Pronostics R4C7 du
R4C7attelenationale 26174laval2850M21000€prix haras de l'audoirie16 partantsdépart à 18:00
Non-partants : 7
Course | Arrivee | Cheval | Presse | Cl.Cotes | S/A | Distance | Deff | Mus | Drivers | Entraineurs | Cote |
2023-03-14R1C8laval2850M30000€ | 7123811 | gaby des valsguardiaglossy boygabelou carisaiediwi d'occagnes | NCNCNCNCNC | 21436 | H7F7H7H7H10 | 28502850285028502850 | PADPD4D4PADP- | 0a2a(22a1a5a1a2a7a4a3a(26a(22) | a. abrivardm. abrivardg. gelorminib. rochardd. brohier | abrivarda. marionb. thuetd. brohier | 3/12.6/18.5/17.9/125/1 |
2023-03-14R1C7laval2850M21000€ | 9112145 | jolydolejoker madrikjalapa du buissonjalisca d'amourjerzinho sport | NCNCNCNCNC | 192116 | F4M4F4F4H4 | 28502850285028502850 | -DP--- | 1a1a3a(22)9a(22)1aDa0a(24a(22) | f. genceg. gelorminie. raffinf. josephmlle cl. desmontils | mme f.f. bertrandch. mottierth. raffegeauf. josephmlle cl. desmontils | 3.8/123/14.5/129/113/1 |
2023-03-14R1C5laval2850M24000€ | 54121110 | idylle expressignace gueneserieimoko madrikivan de l'erdreindy dark | NCNCNCNCNC | 65348 | F5H5H5H5M5 | 28502850285028502850 | PADPD4D4PA- | (22)Da2a(22)6a2a4a2a9a(2(22)4a | e. raffinch.a. maryk. leblanca. wielsb. rochard | p. lelievrech.a. maryf. leblancy. gautierj.f. mary | 12/112/19.2/19.6/120/1 |
2023-03-14R1C4laval2850M18000€ | 73184 | kiliwatchkiss me jaminikinoha d'ourvilleketty angotkelle class | NCNCNCNCNC | 310578 | F3F3F3F3F3 | 28502850285028502850 | ----- | Da3aInéditInédit(22)4aDa | j. ruaultsp. tijoul. koubichef.p. bossuetp. belloche | ph. allairef. leblancl. koubichef.p. bossuetp. belloche | 6.5/153/127/127/130/1 |
2023-03-14R1C3laval2850M6000€ | 927148 | gadsemgergovie quesnotgoliath de lairgagneurgavotte du pratel | NCNCNCNCNC | 511612 | H7F7H7H7F7 | 28752850287529002875 | -D4DPPADA | 4a(22)(22)8a(22)Da1a1a3aDa2aDa | derriand. grimaultj. mouchardc. baty | l. laudrene. lamych. mottierf. gences. michel | 11/150/115/12.9/16.1/1 |
2023-03-14R1C1laval2850M53000€ | 967512 | have a dreamtype a. (usa)halicia bellahaziella d'amourheliade du goutier | NCNCNCNCNC | 14236 | M6M5F6F6F6 | 28502850285028502875 | D4D4D4D4D4 | 2aDa7a(22)0a8a(22)Da2a0a0m4a(2 | m. abrivardn. bazirea. wielsa. abrivardg. gelormini | m. abrivardj.m. bazirej.p. abrivards. guarato | 2.4/110/15.3/18.3/114/1 |
2023-03-09R4C8laval2850M18000€ | 951372 | kinkajoukingmambo bellokoka rightkashmir jadorkarma tejy | NCNCNCNCNC | 64297 | M3M3M3M3M3 | 28502850285028502850 | ----- | 5a(22)Inédit4a5a7a6a(2Inédit | j. duboiss. ernaulte. szirmayl. jublotch. chalon | j. duboismme a.f. donati marcillace. szirmayl. jublotch. chalon | 13/17.8/17.1/127/126/1 |
N* | nom | Reussite | Cote | |
