5 | 75842 | 5757515553 | 4p0p0p5p5p0p8p8p0p4p2p0p6p0p5p | bryan gajardo alexis corderoluis eduardo rojas arangurenanyelo sotosebastian gonzalezcristian andres rojas espinosa | eduardo s. gonzalezjanett p harveyjoan manuel amaya hernandezercira alarcon j.janett p harvey | /1/1/1/1/1 |
2024-04-16R6C1concepcion1100M1403€ | 47261 | furatbeniamino giligive me a breakastrumlolita red | NCNCNCNCNC | NCNCNCNCNC | H10M9M9H6F5 | 47261 | 5656565656 | 8p6p5p5p2p0p4p2p8p8p5p8p5p5p8p | sebastian gonzalezjose manuel moya sepulvedacristian andres rojas espinosaluis eduardo rojas arangurenjohann olate | maria r. escobarcarlos marcelo cordova arayajose gerardo melo melladoraul vasquez ogaldecarlos miguel norambuena | /1/1/1/1/1 |
2024-04-09R6C6concepcion1000M1193€ | 68514 | mary angelcuco sanchezpierayatraperhaps today | NCNCNCNCNC | NCNCNCNCNC | F4M8F4F6F9 | 68514 | 5656555756 | 2p3p0p7p9p9p3p3p9p8p6p6p6p0p8p | sebastian gonzalezcotrina gheanjose david ayala herrerajohan gonzalezluis aros harvey | maria r. escobarjanett p harveyjose gerardo melo melladoraul vasquez ogaldeercira alarcon j. | /1/1/1/1/1 |
Type | Values | |||
Numeros | 100.00% 456 | 100.00% 567 | 100.00% 453 | 100.00% 123 |
Cotes | ||||
Presse |
Course | Arrivee | Cheval | Presse | Cl.Cotes | S/A | Corde | Poids | Mus | Drivers | Entraineurs | Cote |
2024-04-22R6C5valparaiso1100M1931€ | 104631 | lucky bossviene puelchegran gallegate canto a tivilla serrana | NCNCNCNCNC | NCNCNCNCNC | M6H6F4F5F8 | 104631 | 5757575757 | 5p0p3p9p8p0p3p3p4p7p5p6p9p7p9p | jorge eduardo zunigajorge antonio rivera espinozaguillermo antonio perez astudillbenjamin sanchocarlos elias urbina ramos | luis eduardo salinas trigosergio alexis salazarguillermo perez celiscarlos arturo vasquez perezjorge mauricio araneda mancilla | /1/1/1/1/1 |
2024-04-22R6C2valparaiso1100M2495€ | 56738 | mr kissparsifalfrom the skydi napolimister e | NCNCNCNCNC | NCNCNCNCNC | M7H5H4H5M5 | 56738 | 5759595561 | 4p8p3p4p3p1p1p6p2p8p8p3p2p0p4p | joaquin alejandro herrera olivarbenjamin sanchokevin dan espina lazosebastian andres marin quezadacarlos alejandro ortega tapia | luis eduardo salinas trigovictor antonio caballeriavictor hugo morisgonzalo andres vegas cantillanogonzalo andres vegas cantillano | /1/1/1/1/1 |
2024-04-22R6C1valparaiso1100M1931€ | 568117 | la tropezoncielo brillantealbo locurabar tendercaso abierto | NCNCNCNCNC | NCNCNCNCNC | F5H7H8M9M5 | 568117 | 5757575757 | 0p9p8p4p6p8p8p7p0p6p5p5p4p3p7p | carlos elias urbina ramosisrael robinson villagran castiljorge antonio rivera espinozaguillermo antonio perez astudillalexis marcelo morales orellana | luis eduardo salinas trigojorge mauricio araneda mancillasergio alexis salazargabriel rodrigo reyes iriartevictor hugo moris | /1/1/1/1/1 |
2024-04-20R5C4gulfstream park1100M26462€ | 37461 | grand maximeinsistinggroup ticketawesome for suremayheminthepalace | NCNCNCNCNC | 57341 | M3H3H3H3H3 | 37461 | 53.553.553.553.553.5 | 1p9p1p7p7p3p4p2p(23)7p4p(2 | s leone jaramillom vasquezc landerosp lopez | a sanoj f d'angeloj stormfeltf abreue plesa, jr. | 8.7/110/15.7/17.9/12.8/1 |
2024-04-20R4C6le croise laroche1100M20000€ | 6810115 | temporue miabawe islandwahayebrumpleteazer | NCNCNCNCNC | 237410 | H3F3F3F3F3 | 1231089 | 57.556.55655.557.5 | 2p8p2p3p4p4p2p8p0p3p2p9p6p0p(2 | l.rousseauh.boutinl.boisseauf.valle skarh.journiac | ha.pantall (s)m.boutin (s)m.boutin (s)m.guarnieributel & beaunez (s) | 5.1/16.8/113/17.2/136/1 |
2024-04-20R4C5le croise laroche1100M15000€ | 456102 | sweet astwo two twoilluminatingasturias roadlouve dream | NCNCNCNCNC | 18927 | H4F4H5H8H8 | 3911215 | 58.558.5575460 | 8p2p0p0p0p(2(23)8p(23)8p0p(23) | h.boutinl.boisseauj.moutardc.belmonts.vogt | m.boutin (s)mme c.janssenmme f.jacobsmme v.dissauxjh.smith | 5.7/113/113/16.2/111/1 |
