Pronostics R3C6 du
- R3C6
haiecourse a conditions 17028nantes3500M26000€prix des conscrits11 partantsdépart à 12:43
top 6
Course | Arrivee | Cheval | S/A | Corde | Poids | Mus | Drivers | Entraineurs | Cote |
2023-09-15R3C8nantes3500M23000€ | 2106311 | jarzeketamine de cottegreat lahraki soit marvelgraine de beaute | H3F3F3H3F3 | ----- | 6965676765 | 4s5s3hTh6h2hJh8h | | gab.leenders (s)sourdeau de beauregard (sj.delaunay (s)g.lassaussayee.grall (s) | 7.3/18.2/16.6/136/15.6/1 |
2023-09-15R3C7nantes3900M30000€ | 31425 | jessi seijereviendraijolicoeur du gouetjarikajazzy conti | F4H4H4F4H4 | ----- | 6869686867 | 6h3h(26h8s7s9s1sJs3h0p1hInédit | a.zuliania.ruiz gonzalezg.rea.pageotk.dubourg | f.nicolled.sataliaj.delaunay (s)j.boisnard (s)ch.dubourg (s) | 2.5/17/13.7/15.4/114/1 |
2023-09-15R3C6nantes3900M51000€ | 62147 | le ludecharminozadalltactique d'etatalways love you | H7H8H7F5H6 | ----- | 6769716867 | Js5s8s1s1s1s6h4h2h6s9h1h1s2s6s | a.zulianig.ret.vaboisc.pricharda.renard | f.nicollep&c.peltier (s)mme v.seignouxf.nicollej.delaunay (s) | 6/11.8/141/19.1/113/1 |
2023-06-20R1C7nantes3500M30000€ | 47812 | a nous tousjaguar collongesj'arrive de l'estjuste raisejoinville le pont | H4H4H4F4H4 | ----- | 7067677171 | 4h2hJh4pAh(21sTh(22h2h2h4hTh2h | g.rej.charrono. jouinb.marchandd.thomas | j.delaunay (s)mme d.melemme d.meley.fouin (s)t.poche | 3.2/15.1/17.1/13.3/116/1 |
2023-06-01R3C7nantes3900M41000€ | 52431 | idee du choeurirresistiblesheaven du seuilyou're the bossquick daddy | H5H7H6H5H5 | ----- | 6870687070 | 1h(22)1h2h(2AhJs4h(22)6h8h2h5p | v.moring.siaffad.carrec.pricharde.bureller | e.andigne d'j.boisnard (s)ch.plisson (s)f.nicollexl.le stang | 1.8/13.2/141/14.2/118/1 |
2023-06-01R3C6nantes3500M30000€ | 12467 | lincolnsun joymao boyjoinville le pontwandana | M4H4H4H4F4 | ----- | 7070686867 | (22)5h2h4h2h4s2s4sTh2h4h2h3h8h | | j.delaunay (s)m.mescam (s)mlle c.lequient.pochen.paysan | 3.9/12.3/111/112/17.2/1 |
2023-05-06R2C8nantes3900M23000€ | 23467 | irresistiblesprince de bellouetfripon de ballonnile parisfolish gold | H7H11H9H9F9 | ----- | 7269696867 | 2h(22)4s1s4h9h5h(2(22)Ah1s1s5h | a.pageota.renardb.claudicg.siaffad.thomas | j.boisnard (s)b.lefevre (s)d.retife.bertint.poche | 2.4/15/17.8/116/16.8/1 |
N* | driver | Reussite | Cote | |
1 | v.morin | 100.00% | 1/1 | 9.6 |
7 | w.lajon | 100.00% | 1/1 | 30 |
8 | l.brechet | 100.00% | 1/1 | 38 |
11 | o. jouin | 100.00% | 1/1 | 9.4 |
3 | | 80.00% | 4/5 | 8.2 |