2 | kingmambo bello | 0.00% | 0/1 | 9.8 |
N* | driver | Reussite | Cote | |
16 | b. rochard | 66.67% | 2/3 | 8.8 |
15 | e. raffin | 40.00% | 2/5 | 2.4 |
6 | ch.a. mary | 33.33% | 1/3 | 18 |
N* | entraineur | Reussite | Cote | |
3 | f. leblanc | 200.00% | 2/1 | 37 |
16 | j.f. mary | 100.00% | 1/1 | 8.8 |
11 | abrivard | 33.33% | 1/3 | 13 |
6 | ch.a. mary | 25.00% | 1/4 | 18 |
2 | mme a.f. donati marcillac | 0.00% | 0/1 | 9.8 |
N* | Reussite | Cote | |
12 | 75.00% | 3/4 | 28 |
1 | 66.67% | 2/3 | 130 |
3 | 66.67% | 2/3 | 37 |
11 | 66.67% | 2/3 | 13 |
4 | 50.00% | 2/4 | 64 |
14 | 50.00% | 2/4 | 18 |
8 | 42.86% | 3/7 | 89 |
5 | 40.00% | 2/5 | 132 |
2 | 33.33% | 1/3 | 9.8 |
9 | 33.33% | 2/6 | 6.3 |
10 | 16.67% | 1/6 | 42 |
6 | 0.00% | 0/6 | 18 |
13 | 0.00% | 0/2 | 12 |
16 | 0.00% | 0/2 | 8.8 |
15 | 0.00% | 0/1 | 2.4 |
Type | Values | |||
Numeros | 100.00% 756 | 85.71% 798 | 100.00% 9810 | 85.71% 534 |
Cotes | [2 - 1 - 3] 100.00% 91516 | [2 - 3 - 4] 100.00% 9162 | [6 - 4 - 5] 100.00% 11213 | [6 - 5 - 7] 100.00% 11136 |
Presse |
Course | Arrivee | Cheval | Presse | Cl.Cotes | S/A | Distance | Deff | Mus | Drivers | Entraineurs | Cote |
2023-03-31R1C2vincennes2850M53000€ | 1283102 | hedic gemaholero lovehochehowdy quickbomber di no | NCNCNCNCNC | 241311 | H6H6H6M6M6 | 28502850285028502850 | PADPD4D4D4DA | 1a1a7aDa(22)6a0a(29a3a2a0aDa9a | b. rochardd. thomainf. lagadeuca. abrivardf. nivard | m. sassiers. guarator. abrivardvitale ciotola | 3.8/111/12.5/16.8/178/1 |
2023-03-26R10C7feurs2850M15000€ | 13812510 | iroise quesnotin love metisixela du faninstall oaksidylle lactee | NCNCNCNCNC | 15276 | F5F5F5H5F5 | 28752850287528502850 | D4D4-D4- | 2a1a2aDm(22)Da3a5a(22)Da3a(22) | arnaud desmottesj. asselied. bekaertg. vidalp. callier | arnaud desmottesj. asselieg. laurentg. vidalp. callier | 1.9/111/18.5/113/111/1 |
2023-03-26R10C6feurs2850M15000€ | 1445109 | iago roseindice des brouetsindigo dreamironie du loisirindiana danse | NCNCNCNCNC | 135714 | H5H5H5F5F5 | 28752850285028502850 | D4--D4- | 1aDa(22a9a(2Da3a0a7m(22)(22)Da | l. lamazieres. peltierd.g. chavattef. gauvina. cury | j. huguetl. lerenardd.g. chavatteb. curyb. cury | 2.9/16.6/112/115/168/1 |
2023-03-26R10C5feurs2850M5500€ | 4911107 | funchal jelocagringo du noyerdesir d'arianegios dairpetfirst de bretagne | NCNCNCNCNC | 521063 | H8H7H10H7H8 | 28752875287528752875 | DPD4DADAD4 | (22)6a3a3a0a8a9a7m9a4a4a1a7a3a | mme v. boudier-cormya. gaudinc. marolleaum.m. mutelcl. pasqualini | mickael cormyl. verrierec. marolleauv. dorisona. millet | 12/14.2/145/112/15.5/1 |
