Pronostics R3C4 du
R3C4platcourse a conditions 29305maronas1200M5024€where's the drink (2015)9 partantsdépart à 19:25
Course | Arrivee | Cheval | Presse | Cl.Cotes | S/A | Corde | Poids | Mus | Drivers | Entraineurs | Cote |
2023-01-21R5C9maronas1500M8380€ | 13151484 | super radianteamy winehouselife is goodmy lady gloryivy rate | NCNCNCNCNC | NCNCNCNCNC | F4F4F4F4F4 | 13151484 | 5757565656 | 2p2p1p5p7p9p0p2p2p8p5p8p4p8p4p | luis alberto caceresfabio heriberto guedesjulio cesar mendezjulio cesar jorgecarlos sebastian mendez | pablo german gonzalez (h)heriberto guederoberto solanesricardo colombojose pablo garcia | /1/1/1/1/1 |
2023-01-21R5C8maronas1000M5120€ | 394117 | maschio bellobaronesa eyedon jose akeep honorgran candy | NCNCNCNCNC | NCNCNCNCNC | M6F6M6M6M6 | 394117 | 5857585858 | 1p6p2p3p4p4p1p2p2p8p3p8p1p2p1p | eric acostalucas urruzmendijorge washington garciacarlos alex vigilluis alberto caceres | sebastian gabriel silveiramariano munozandrea rigoswilliams mattosjose maria pena | /1/1/1/1/1 |
2023-01-21R5C7maronas1100M5225€ | 1376108 | satamentemacarelobig timeel marquesjuan diego | NCNCNCNCNC | NCNCNCNCNC | M5M5M5M5M5 | 1376108 | 5858575858 | 6p7p8p5p4p2p6p4p4p5p5p6p1p | edison rodrigo rosasmartin ramon davilajorge washington garciafabio heriberto guedesmaicol de souza | maria ximena marreromariano munozandrea rigosluis alberto riveroangel eliberto barbosa | /1/1/1/1/1 |
2023-01-21R5C6maronas1200M8464€ | 13864 | que fleterorecordadonalgonbeateratacante | NCNCNCNCNC | NCNCNCNCNC | M4M4M4M4M4 | 13864 | 5656575755 | 1p3p2p5p8p6p1p1p1p3p1p8p6p4p | julio damian de arrascaetafernando ciro oliverajulio cesar mendezmaicol de souzaangela maria ottonelli | eber armando ilariadomingo stengonevaldimar estacio de oliveiravaldimar estacio de oliveiraangel eliberto barbosa | /1/1/1/1/1 |
2023-01-21R5C5maronas1500M8057€ | 57612 | warriortongamr. kingtouro el pasoimponente l | NCNCNCNCNC | NCNCNCNCNC | M4M4M4M4M4 | 57612 | 5656575557 | 3p3p2p8p3p2p3p5p5p6p8p6p7p | maicol de souzajavier emanuel perezfabio heriberto guedesdiego ramiro alonsoedison rodrigo rosas | valdimar estacio de oliveirapedro mario robainaheriberto guedevaldimar estacio de oliveiramaria ximena marrero | /1/1/1/1/1 |
2023-01-21R5C4maronas1000M5147€ | 84631 | hil managerdon pedroel negro dolinamon amiintrude posse | NCNCNCNCNC | 43215 | M6M7M6M6M6 | 84631 | 5855585858 | 5p6p4p2p3p5p4p2p3p2p3p0p4p4p0p | pablo joaquin menyouangela maria ottonellijavier emanuel perezeguard andres tejeramaicol de souza | pablo ricardo duartemariano munozmiguel angel almadaenrique nunezhebert andres pereira | 6.7/15.3/14.4/13.1/17.1/1 |
2023-01-21R5C3maronas1000M5024€ | 7111015 | suitmannkasdorfla rochellemonte d'areiasanta fe | NCNCNCNCNC | 471105 | F5F5F5F5F5 | 7111015 | 5857565753 | 1p2p2p3p0p3p2p1p2p6p5p5p3p5p | luis alberto caceresdiogo nicolas gonzalezlorena figalofacundo daniel patronsantiago gonzalez | ubal neri miguesangel eliberto barbosamiguel angel almadajose pablo garciahector fredy bacigalupi | 4.8/18.1/13.1/122/15.6/1 |
N* | driver | Reussite | Cote | |
2 | diogo nicolas gonzalez | 0.00% | 0/1 | |
4 | christian damian villarreal | 0.00% | 0/1 | |
7 | santiago gonzalez | 0.00% | 0/1 |
N* | entraineur | Reussite | Cote | |
8 | mariano munoz | 100.00% | 2/2 |
N* | Reussite | Cote | |
4 | 150.00% | 3/2 | |
