Pronostics R6C3 du
- R6C3
plathandicap 13528meydan (e.a.u)2200M43671€azizi grand stakes13 partantsdépart à 14:40
top 6
Course | Arrivee | Cheval | S/A | Corde | Poids | Mus | Drivers | Entraineurs | Cote |
2023-11-24R6C8meydan (e.a.u)1600M52406€ | 67483 | southern artisttiger nationmr rajathanmorning | H3M3H3M3H3 | 28657 | 58585853.558 | 4p1p8p1p1p6p2p3p2p1p6p3p9p4p | tadhg o'sheamickael barzalonaconnor beasleysam hitchcottrichard mullen | bhupat seemarsalem bin ghadayerahmad bin harmashfawzi nassbhupat seemar | /1/1/1/1/1 |
2023-11-24R6C7meydan (e.a.u)1900M52406€ | 62398 | book reviewfranz straussalhzeemwessallvasilakos | H6M4H5H4H5 | 62314 | 5560585353 | 0p9p4p1p1p(21p2p1p1p(22)2p5p8p | royston ffrenchtadhg o'sheaben coenandrew slatteryconnor beasley | salem bin ghadayerbhupat seemarmichael costamichael costaahmad bin harmash | /1/1/1/1/1 |
2023-11-24R6C6meydan (e.a.u)1600M124775€ | 16952 | al nefudgolden goalsecret ambitioneverfastatletico el culano | H5H9M10H7M7 | 118157 | 5858585858 | (22)0p0p1p0p1p0p2p5p6p2p3p8p6p | tadhg o'sheasam hitchcottbernardo pinheiropatrick dobbsjose da silva | bhupat seemardoug watsonbhupat seemardoug watsonjulio olascoaga | /1/1/1/1/1 |
2023-11-24R6C5meydan (e.a.u)1200M43671€ | 68215 | thawbanmr kafooranaandessmanribhi | M3H4H6H7H4 | 711164 | 60.558.5626261 | 4p1p3p(22)3p3p0p4p(22)0p0p0p | ben coenconnor beasleyjose da silvajames doyleoscar chavez | michael costaahmad bin harmashmusabbeh al mheirijulio olascoagajohn hyde | /1/1/1/1/1 |
2023-11-24R6C4meydan (e.a.u)1400M41176€ | 352119 | mendelssohn baymillion doroelyabrivaldiviashababy | H2M2M2M2M2 | 5311210 | 5757575757 | InéditInéditInéditInéditInédit | tadhg o'sheaconnor beasleyryan curatologabriele malunejose da silva | bhupat seemarahmad bin harmashmusabbeh al mheiriahmad bin harmashjulio olascoaga | /1/1/1/1/1 |
2023-11-24R6C3meydan (e.a.u)1600M43671€ | 61374 | made in dubaipitcher's pointtriple venturemayaadeenal maroom | H4H6H6H8F5 | 1210891 | 59.5626158.560 | 8p1p2p8p9p6p2p2p3p7p0p6p5p6p2p | mickael barzalonapatrick cosgraveconnor beasleypatrick dobbstadhg o'shea | salem bin ghadayerbhupat seemarahmad bin harmashdoug watsonbhupat seemar | /1/1/1/1/1 |
2023-11-24R6C2meydan (e.a.u)1200M41176€ | 32561 | lahfatyfatinahmorjanahshamardiaaram | F2F2F2F2F2 | 56123 | 5757575757 | InéditInéditInédit7p7pInédit | ben coenmickael barzalonaconnor beasleyjose da silvaryan curatolo | michael costaahmad bin harmashahmad bin harmashismail mohammedahmad bin harmash | /1/1/1/1/1 |
Course | Arrivee | Cheval | S/A | Corde | Poids | Mus | Drivers | Entraineurs | Cote |
2023-12-06R5C9kempton park2200M9299€ | 1213810 | suffrajetocean heightsgeelongraintownroyal dream | F4H6H4H3H3 | 281047 | 62625959.559.5 | 6p(22)3p7pAh4p1p2p0p6p5p2p7p6p | franny nortontyler heardrob hornbytaylor fisherrichard kingscote | charlie johnstondavid pipepaul & oliver colej. s. mooreed dunlop | /1/1/1/1/1 |
2023-11-29R2C3happy valley2200M136832€ | 611294 | wonder yearsjubilationsuper hong kongai oneflying silver | H5H5H6H7H4 | 81546 | 565259.552.557 | 0p4p0p3p1p1p0p8p0p7p5p0p9p8p9p | de melo k.badel a.chadwick m.teetan k.mcdonald j. | whyte k.l.ting k.h.shum c.s. | 15/15.2/131/119/17.1/1 |
