Pronostics R5C3 du
- R5C3
plathandicap divise 16628la cepiere2000M20000€prix comite regional d'equitation occitanie11 partantsdépart à 15:27
Non-partants : 11
top 6
Course | Arrivee | Cheval | S/A | Corde | Poids | Mus | Drivers | Entraineurs | Cote |
2023-10-04R4C9la cepiere3000M20000€ | 28439 | cocklinakikine joliehigh hopechief of stallthe magic man | F5F6H5H5H6 | 210316 | 605657.557.554.5 | 0p6p2p0p3p2p7p4p0p1p6p1p5p3p5p | a.mekoucher.dubordv.seguya.gutierrez valm.guyon | m.comas molistmme n.garde dubordb.gourdon (s)m.alonso roldanj.piednoel | 19/18.9/15.7/112/15.6/1 |
2023-10-04R4C8la cepiere2100M18000€ | 31268 | molfitjalaad al shahaniaeclipse du soleilmazadi de piboulangus | M3M3M3M3M3 | 4781011 | 5858585858 | 3p3p4p6p2p6p8p3p5p | v.seguyd.morinm.guyong.sanchezf.veron | f.rohaut (s)f.rohaut (s)f.rohaut (s)mme jf.bernardd.watrigant (s) | 3/121/12.1/122/18.9/1 |
2023-10-04R4C7la cepiere2100M16000€ | 34526 | mutbahy athbahzawania staralmadoraghaffar de brugerejade du croate | M4F5F4M7F4 | 75186 | 5856.55658.556 | 3p1p3p6p0p8p4p2p4p6p(22)5p0p9p | jb.eyquema.gavilanf.veronh.mouesanm.meyer | mme jf.bernardmlle v.mercaderch.gourdain (s)'ova | 1.5/155/18.4/117/19.2/1 |
2023-10-04R4C6la cepiere2400M14000€ | 37416 | jycrois bellevuequdilleromr sunshinejust you and mepedraza lescribaa | H4H7H6H10F8 | 191174 | 59.555.559.56056 | 3p1p3p6p3p7p1p6p7p9p5p3p7p1p3p | e.revoltea.werlea.gutierrez valg.guedj-gaya.mekouche | t.fourcy (s)p.le geaya.sanchez-martinmme r.philippona.lartigau | 3.1/123/17.8/19.5/112/1 |
2023-10-04R4C5la cepiere2100M18000€ | 137118 | kinda de carrereemilia du soleilshararahsawarimalyaa la gloire | F3F3F3F3F3 | 9713812 | 5858565656 | 4p0p4pInéditInéditInédit | g.guedj-gayg.sanchezjb.eyquemm.forestm.foulon | x.thomas-demeaulte (s)mme jf.bernardmme jf.bernardf.sanchezch.gourdain (s) | 8.1/14.8/15.6/19.5/124/1 |
2023-10-04R4C4la cepiere2400M52000€ | 59627 | rainbow skyhiggleshmihillaranteelzora | F3F3F3F5F3 | 14572 | 54.554.554.557.554.5 | 2p2p1p5p5p4p7p3p4p6p7p1p3p2p7p | t.picconem.guyoni.mendizabala.oranic.demuro | ha.pantall (s)c.laffon-pariasc.laffon-pariasj.reynier (s)jc.rouget (s) | 6.1/16.9/133/19.4/15.2/1 |
2023-10-04R4C3la cepiere1200M20000€ | 31965 | mgheeragalikrosa parksrafalepelusive | F3H5F5F4F3 | 43156 | 60.564.5515657 | 1p5p3p0p4p5p5p3p4p1p2p6p8p4p5p | g.milletm.meyera.mekouchei.mendizabalt.trullier | mme m.scandella-lacaillep.sogorbc.pautierd.watrigant (s)mlle s.penot | 4.5/14.7/18.7/15.4/120/1 |
N* | nom | Reussite | Cote | |
5 | parabak | 0.00% | 0/1 | 34 |
N* | driver | Reussite | Cote | |
3 | h.mouesan | 100.00% | 1/1 | 11 |
6 | g.sanchez | 100.00% | 2/2 | 12 |