6 | 150.00% | 3/2 | |
7 | 150.00% | 3/2 | |
8 | 150.00% | 3/2 | |
1 | 100.00% | 2/2 | |
3 | 100.00% | 2/2 | |
9 | 100.00% | 1/1 | |
2 | 50.00% | 1/2 | |
5 | 50.00% | 1/2 |
Type | Values | |||
Numeros | 100.00% 678 | 100.00% 465 | 100.00% 789 | 85.71% 675 |
Cotes | ||||
Presse |
Course | Arrivee | Cheval | Presse | Cl.Cotes | S/A | Corde | Poids | Mus | Drivers | Entraineurs | Cote |
2023-01-28R7C11san isidro1200M5967€ | 62371 | el gran lebowskijobettoalbanesisi queridorio franco | NCNCNCNCNC | NCNCNCNCNC | M5M5M5M5M5 | 62371 | 5757545753 | 3p1p3p1p3p0p3p4p1p0p4p3p0p5p1p | william pereyrajuan cruz villagrabrian rodrigo enriquekevin banegasmarcos agustin alfaro | carlos cesar cabreramartin domingoluciano ruben ceruttimaria fernanda alvarezroberto alfonso latorre | /1/1/1/1/1 |
2023-01-28R7C7san isidro1200M5967€ | 62514 | crhys kissingelegante silverarkindagucci girlfusionada | NCNCNCNCNC | NCNCNCNCNC | F5F5F5F5F5 | 62514 | 5757575753 | 0p3p1p0p1p1p3p5p3p5p0p1p0p5p3p | facundo marcelo corialuis fernando vaifrancisco agustin arreguykevin banegasarmoha leopoldo mateo | dario cesar perigajuan carlos bordafrancisco arreguymaria fernanda alvarezconrado antonio linares | /1/1/1/1/1 |
2023-01-27R6C8aqueduct1200M40608€ | 31745 | east coast girltunnel visionp moneyhelicopter moneyvolcker rules | NCNCNCNCNC | NCNCNCNCNC | H3M3M3M3M3 | 31745 | 5254.554.554.554.5 | 3p(22)(22)6p(22)8p(22)8pInédit | j gomezd davish harkiem francoj vargas, jr. | k j breenr n falcone, jr.r p klesarist morleyd g donk | /1/1/1/1/1 |
2023-01-27R6C7aqueduct1200M77439€ | 29651 | cees get degreeslife changerryan's catgaslighthandsome cat | NCNCNCNCNC | NCNCNCNCNC | H5M6M6H5H6 | 29651 | 55.553.555.555.552.5 | 3p(22)(22)2p8p(22)1p(22)4p(22) | k carmouchej gomezd davish harkieg huayas | d jacobsonj p terranova, iig rodriguezp j quickd jacobson | /1/1/1/1/1 |
2023-01-27R5C2meydan (e.a.u)1200M94438€ | 7112146 | coachelloman of promisethunder of niagaramcmanamancity walk | NCNCNCNCNC | NCNCNCNCNC | H5H6H5H5H6 | 10141314 | 576055.55457 | 6p7p(22p(22)1p(22)3p(22)0p(22) | patrick dobbswilliam buickray dawsonsam hitchcottdaniel tudhope | gordon elliottcharlie applebyahmad bin harmashdoug watsonsaeed bin suroor | /1/1/1/1/1 |
2023-01-26R5C8newcastle1200M11137€ | 43261 | brazen boltadebemperor spiritasadjumeirahshallow hal | NCNCNCNCNC | NCNCNCNCNC | H6H4H5H5H7 | 56381 | 6161.563.559.563.5 | 4p(22)3p1p(24p(22)6p(22)4p8p(2 | jonny peateaiden brookestaylor fisherzak wheatleysam feilden | john quinnrichard faheyarchie watsonantony brittaink. r. burke | /1/1/1/1/1 |
2023-01-26R5C5newcastle1200M7387€ | 15342 | atrafanmutabaahyelishevagolden prosperitydick datchery | NCNCNCNCNC | 17524 | H9H8F5H4H6 | 35162 | 59.558585858 | 1p2p2p6p4p7p(22)0p3p5p4p4p(22) | ryan sextoncam hardiep. j. mcdonaldharrison shawtom eaves | alan brownantony brittaindavid o'mearatony coylejohn wainwright | 1.8/119/117/14.6/18.6/1 |
N* | Reussite | Cote | |
1 | 500.00% | 5/1 | |
6 | 400.00% | 4/1 | |
2 | 300.00% | 3/1 | |
5 | 300.00% | 3/1 | |
7 | 300.00% | 3/1 | |
3 | 200.00% | 2/1 | |
4 | 200.00% | 2/1 | |
8 | 0.00% | 0/1 |
Type | Values | |||
Numeros | 100.00% 123 | 100.00% 645 | 100.00% 657 | 85.71% 234 |
Cotes | ||||
Presse |
Course | Arrivee | Cheval | Presse | Cl.Cotes | S/A | Corde | Poids | Mus | Drivers | Entraineurs | Cote |