2024-04-20R4C4le croise laroche1100M17000€ | 493812 | pink valentinetallinskiiseultsweet damianasapiens | NCNCNCNCNC | 6251012 | F5H10F6F6M6 | 8311412 | 58.557595756 | 7p1p0p3p0p0p0p(23)0p4p9p3p7p8p | l.cholletp.bazires.breuxa.madametb.marie | m.boutin (s)mme s.lanslotsmme n.vermeulench.plisson (s)j.nuyts | 11/16.6/19.5/116/122/1 |
N* | Reussite | Cote | |
7 | 150.00% | 3/2 | |
6 | 125.00% | 5/4 | |
5 | 100.00% | 3/3 | |
8 | 100.00% | 3/3 | |
3 | 75.00% | 3/4 | |
1 | 50.00% | 2/4 | |
4 | 50.00% | 2/4 | |
2 | 0.00% | 0/3 | |
9 | 0.00% | 0/2 |
Type | Values | |||
Numeros | 100.00% 645 | 100.00% 687 | 100.00% 345 | 85.71% 657 |
Cotes | ||||
Presse |
Course | Arrivee | Cheval | Presse | Cl.Cotes | S/A | Corde | Poids | Mus | Drivers | Entraineurs | Cote |
2024-04-16R6C1concepcion1100M1403€ | 47261 | furatbeniamino giligive me a breakastrumlolita red | NCNCNCNCNC | NCNCNCNCNC | H10M9M9H6F5 | 47261 | 5656565656 | 8p6p5p5p2p0p4p2p8p8p5p8p5p5p8p | sebastian gonzalezjose manuel moya sepulvedacristian andres rojas espinosaluis eduardo rojas arangurenjohann olate | maria r. escobarcarlos marcelo cordova arayajose gerardo melo melladoraul vasquez ogaldecarlos miguel norambuena | /1/1/1/1/1 |
2024-04-09R6C2concepcion1100M1931€ | 45213 | kid d'ororio mallecogran catalanel bolzonque les vaya bien | NCNCNCNCNC | NCNCNCNCNC | H5H6M8M9F6 | 45213 | 5451625456 | 2p3p2p3p1p5p4p0p0p4p3p1p1p1p1p | sebastian gonzalezcristian antonio caro donosojose david ayala herrerajaime adolfo mino ficaluis eduardo rojas aranguren | maria r. escobarnelson norambuena bravojanett p harveyjulio enrique espinosa nunezmaria r. escobar | /1/1/1/1/1 |
2024-04-09R6C1concepcion1100M1403€ | 87429 | van der sargran kevinmia neneel paracaidistagaroe | NCNCNCNCNC | NCNCNCNCNC | M4M4F4M4F4 | 87429 | 5357515755 | 2p3p0p7p9p5p6p2p5p4p2p3p8p0p3p | johann olategustavo verajuan a. camposnicolas ignacio venegas ossesluis aros harvey | armando navarrete bastiaspedro santos l.reinaldo bellocarlos marcelo cordova arayaercira alarcon j. | /1/1/1/1/1 |
2024-04-02R6C3concepcion1100M1337€ | 48912 | un dia de juliogolden candydardoel catimbaescape plan | NCNCNCNCNC | NCNCNCNCNC | M5F5M5M5H5 | 48912 | 5751575755 | 3p4p6p0p2p2p9p6p8p0p0p0p5p0p0p | gustavo verajohann olatejose manuel moya sepulvedaluis ramon perez burgosgabriel urzua | julio enrique espinosa nunezercira alarcon j.carlos marcelo cordova arayaeduardo s. gonzalezarmando navarrete bastias | /1/1/1/1/1 |
2024-03-26R6C5concepcion1100M1671€ | 410612 | oro blancomister leoarabian storyfrescocalifornia tiger | NCNCNCNCNC | NCNCNCNCNC | H8H9F4M5H5 | 410612 | 5556555556 | 2p2p2p4p2p9p7p1p7p1p2p4p1p3p5p | gabriel urzuajose manuel moya sepulvedajohann olateivan carcamojaime adolfo mino fica | joan manuel amaya hernandezeduardo s. gonzalezjulio enrique espinosa nunezjulio enrique espinosa nunezvictor enrique gallardo eissmann | /1/1/1/1/1 |
2024-03-26R6C6concepcion1100M1871€ | 279101 | rio mallecoque pasa negrotren del lagoking of cupsmajir | NCNCNCNCNC | NCNCNCNCNC | H6M5H7M4M7 | 279101 | 6155556057 | 5p5p7p3p2p5p0p1p3p3p6p2p0p6p9p | gustavo verajaime adolfo mino ficajose villablancaluis aros harveyjohann olate | nelson norambuena bravojulio enrique espinosa nunezjoan manuel amaya hernandezevaristo alarcon j.carlos miguel norambuena | /1/1/1/1/1 |
2024-03-26R6C4concepcion1100M1604€ | 871123 | good victorymia nenevan der sarel paracaidistaya naval | NCNCNCNCNC | NCNCNCNCNC | F4F4M4M4M4 | 871123 | 5155535755 | 6p5p3p5p0p0p0p8p9p2p3p3p0p6p6p | johann olategustavo verabryan gajardo alexis corderojose manuel moya sepulvedacotrina ghean | carlos miguel norambuenareinaldo belloarmando navarrete bastiascarlos marcelo cordova arayajanett p harvey | /1/1/1/1/1 |
Type | Values | |||
Numeros | 100.00% 213 | 100.00% 243 | 85.71% 786 | 85.71% 435 |
Cotes | ||||
Presse |