2 | m.meyer | 50.00% | 1/2 | 7.6 |
5 | m.forest | 50.00% | 1/2 | 34 |
8 | g.guedj-gay | 40.00% | 2/5 | 9.8 |
1 | f.veron | 33.33% | 2/6 | 3.8 |
10 | v.seguy | 33.33% | 2/6 | 10 |
9 | a.crastus | 0.00% | 0/3 | 25 |
7 | m.romary | 0.00% | 0/2 | 6.6 |
N* | entraineur | Reussite | Cote | |
1 | d.watrigant (s) | 50.00% | 1/2 | 3.8 |
4 | d.watrigant (s) | 50.00% | 1/2 | 4.8 |
8 | o.trigodet (s) | 0.00% | 0/3 | 9.8 |
5 | j.resimont | 0.00% | 0/2 | 34 |
7 | rc.montenegro | 0.00% | 0/1 | 6.6 |
N* | Reussite | Cote | |
3 | 71.43% | 5/7 | 11 |
4 | 60.00% | 3/5 | 4.8 |
1 | 50.00% | 3/6 | 3.8 |
2 | 42.86% | 3/7 | 7.6 |
6 | 42.86% | 3/7 | 12 |
8 | 42.86% | 3/7 | 9.8 |
7 | 40.00% | 2/5 | 6.6 |
5 | 20.00% | 1/5 | 34 |
9 | 14.29% | 1/7 | 25 |
10 | 0.00% | 0/5 | 10 |
Course | Arrivee | Cheval | S/A | Corde | Poids | Mus | Drivers | Entraineurs | Cote |
2023-10-12R5C9chelmsford2000M8892€ | 254129 | elshaameqletabashalfatwilight guestswing to the stars | H4H3F4H3F4 | 34658 | 6462.563.559.562 | 3p4p5p5p3p6p1p0p4p5p2p8p2p3p9p | jack mitchelloisin murphysaffie osbornetom queallyrichard kingscote | kevin frosted dunloplydia richardsgeorge margarsonian williams | /1/1/1/1/1 |
2023-10-09R3C5borely2000M22000€ | 14562 | alcarazindian pacificlaosbosiohsaint hellier | H4H7H5M6H4 | 35276 | 6057575760 | 1p2p1p1p7p4p4p0p7p7p0p1p0p1p0p | e.crubletm.barzalonaa.crastuss.ruism.grandin | jc.rouget (s)p.cottierc.escudern.perret (s)p.cottier | 2.7/14.1/115/17.6/13.6/1 |
2023-10-09R3C4borely2000M22000€ | 53624 | santhiafirebrandgiraffecusanogrimaud | F3M3F3M3H3 | 45126 | 55.55755.55757 | 3p2p8p4p7p4p4p4p8p9p1p4p5p | a.orania.crastusm.barzalonag.legrasv.seguy | j.andreu (s)n.perret (s)p.cottiermme m.scandella-lacaillef.rohaut (s) | 2.7/18.8/13.6/110/13/1 |
2023-10-09R3C3borely2000M23000€ | 42163 | paradise stormgilded dragonlovers daydecidementlucky bere | M2M2M2H2M2 | 26345 | 5858585858 | 5p4p3p3p2p9p5p0p | a.lemaitrem.barzalonat.picconem.grandins.ruis | f.vermeulen (s)fh.graffard (s)c.escuderp.cottierc.escuder | 13/12.4/13.9/15.2/153/1 |
2023-10-09R3C2borely2000M23000€ | 31254 | wikendasoknafacinatricemqse de pompadourhayssouvie | F2F2F2F2F2 | 62345 | 5858585656 | 2p7p8pInéditInédit | m.grandinm.barzalonag.legrasa.lemaitrem.velon | p.cottierc.escuderm.planardf.vermeulen (s)c.escuder | 1.7/13.8/137/15.9/111/1 |
2023-10-08R14C5nancy-brabois2000M12500€ | 54637 | lamajestikrocket sciencenicastrolumiere de marengorainbow queen | F2F2M2F2F2 | 71536 | 56.556.55656.554.5 | 3p6p7p1p0p8p9p9p8p6p7p | c.pacautc.berger.mangiones.chuettes.koyuncu | m.boutin (s)h.greweg.bietolinid.chenumar .hofer | 4.5/12/18.4/18.4/124/1 |