2023-01-21R5C1maronas1200M5910€ | 69213 | bien queridodr queguayamerican obsessivefui lucerola gran bestia | NCNCNCNCNC | 34587 | M5M5M5M5M5 | 69213 | 5858565857 | 2p9p3p1p4p1p1p9p6p4p4p7p7p3p | jhonatan rodrigo moraedison rodrigo rosasangela maria ottonellinicolas sebastian toledomarcos alejandro padilla | pablo david combemaria ximena marreroluis enrique borbaramon antonio roccaangel eliberto barbosa | 5.9/16.6/19.9/124/118/1 |
2023-01-21R5C6maronas1200M8464€ | 13864 | que fleterorecordadonalgonbeateratacante | NCNCNCNCNC | NCNCNCNCNC | M4M4M4M4M4 | 13864 | 5656575755 | 1p3p2p5p8p6p1p1p1p3p1p8p6p4p | julio damian de arrascaetafernando ciro oliverajulio cesar mendezmaicol de souzaangela maria ottonelli | eber armando ilariadomingo stengonevaldimar estacio de oliveiravaldimar estacio de oliveiraangel eliberto barbosa | /1/1/1/1/1 |
2023-01-15R8C6maronas1200M3953€ | 610918 | l'embajadorbilly joellittle coinpodestaexclusivo | NCNCNCNCNC | NCNCNCNCNC | M7M6M6M6M6 | 610918 | 5257585757 | 7p5p1p6p1p4p3p8p4p2p7p7p0p6p4p | braian moralesdiego ramiro alonsorichard rafael pontejesus gabriel prestesjulio cesar jorge | francisco solano rodriguezmartin s. garciadario ulises osoreshebert andres pereirajorge avelino piriz | /1/1/1/1/1 |
2023-01-15R8C7maronas1200M5147€ | 910124 | dracoalcalde del nortegarmischkeep celebrebar arocena | NCNCNCNCNC | NCNCNCNCNC | M6M7M6M6M7 | 910124 | 5554595459 | 9p4p6p4p4p2p2p0p1p2p3p6p0p3p0p | luis alberto caceresedison rodrigo rosasvagner lealpablo rodriguezcarlos sebastian mendez | facundo federico santestebanhector fredy bacigalupijosiane gulartpablo german gonzalez (h)feliciano walter cabrera | /1/1/1/1/1 |
2022-12-04R8C6maronas1200M6701€ | 87965 | crown winnershayndelchapistaoctubrelady nerud | NCNCNCNCNC | NCNCNCNCNC | F3F3F3F3F3 | 87965 | 5657575756 | 4p3p2p9p3p2p3p1p2p5p9p6p0p | pablo joaquin menyousebastian marcelo fioritocesar ademar ibanezhector fabian lazoeverton rodrigues | pablo ricardo duartemiguel angel barbozacarlos daniel fajardomaria ximena marrerojosiane gulart | /1/1/1/1/1 |
2022-10-30R8C4maronas1200M4665€ | 1110258 | pericofluttershyvuela altohabil declaranteva jugando | NCNCNCNCNC | NCNCNCNCNC | M4M4M4M4M4 | 1110258 | 5857575858 | 0p9p4p2p0p3p3p6p4p7p4p0p0p8p | maicol de souzahector fabian lazojavier emanuel perezcarlos alex vigilpablo rodriguez | hector fredy bacigalupifrancisco solano rodriguezchristopher ortelladowilliams mattospablo german gonzalez (h) | /1/1/1/1/1 |
2022-10-30R8C5maronas1200M4665€ | 35121011 | carina florhispaniamoscow timeflor fevermonte d'areia | NCNCNCNCNC | NCNCNCNCNC | F4F4F4F4F4 | 35121011 | 5858555756 | 8p1p3p2p2p1p0p7p5p7p9p5p7p9p0p | federico fabian pirizpablo rodriguezangela maria ottonellifacundo daniel patronmirtha esther trias | williams mattospablo german gonzalez (h)jose mario moralesjose gonzalo menchacajose pablo garcia | /1/1/1/1/1 |
N* | driver | Reussite | Cote | |
3 | braian morales | 100.00% | 1/1 | |
8 | martin ramon davila | 0.00% | 0/1 |
N* | Reussite | Cote | |
1 | 400.00% | 4/1 | |
6 | 400.00% | 4/1 | |
9 | 400.00% | 4/1 | |
8 | 300.00% | 3/1 | |
2 | 200.00% | 2/1 | |
3 | 200.00% | 2/1 | |
4 | 200.00% | 2/1 | |
5 | 100.00% | 1/1 | |
7 | 100.00% | 1/1 |
Type | Values | |||
Numeros | 100.00% 654 | 85.71% 123 | 85.71% 897 | 85.71% 354 |
Cotes | ||||
Presse |