2023-03-26R10C4feurs2850M22000€ | 143468 | inshot josselynil vient du ludeidefix du mansinto the mystichety du goutier | NCNCNCNCNC | 142615 | H5H5H5M5H6 | 28752850285028502850 | PADPDAPADPD4DP | 1a4a(21a1aDa1a(22)4a(22)(22)0a | d. bekaerta. tintillierarnaud desmottess. ducher | s. guaratoa. tintillierarnaud desmottesg.r. ducher | 2.4/19/15.1/116/1139/1 |
2023-03-26R10C3feurs2850M3000€ | 5611011 | exo d'epuisayelle limousinegalion des thironsgrenadine blondefrom paris | NCNCNCNCNC | 34218 | H9F9H7F7H8 | 28502850285028502850 | D4D4PAPD4- | 3a9a3a6a7aDa2aRaDa4m1a(2(22)8a | ph. jeanneretcl. pasqualinimme c. huguetmme v. boudier-cormyh. lakhrissi | ph. jeanneretcl. pasqualinig.r. huguetmickael cormyflorian gauvin | 9.4/110/14.4/11.9/133/1 |
2023-03-26R10C2feurs2850M15000€ | 9101252 | just beautifuljingle kopjudyra boissierejade majorjasper johns | NCNCNCNCNC | 12584 | F4M4F4F4M4 | 28752875287528752850 | ----- | 3a4a(23aDa6a2a5a6a(22)0a4a6a4a | s. peltierq. chauve-laffayb. ruetd. jamardp. callier | s. peltierg. touronf. carpentierd. jamardp. callier | 2.9/13.8/114/126/111/1 |
N* | driver | Reussite | Cote | |
16 | b. rochard | 100.00% | 1/1 | 8.8 |
15 | e. raffin | 0.00% | 0/1 | 2.4 |
N* | entraineur | Reussite | Cote | |
11 | abrivard | 100.00% | 1/1 | 13 |
N* | Reussite | Cote | |
4 | 75.00% | 3/4 | 64 |
10 | 66.67% | 4/6 | 42 |
14 | 66.67% | 2/3 | 18 |
8 | 60.00% | 3/5 | 89 |
12 | 50.00% | 2/4 | 28 |
13 | 50.00% | 1/2 | 12 |
3 | 40.00% | 2/5 | 37 |
9 | 40.00% | 2/5 | 6.3 |
5 | 33.33% | 2/6 | 132 |
6 | 25.00% | 1/4 | 18 |
11 | 25.00% | 1/4 | 13 |
2 | 20.00% | 1/5 | 9.8 |
1 | 0.00% | 0/4 | 130 |
15 | 0.00% | 0/2 | 2.4 |
Type | Values | |||
Numeros | 100.00% 1089 | 100.00% 543 | 85.71% 10911 | 85.71% 101211 |
Cotes | [1 - 2 - 3] 100.00% 15916 | [2 - 3 - 4] 100.00% 9162 | [3 - 4 - 5] 100.00% 16213 | [4 - 5 - 6] 100.00% 21311 |
Presse |
Course | Arrivee | Cheval | Presse | Cl.Cotes | S/A | Distance | Deff | Mus | Drivers | Entraineurs | Cote |
2023-03-14R1C3laval2850M6000€ | 927148 | gadsemgergovie quesnotgoliath de lairgagneurgavotte du pratel | NCNCNCNCNC | 511612 | H7F7H7H7F7 | 28752850287529002875 | -D4DPPADA | 4a(22)(22)8a(22)Da1a1a3aDa2aDa | derriand. grimaultj. mouchardc. baty | l. laudrene. lamych. mottierf. gences. michel | 11/150/115/12.9/16.1/1 |
2023-03-14R1C1laval2850M53000€ | 967512 | have a dreamtype a. (usa)halicia bellahaziella d'amourheliade du goutier | NCNCNCNCNC | 14236 | M6M5F6F6F6 | 28502850285028502875 | D4D4D4D4D4 | 2aDa7a(22)0a8a(22)Da2a0a0m4a(2 | m. abrivardn. bazirea. wielsa. abrivardg. gelormini | m. abrivardj.m. bazirej.p. abrivards. guarato | 2.4/110/15.3/18.3/114/1 |