2023-10-08R8C2maronas2000M9756€ | 54921 | luna olvidadapride 'n' joymagnific touchbenjaminasalidora ave | F5F5F5F4F5 | 54921 | 5557506162 | 4p8p5p1p5p6p1p4p1p5p1p3p1p4p4p | fabio heriberto guedesjulio cesar mendezsebastian marcelo fioritojulio damian de arrascaetaedison rodrigo rosas | facundo federico santestebanpablo german gonzalezpablo german gonzalezpablo ricardo duartefacundo federico santesteban | /1/1/1/1/1 |
N* | driver | Reussite | Cote | |
10 | v.seguy | 100.00% | 1/1 | 10 |
9 | a.crastus | 50.00% | 2/4 | 25 |
3 | h.mouesan | 0.00% | 0/1 | 11 |
N* | Reussite | Cote | |
2 | 100.00% | 5/5 | 7.6 |
4 | 100.00% | 5/5 | 4.8 |
5 | 80.00% | 4/5 | 34 |
3 | 75.00% | 3/4 | 11 |
1 | 60.00% | 3/5 | 3.8 |
6 | 60.00% | 3/5 | 12 |
7 | 0.00% | 0/3 | 6.6 |
8 | 0.00% | 0/1 | 9.8 |
Course | Arrivee | Cheval | S/A | Corde | Poids | Mus | Drivers | Entraineurs | Cote |
2023-09-22R5C6la cepiere2000M14000€ | 38217 | notre histoireliebe kinderassierle parraina gibraltar | H4H4H6M8F5 | 107152 | 7268.5727268.5 | 8p5p9p0p5p4p4p2p4p4p0p0p8p4p3p | p.lotoutp.laborde fernandezf.guythi .journiactho .journiac | g.dauvergner.avial lopezc.bonin (s)c.escuderc.bonin (s) | 13/144/12.4/15.5/114/1 |
2023-05-25R3C5la cepiere2000M30000€ | 71623 | al dohaelaffateenahrysk toutmonda | F4F6F5F6F5 | 65147 | 56.562606060 | 2p(22)(22)5p1p(22)4p0p3p2p(22) | o.pesliera.crastusm.foresth.mouesanv.seguy | t.fourcy (s)x.thomas-demeaulte (s)f.sanchezch.gourdain (s)x.thomas-demeaulte (s) | 2.3/19.7/19.5/143/13.7/1 |
2023-04-23R4C5la cepiere2000M30000€ | 12765 | ghadahal dohaalobayyahgorat aeenjade du croate | F4F4F4F4F4 | 64275 | 5858585858 | 1p(22)(22)4p1p9p4p3p(22)(22)3p | a.crastuso.peslierg.guedj-gaym.guyonf.veron | t.fourcy (s)t.fourcy (s)x.thomas-demeaulte (s)f.rohaut (s)'ova | 5.2/13.1/16.9/14.7/128/1 |
2023-04-23R4C2la cepiere2000M52000€ | 41352 | watch himwallyprince anodinmon bel cantosay good buy | M5H6H6H5H7 | 45267 | 5758.5575757 | 1p4p5p1p(22)3p1p3p3p1p5p0p(22) | m.guyonc.demurof.veronjb.eyquemv.seguy | c.ferland (s)jc.rouget (s)a.watrigant (s)jc.rouget (s)g.vaz | 4.4/11.4/112/18.7/131/1 |
2023-04-23R4C1la cepiere2000M30000€ | 36527 | edalbarmondahan rastabanal faisalriska lotoise | M5F5M5M5F5 | 42165 | 6058606058 | (22)1p(22)3p(22)2p4p(22)0p7p(2 | m.guyonc.soumillonm.foulona.crastusa.gavilan | x.thomas-demeaulte (s)x.thomas-demeaulte (s)ch.gourdain (s)t.fourcy (s)p.corsi | 2.9/12.4/18.4/16.6/133/1 |
2023-03-06R3C8la cepiere2000M17000€ | 16543 | vertigo pompadour aakirie aafree dance aasidjy aaband jo aa | M3M3F3F3M3 | 43216 | 585556.556.558 | InéditInéditInéditInéditInédit | m.forestc.cadela.merouv.seguyg.sanchez | mlle c.courtadec.bonin (s)b.montzey (s)mlle c.courtadef.sanchez | 3.7/18/13/14.7/16/1 |