9 | c.lefebvre | 0.00% | 0/1 | 8.3 |
N* | entraineur | Reussite | Cote | |
1 | e.andigne d' | 100.00% | 1/1 | 9.6 |
3 | j.delaunay (s) | 80.00% | 4/5 | 8.2 |
9 | sourdeau de beauregard (s | 50.00% | 1/2 | 8.3 |
11 | j.boisnard (s) | 50.00% | 2/4 | 9.4 |
N* | Reussite | Cote | |
10 | 100.00% | 1/1 | 37 |
11 | 100.00% | 1/1 | 9.4 |
2 | 71.43% | 5/7 | 26 |
1 | 66.67% | 4/6 | 9.6 |
4 | 66.67% | 4/6 | 2.8 |
6 | 50.00% | 2/4 | 5.4 |
3 | 42.86% | 3/7 | 8.2 |
5 | 40.00% | 2/5 | 14 |
7 | 40.00% | 2/5 | 30 |
8 | 33.33% | 1/3 | 38 |
9 | 0.00% | 0/1 | 8.3 |
Course | Arrivee | Cheval | S/A | Corde | Poids | Mus | Drivers | Entraineurs | Cote |
2023-10-04R4C1la cepiere3500M26000€ | 31462 | stingo aakorrigan roc marie aaalecto du lia aavolkopour aahors serie forez aa | H6H6F4H4F6 | ----- | 6667656467 | (22)1p(21)AsInédit7p6h7h5h | j.reveleyc.lefebvres.bouyssoug.champiert.lefranc | mme d.melejp.daireaux (s)jp.daireaux (s)mme | 1.5/14.4/118/121/111/1 |
2023-10-03R1C6auteuil3500M55000€ | 1194810 | kalibreking of the roadautoportraitkentucky woodchoeur etincelle | H3H3H3H3H3 | ----- | 6666666666 | 3h4h5h4hInédit | n.ferreiraj.reveleyb.lestradea.zulianil.philipperon | s.dehez (s)sourdeau de beauregard (ssourdeau de beauregard (sf.nicollemlle g.menato | 29/112/129/15.7/131/1 |
2023-09-30R9C7dax3500M20000€ | 51687 | fancy du pecos aakobe de la brunie aatresor aredien aanevis de candale aakalagan aa | F3H3M3H3H3 | ----- | 6567646464 | 2p8p3p7p7p8pInéditInédit | a.zulianil.zulianir.fourcadet.leplayb.fouchet | f.nicolleb.gourdon (s)t.lauriere ded.guillemin (s)jm.daures | 2/114/115/117/16.2/1 |
2023-09-30R9C3dax3500M22000€ | 23567 | not my faultnosferatustyle de wayquelmec de houellekendor de manzat | F3H3H3H3H3 | ----- | 6767676767 | 4h1hInédit4p2pInéditInédit | l.zulianik.dubourga.beaudoiret.bourguigneaue.labaisse | lageneste & macaire (s)lageneste & macaire (s)d.morisson (s)a.chaille-chaillea.boisbrunet (s) | 3.1/13.6/14.7/17.7/125/1 |
2023-09-30R2C2moulins3500M26000€ | 371054 | turbulence valkroupadekoristela menarawinona | F3F3F3F3F3 | ----- | 6867676767 | 4h5h5hInéditInédit5h | | p&c.peltier (s)s.dehez (s)j.delaunay (s)f.nicollesourdeau de beauregard (s | 5.1/120/116/125/122/1 |
2023-09-30R2C1moulins3500M20000€ | 57461 | hard temperkauto kawaivoix de bocellimoon of the gladei've told you | H3H3H3H3H3 | ----- | 6967716773 | Ts3h6hInédit8h6h4h7p0p6h4p0p | t.andrieuxh.tabett.figueiraq.jacobv.morin | p&c.peltier (s)c.ligerotf.nicollem.pitarte.andigne d' | 3.6/125/14/118/17/1 |