2023-03-14R1C5laval2850M24000€ | 54121110 | idylle expressignace gueneserieimoko madrikivan de l'erdreindy dark | NCNCNCNCNC | 65348 | F5H5H5H5M5 | 28502850285028502850 | PADPD4D4PA- | (22)Da2a(22)6a2a4a2a9a(2(22)4a | e. raffinch.a. maryk. leblanca. wielsb. rochard | p. lelievrech.a. maryf. leblancy. gautierj.f. mary | 12/112/19.2/19.6/120/1 |
2023-03-14R1C7laval2850M21000€ | 9112145 | jolydolejoker madrikjalapa du buissonjalisca d'amourjerzinho sport | NCNCNCNCNC | 192116 | F4M4F4F4H4 | 28502850285028502850 | -DP--- | 1a1a3a(22)9a(22)1aDa0a(24a(22) | f. genceg. gelorminie. raffinf. josephmlle cl. desmontils | mme f.f. bertrandch. mottierth. raffegeauf. josephmlle cl. desmontils | 3.8/123/14.5/129/113/1 |
2023-03-14R1C8laval2850M30000€ | 7123811 | gaby des valsguardiaglossy boygabelou carisaiediwi d'occagnes | NCNCNCNCNC | 21436 | H7F7H7H7H10 | 28502850285028502850 | PADPD4D4PADP- | 0a2a(22a1a5a1a2a7a4a3a(26a(22) | a. abrivardm. abrivardg. gelorminib. rochardd. brohier | abrivarda. marionb. thuetd. brohier | 3/12.6/18.5/17.9/125/1 |
2023-03-14R1C4laval2850M18000€ | 73184 | kiliwatchkiss me jaminikinoha d'ourvilleketty angotkelle class | NCNCNCNCNC | 310578 | F3F3F3F3F3 | 28502850285028502850 | ----- | Da3aInéditInédit(22)4aDa | j. ruaultsp. tijoul. koubichef.p. bossuetp. belloche | ph. allairef. leblancl. koubichef.p. bossuetp. belloche | 6.5/153/127/127/130/1 |
2023-03-09R4C2laval2850M27000€ | 12711104 | high dreamhanika du lupinhector de bassiereheureux de bouerehougarden | NCNCNCNCNC | 12745 | H6F6H6H6H6 | 28752850287528752850 | PADPPA-DPD4 | 1a1a(2DaDa6a(22)8a4a3a6a7a(22) | j. duboism. abrivarde. letouzes. poilanel. koubiche | j. duboisa. marione. letouzes. poilanel. koubiche | 1.7/15.1/164/111/112/1 |
N* | driver | Reussite | Cote | |
16 | b. rochard | 66.67% | 2/3 | 8.8 |
15 | e. raffin | 50.00% | 2/4 | 2.4 |
6 | ch.a. mary | 33.33% | 1/3 | 18 |
12 | j. lebouteiller | 0.00% | 0/1 | 28 |
N* | entraineur | Reussite | Cote | |
3 | f. leblanc | 100.00% | 1/1 | 37 |
16 | j.f. mary | 100.00% | 1/1 | 8.8 |
11 | abrivard | 66.67% | 2/3 | 13 |
6 | ch.a. mary | 25.00% | 1/4 | 18 |
12 | j. lebouteiller | 0.00% | 0/1 | 28 |
N* | Reussite | Cote | |
11 | 100.00% | 2/2 | 13 |
12 | 80.00% | 4/5 | 28 |
14 | 66.67% | 2/3 | 18 |
5 | 60.00% | 3/5 | 132 |
9 | 60.00% | 3/5 | 6.3 |
2 | 50.00% | 1/2 | 9.8 |
3 | 50.00% | 1/2 | 37 |
1 | 33.33% | 1/3 | 130 |
8 | 33.33% | 2/6 | 89 |
4 | 25.00% | 1/4 | 64 |
6 | 16.67% | 1/6 | 18 |
10 | 16.67% | 1/6 | 42 |
16 | 0.00% | 0/2 | 8.8 |
13 | 0.00% | 0/1 | 12 |
15 | 0.00% | 0/1 | 2.4 |
Type | Values | |||
Numeros | 100.00% 756 | 85.71% 789 | 100.00% 8910 | 85.71% 453 |
Cotes | [1 - 2 - 3] 100.00% 15916 | [2 - 3 - 4] 100.00% 9162 | [6 - 4 - 5] 100.00% 11213 | [6 - 5 - 7] 100.00% 11136 |
Presse |