2022-12-02R4C5la cepiere2000M18000€ | 39456 | zvikovmaitre de musiquebaselitzshamalragumer | M2H2M2M2M2 | 895103 | 5856585858 | 6pInédit2p6p5p | s.le quilleuca.gavilana.crastusm.foresth.mouesan | jc.rouget (s)d.guillemin (s)s.brogilageneste & macaire (s)rc.montenegro | 6.6/15.6/12.6/17.9/129/1 |
N* | driver | Reussite | Cote | |
1 | f.veron | 100.00% | 2/2 | 3.8 |
8 | g.guedj-gay | 100.00% | 1/1 | 9.8 |
9 | a.crastus | 60.00% | 3/5 | 25 |
3 | h.mouesan | 50.00% | 1/2 | 11 |
10 | v.seguy | 50.00% | 2/4 | 10 |
5 | m.forest | 33.33% | 1/3 | 34 |
6 | g.sanchez | 0.00% | 0/1 | 12 |
N* | entraineur | Reussite | Cote | |
10 | g.vaz | 100.00% | 1/1 | 10 |
5 | j.resimont | 0.00% | 0/1 | 34 |
7 | rc.montenegro | 0.00% | 0/1 | 6.6 |
N* | Reussite | Cote | |
2 | 83.33% | 5/6 | 7.6 |
7 | 66.67% | 4/6 | 6.6 |
1 | 57.14% | 4/7 | 3.8 |
3 | 57.14% | 4/7 | 11 |
5 | 50.00% | 3/6 | 34 |
6 | 50.00% | 3/6 | 12 |
8 | 33.33% | 1/3 | 9.8 |
4 | 14.29% | 1/7 | 4.8 |
9 | 0.00% | 0/2 | 25 |
10 | 0.00% | 0/1 | 10 |
Course | Arrivee | Cheval | S/A | Corde | Poids | Mus | Drivers | Entraineurs | Cote |
2022-10-03R4C3la cepiere1600M18000€ | 1331042 | trujillopassalitocharm kingafrican greygagnesiry | M5M4H5H5F4 | 211396 | 5259.55459.560 | 7p1p3p4p7p0p8p6p6p9p0p5p0p0p3p | v.seguyf.veronc.demurom.eona.gavilan | j.calderon romeromme s.gavilanl.larrigadej.piednoeld.guillemin (s) | 15/115/13.8/112/130/1 |
2021-10-04R4C5la cepiere1600M18000€ | 691012 | swiss bankascension directegeneralifeal mashrablaris | H6F6H5H6H8 | 71234 | 55.553526261 | 5p4p5p0p8p2p1p1p1p2p3p3p1p0p9p | a.gavilanw.smita.gutierrez valh.mouesanc.cornet | o.montzey der.avial lopezm.alonso roldanjc.rouget (s)d.watrigant (s) | 7.5/126/17.6/12.9/16.3/1 |
N* | driver | Reussite | Cote | |
1 | f.veron | 100.00% | 1/1 | 3.8 |
3 | h.mouesan | 100.00% | 1/1 | 11 |
10 | v.seguy | 100.00% | 1/1 | 10 |
5 | m.forest | 0.00% | 0/2 | 34 |
2 | m.meyer | 0.00% | 0/1 | 7.6 |
6 | g.sanchez | 0.00% | 0/1 | 12 |
9 | a.crastus | 0.00% | 0/1 | 25 |
N* | entraineur | Reussite | Cote | |
1 | d.watrigant (s) | 100.00% | 1/1 | 3.8 |
4 | d.watrigant (s) | 100.00% | 1/1 | 4.8 |
6 | r.avial lopez | 100.00% | 1/1 | 12 |
2 | f.pardon | 0.00% | 0/1 | 7.6 |
8 | o.trigodet (s) | 0.00% | 0/1 | 9.8 |
N* | Reussite | Cote | |
2 | 100.00% | 2/2 | 7.6 |
10 | 100.00% | 2/2 | 10 |
1 | 50.00% | 1/2 | 3.8 |
3 | 50.00% | 1/2 | 11 |
4 | 50.00% | 1/2 | 4.8 |
6 | 50.00% | 1/2 | 12 |
9 | 50.00% | 1/2 | 25 |
5 | 0.00% | 0/2 | 34 |
7 | 0.00% | 0/2 | 6.6 |
8 | 0.00% | 0/2 | 9.8 |