2023-09-27R3C4auteuil3500M26000€ | 56278 | hesperiakatell des blinskarmixcheap mondaymandy | F3F3F3F3F3 | ----- | 7069726868 | Inédit9h7h4h2h4h1h6h8h2h5h5h | a.seigneula.desvauxc.poincott.andrieuxb.fouchet | e.grall (s)jv.chaignonbutel & beaunez (s)y.fouin (s)jl.pelletan | 25/126/15/112/135/1 |
N* | driver | Reussite | Cote | |
2 | g.champier | 100.00% | 1/1 | 26 |
7 | w.lajon | 100.00% | 1/1 | 30 |
9 | c.lefebvre | 100.00% | 1/1 | 8.3 |
3 | | 50.00% | 1/2 | 8.2 |
1 | v.morin | 0.00% | 0/1 | 9.6 |
5 | a.desvaux | 0.00% | 0/1 | 14 |
6 | g.meunier | 0.00% | 0/1 | 5.4 |
N* | entraineur | Reussite | Cote | |
3 | j.delaunay (s) | 100.00% | 1/1 | 8.2 |
4 | a.chaille-chaille | 100.00% | 1/1 | 2.8 |
9 | sourdeau de beauregard (s | 100.00% | 2/2 | 8.3 |
1 | e.andigne d' | 0.00% | 0/1 | 9.6 |
6 | d.bressou | 0.00% | 0/1 | 5.4 |
N* | Reussite | Cote | |
10 | 100.00% | 2/2 | 37 |
11 | 100.00% | 1/1 | 9.4 |
3 | 50.00% | 3/6 | 8.2 |
7 | 50.00% | 3/6 | 30 |
4 | 42.86% | 3/7 | 2.8 |
5 | 42.86% | 3/7 | 14 |
6 | 42.86% | 3/7 | 5.4 |
8 | 33.33% | 2/6 | 38 |
9 | 33.33% | 1/3 | 8.3 |
1 | 28.57% | 2/7 | 9.6 |
2 | 28.57% | 2/7 | 26 |
Course | Arrivee | Cheval | S/A | Corde | Poids | Mus | Drivers | Entraineurs | Cote |
2023-09-15R3C8nantes3500M23000€ | 2106311 | jarzeketamine de cottegreat lahraki soit marvelgraine de beaute | H3F3F3H3F3 | ----- | 6965676765 | 4s5s3hTh6h2hJh8h | | gab.leenders (s)sourdeau de beauregard (sj.delaunay (s)g.lassaussayee.grall (s) | 7.3/18.2/16.6/136/15.6/1 |
2023-06-20R1C7nantes3500M30000€ | 47812 | a nous tousjaguar collongesj'arrive de l'estjuste raisejoinville le pont | H4H4H4F4H4 | ----- | 7067677171 | 4h2hJh4pAh(21sTh(22h2h2h4hTh2h | g.rej.charrono. jouinb.marchandd.thomas | j.delaunay (s)mme d.melemme d.meley.fouin (s)t.poche | 3.2/15.1/17.1/13.3/116/1 |
2023-06-01R3C6nantes3500M30000€ | 12467 | lincolnsun joymao boyjoinville le pontwandana | M4H4H4H4F4 | ----- | 7070686867 | (22)5h2h4h2h4s2s4sTh2h4h2h3h8h | | j.delaunay (s)m.mescam (s)mlle c.lequient.pochen.paysan | 3.9/12.3/111/112/17.2/1 |
2023-05-06R2C6nantes3500M28000€ | 3617 | jet boy contiwandanajoie d'orker chalon | H4F4F4H4 | ---- | 70677065.5 | ThAh7h3h8hThAh3h(27h8h2h | a.renardd.salmonb.claudict.vabois | j.delaunay (s)n.paysanm.mescam (s)j.jouin | 4.4/111/16.6/123/1 |