2023-11-25R2C5munich-riem2200M25000€ | 19327 | atosopalatinawaldadlerenjoy the moonwoodstone | H4F4H4H7M4 | 51161310 | 5855.5585857 | 2p2p2p0p6p3p5p2p7p3p2p1p1p6p5p | lilli-marie engelsthore hammer-hansenandrasch starkerene piechulekmartin seidl | sarka schuetzhenk grewepavel vovcenkomarcel weissstefan richter | 6.6/110/18.1/13.8/15.2/1 |
2023-11-25R2C3munich-riem2200M7000€ | 456311 | sweet holearumeellerstinaemmeciweragua | F3F3F3H3F3 | 47912 | 5655525755 | 2p3p6p4p8p7p6p6pInédit | martin seidlrene piechulekam.ines loewelilli-marie engelswladimir panov | andreas suboricspeter schiergenkaroly kerekesfrank fuhrmannstefan richter | 4.2/16.7/121/163/111/1 |
2023-11-25R2C2munich-riem2200M4500€ | 235101 | tilda rangauwilliballindinaslollipoptrezy lady | F4H5H7F6F5 | 241051 | 56.56157.55359 | 3p1p1p0p0p4p1p4p2p9p5p8p1p2p2p | celine johnemaike riehlleon wolffthore hammer-hansentomas roman | michael figgemarian falk weissmeierjohn david hillisjutta mayermiroslav nieslanik | 3.4/123/16.3/147/18/1 |
2023-11-13R4C7amiens2200M12000€ | 6110112 | american lilymagurorise hitparovnaarmorigene | F6H4H9F4H6 | 482512 | 5860575759.5 | 4p0p0p7p8p9p5p4p0p9p0p9p3p0p8p | t.trullierd.santiagoc.bergeh.boutinl.bails | mlle koninckr.schmidlinxl.le stang | 3.5/110/113/127/16.3/1 |
2023-11-13R4C6amiens2200M12000€ | 13846 | mandokilancillottolidisbarnvenicela blue quartz | H3H3H3M3F3 | 69754 | 5858565856.5 | 5p9p9p7p0p4p6p3p4p5p0p0p6p7p5p | c.belmontl.carbonie.crubletc.bergea.mosse | mme r.weissmeierg.bietolinijul .phelippons.cerulisx.richard | 24/13.9/15.2/14/15.3/1 |
N* | Reussite | Cote | |
13 | 100.00% | 1/1 | |
2 | 80.00% | 4/5 | |
10 | 66.67% | 2/3 | |
3 | 60.00% | 3/5 | |
1 | 50.00% | 3/6 | |
9 | 50.00% | 2/4 | |
11 | 50.00% | 2/4 | |
4 | 33.33% | 2/6 | |
5 | 33.33% | 2/6 | |
6 | 33.33% | 2/6 | |
7 | 16.67% | 1/6 | |
8 | 16.67% | 1/6 | |
12 | 0.00% | 0/1 |
Course | Arrivee | Cheval | S/A | Corde | Poids | Mus | Drivers | Entraineurs | Cote |
2022-11-25R6C6meydan (e.a.u)2200M23606€ | 6921011 | mulfitgraffiti masteral nayyirghost of the mambocapla crusader | H6H7H4H5H6 | 825109 | 616061.55958.5 | 5p6p4p3p2p8p1p7p4p7p1p3p3p6p9p | oscar chavezantonio fresupatrick dobbstadhg o'sheaabdul aziz al balushi | doug watsonmusabbeh al mheiridoug watsonbhupat seemarrashed bouresly | /1/1/1/1/1 |
2022-01-07R8C6meydan (e.a.u)2200M20327€ | 432710 | sanad libyamudallelfar skymulfitanizzah | M5H8H5H6H7 | 523615 | 60606058.555.5 | (21)5p(21)6p(21)9p(21)4p(21)1p | tadhg o sheaantonio fresupatrick dobbsgeorge buckellsaif al balushi | bhupat seemarahmad bin harmashdoug watsondoug watsonahmad bin harmash | /1/1/1/1/1 |
2021-12-02R5C4meydan (e.a.u)2200M21489€ | 761089 | mudallelmiller's housedark of nighttolmountarabian moon | H7H4H4H4H4 | 24169 | 58.558.5535755.5 | 2p4p9p3p0p8p2p0p8p0p1p0p9p0p5p | ray dawsonsean kirraneantonio fresuroyston ffrenchabdul aziz al balushi | ahmad bin harmashbhupat seemarmusabbeh al mheirisalem bin ghadayerhelal alalawi | /1/1/1/1/1 |