2023-05-06R2C7nantes3500M26000€ | 31276 | timichmirzakodakaraeternal springimagination | F3F3F3F3F3 | ----- | 6668686666 | 5h2h2p4p2h5p8pInédit | w.lajonl.lebeurrierq.defontainea.pageott.vabois | j.delaunay (s)j.boisnard (s)lageneste & macaire (s)j.boisnard (s)pj.fertillet | 13/15.1/13.3/19.5/110/1 |
2023-04-22R4C7nantes3500M23000€ | 16427 | with the starsmirzagaribaldikadence de meetimich | H3F3M3F3F3 | ----- | 6765676765 | 0h8p(22p4p4p2p5p2p5hInédit | g.siaffal.lebeurriera.pageota.renardw.lajon | j.boisnard (s)j.boisnard (s)j.boisnard (s)j.delaunay (s)j.delaunay (s) | 4.5/17.6/15/12.7/18.1/1 |
2022-09-16R3C6nantes3500M20000€ | 52349 | sweet davidmontabellareillingarryjack des mottesbalkeria | H3F3H3H3F3 | ----- | 6770706765 | Inédit4h2h4h2hInéditInédit | c.lefebvrea.pageota.oraint.andrieuxa.desvaux | gab.leenders (s)j.boisnard (s)mme v.seignouxf.nicollej.planque (s) | 3.7/12.8/15.8/13.3/111/1 |
N* | driver | Reussite | Cote | |
8 | l.brechet | 100.00% | 1/1 | 38 |
11 | o. jouin | 100.00% | 1/1 | 9.4 |
3 | | 75.00% | 3/4 | 8.2 |
7 | w.lajon | 66.67% | 2/3 | 30 |
1 | v.morin | 0.00% | 0/1 | 9.6 |
5 | a.desvaux | 0.00% | 0/1 | 14 |
9 | c.lefebvre | 0.00% | 0/1 | 8.3 |
10 | e.manceau | 0.00% | 0/1 | 37 |
N* | entraineur | Reussite | Cote | |
3 | j.delaunay (s) | 83.33% | 5/6 | 8.2 |
9 | sourdeau de beauregard (s | 50.00% | 1/2 | 8.3 |
11 | j.boisnard (s) | 25.00% | 1/4 | 9.4 |
10 | w.menuet (s) | 0.00% | 0/2 | 37 |
4 | a.chaille-chaille | 0.00% | 0/1 | 2.8 |
N* | Reussite | Cote | |
10 | 100.00% | 1/1 | 37 |
11 | 100.00% | 1/1 | 9.4 |
6 | 66.67% | 4/6 | 5.4 |
7 | 66.67% | 4/6 | 30 |
1 | 57.14% | 4/7 | 9.6 |
2 | 57.14% | 4/7 | 26 |
3 | 42.86% | 3/7 | 8.2 |
4 | 28.57% | 2/7 | 2.8 |
8 | 25.00% | 1/4 | 38 |
5 | 0.00% | 0/5 | 14 |
9 | 0.00% | 0/2 | 8.3 |
Course | Arrivee | Cheval | S/A | Corde | Poids | Mus | Drivers | Entraineurs | Cote |
2022-10-10R9C3saint brieuc3600M16000€ | 131014712 | les yeux noirsj'ai la cotepicabiajavus d'oudairiestwinmona | F3H3F3H3F3 | ----- | 6668666866 | InéditInéditInéditInéditInédit | t.chevillards.paillardf.gilesb.le clerca.merienne | mlle e.allairen.paysanjph .duboislageneste & macaire (s)sourdeau de beauregard (s | 129/13.2/120/111/111/1 |
N* | driver | Reussite | Cote | |
3 | | 0.00% | 0/1 | 8.2 |
N* | entraineur | Reussite | Cote | |
9 | sourdeau de beauregard (s | 100.00% | 1/1 | 8.3 |
4 | a.chaille-chaille | 0.00% | 0/1 | 2.8 |
N* | Reussite | Cote | |
7 | 100.00% | 1/1 | 30 |
10 | 100.00% | 1/1 | 37 |
1 | 0.00% | 0/1 | 9.6 |
5 | 0.00% | 0/1 | 14 |
6 | 0.00% | 0/1 | 5.4 |
8 | 0.00% | 0/1 | 38 |
9 | 0.00% | 0/1 | 8.3 |